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Нулевое условие.doc
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  1. Используя данные выражения, переделайте предложения как показано в примере:

unless, even if, if only, as/so long as, assuming (that),

on (the) condition (that), provided/providing (that),

in questions: suppose/supposing (that), what if imagine

1 Mr Davidson says he'll come and give a talk at the conference if we pay him a reasonable fee.(supposing that / unless / on condition that)

Mr Davidson says he'll come and give a talk at the conference on condition that we pay him a reasonable fee.

2 I won't help him if he doesn't ask me properly, (provided / unless / as long as)

3 If I could get a job, life here would be perfect, (what if / even if / if only)

4 If you had a lot of money, do you think you would give up work? (Supposing that / Providing that / As long as)

5 If the train arrives on time, they'll be here in a few minutes. (What if / Assuming that / On condition that)

6 If he doesn't agree to my request, what will I do then? (Imagine / What if / Provided that)

7 You can go out tonight if you get back by midnight, (as long as / assuming that / supposing that)

8 If the helicopter hadn't been there to save her, what would have happened then?

(If only / Imagine / Unless)

9 If you'd offered to pay me a thousand pounds, I wouldn't have done it.

(If only / Provided that / Even if)

10 If Sheila gets this new promotion, we'll have enough money for a holiday abroad this year.

(Even if / Provided that / Supposing that)

Keys. 2. I won't help him unless he asks properly,, 3.If only I could get, life here would be perfect 4.Supposing that you had a lot of money, do you think you would give up work? 5. Assuming that the train arrives on time, they'll be here in a few minutes. 6. What if he doesn`t agree to my request? what will I do then? 7. You can go out tonight as long as you get back by midnight. 8. Imagine the helicopter hadn`t been there to save her, what would have happened then? 9.Even if you`d offered, to pay me a thousand pounds, I wouldn't have done it.

10. Provided that Sheila gets this new promotion, we'll have enough money for a holiday abroad this year.

3. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.

  1. It just struck midnight. It`s high time we ……. (leave).

  2. You…… (have) better take off your wet shoes.

  3. It`s time we……. (do) something to stop road accidents.

  4. He always talks as though he……. (address) a public meeting.

  5. He treats us as if we……. (be) all idiots.

  6. Suppose you……. (not know) where your next meal was coming from.

  7. You talk as though it……. (be) a small thing to leave your country for ever.

  8. I hate driving. I`d much rather you……. (drive).

  9. I`ll hay you by cheque monthly.

I`d rather you……….. (pay) me cash weekly.

  1. I wish I……….. (know) what is wrong with my car.

  2. If only I……… (keep) my mouth shut! (I said something)

  3. He walks as if he……….. (have) a wooden leg.

  4. It`s high time they………… (mend) this road.

  5. If only we……… (have) a phone! I`m tired of queuing outside the public phone box.

  6. I wish I……….. (not try) to repair it? I only made it worse.

  7. The cheese looks as if rats……….. (nibble) it.

Keys. 1.left, 2.had, 3.did, 4.were addressing/addressed, 5.were, 6.didn`t know

7.were 8.drove, 9.paid 10.knew, 11.kept 12.had, 13.mended 14. had,

15. hadn`t tried, 16. had nibbled

4. Перепишите предложения, используя wish + subject+ past, perfect , conditional.

  1. I’m sorry I didn’t book a seat.


2. I’m sorry I don’t live near the work.

3. It’s a pity that shops here shut on Saturday afternoon.


4. It’s a pity you didn’t see it.


5. I’d like it stop raining (but I’m not very hopeful)


6. I’d like him to stop smoking in bed (but I haven’t any great hopes)


7. I’m sorry you are not coming with us.



1. I wish I had booked a seat 2. I wish I lived nearer my work 3. .I wish shops here didn't shut 4. I wish you had seen it 5. I wish it would stop 6. . I wish he would stop 7. I wish you were coming

5.Выберите и подчеркните правильное выражение.

1. I'll lend you the money on condition that/unless you pay it back soon.4

2. Even if/But for her help, I'd be in trouble now.

3. Unless/Provided it stops raining, we won't be going to the park.

4. I couldn't lend them the money even if/or I wanted to.

5. Try to be here on time, and/otherwise we'll miss the beginning of the film.

6. 'I'll wear Mum's necklace for the party.' 'What if/Otherwise you lose it?'

7. Supposing/Providing we went to London — what could we do there?

8. Be late again provided/and you'll have to see the manager.

9. In case of/On condition that an emergency, call this number.

10. You can go to the party in case of /as long as you are home before 11 pm.

11. Don't shout or/what if you'll wake the baby.

Keys. 2. but for 3. unless 4. even if 5. otherwise .6. what if 7. supposing8. and 9. incase of 10. as long as 11. or

6. Заполните пропуски в предложениях глаголами would и should.

  1. I wish he ... get up earlier. He's late for work every day.

  2. It is astonishing that a person of your intelligence ... be taken in so easily.

3.The people in the flat above us were members of a band. We liked them very much but they . . . practise the drums at night. Nothing we said made any difference.

4... you like to come with us? There is plenty of room in the car.

5.Do you know where Tom is?-

He ... be in the canteen. He's usually there between twelve and one.

6.She asked what she ... do if any letters came for me while I was away. I told her that my brother . . . come every day to pick up my mail.

7.... you like some cake?-

Yes, please, though I ... n't eat it really as I'm on a diet.

8.He always carried food for himself and his horse in case they . . . have to spend a night away from camp.

9.Have I spelt it right? Or ... there be another 's'?

10.If Tom were here he ... know what to do.

11.Bill proposed that women ... be allowed to join the club.

12.It ... take too long to hand sew it; we'll have to hire a machine.

13.It is only fair that you . . . know what people are saying about you behind your back.

14. It is essential that everyone ... be able to see the stage.

15. They ... n't allow parking in this street at all. It's much too narrow.

16. I hoped they ... be pleased when they saw the photographs.

17.. . . you mind opening the windows? It's very stuffy in here.

6. Keys. 1. would 2. should 3. would 4. Would 5. should 6. should; would 7. Would; should

8. should 9. should 10. would 11.should 12. would 13. should 14. should 15. should

16.would 17. Would