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3. Studies prove restraining orders are effective combatting domestic violence

Michelle Higgins, Support Network for Battered Women, Winter, 2000, “The Evidence is In On Restraining Orders,”Lifeline: The Newsletter of the Support Network for Battered Women, ACC. 12-11-11, http://www.snbw.org/Lifeline/restrainingorder.htm

Recent studies have demonstrated that Restraining Orders are a very effective tool in combating domestic violence. A Restraining Order provides a battered woman with a stay-away order that mandates that her batterer must maintain a distance of 300 yards and a no-contact order that prevents her partner from calling, emailing, faxing, sending messages or making contact in any way. It can also specify conditions regarding custody and visitation, property, surrendering of guns, kick-out orders, restitution, batterers’ counseling, and child support. Children and other family members can be included in a restraining order. Violation of the Restraining Order is a criminal

5. Restraining order violations that kill are extremely rare

Robert Salonga and Malaika Fraley, Staff Writers, September 29, 2008, “Restraining orders don't always guarantee safety,” Monterey County Herald,www.montereyherald.com/state/ci_10588249, ACC. 12-11-11

Susun Kim, managing attorney for the Contra Costa regional office of Bay Area Legal Aid, agreed with Kochly.

"If a person is so deranged, so desperate that he's willing to kill his children and his spouse, what order will this person listen to?" Kim asked. Kim said domestic violence victims need to view the killings with the proper perspective they're extremely rare and realize that the overall benefits of filing for a restraining order greatly outweigh the chances of tragedy. "It happens very rarely," Kim said. "I've been doing this 11 years, representing domestic violence survivors, and none of my clients have ever been hurt or killed."

5. The lack of proportionality makes deadly force immoral

Joan H. Krause, George Butler Research Professor of Law and Co-Director, Health Law & Policy Institute,

University of Houston Law Center, 2007, “Distorted Reflections of Battered Women Who Kill: A Response to Professor Dressler,” Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, v. 4, ACC. 12-11-11, http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/osjcl/Articles/Volume4_2/Krause-PDF-03-11-07.pdf

According to Dressler’s critique, legislators, judges, and academics have far too easily accepted the proposition that the battered woman’s actions are morally justifiable, and have been far too willing to stretch the limits of the doctrine to accomplish this end. Dressler asserts that “[t]he proposition that a battered woman is justified in killing her sleeping abuser, although well-meaning, is wrong, and . . . any serious effort to expand self-defense law . . . to permit such killings [risks] . . . the coarsening of our moral values about human life and, perhaps, even the condonation of homicidal vengeance.”

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