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Home assignments.

Ex. 1 . Read the words. Translate them into Russian.

Adjacent, aetiology, pathogenesis, acquire, anomaly, bronchopneumonic.

Ex.2. Read and translate the following word combinations:

injury of the jaw, injury of the lower jaw, a bad injury;

trauma of the forehead;

a bad destruction, to cause a bad destruction, the destruction of a moral;

to resist destruction, to resist mechanical injury;

extraction of the upper incisor, extraction of a destructed tooth;

a bone graft, a skin graft, a tissue graft;

replacement of teeth, replacement of jaw bones.

Ex.3. Make up questions to the under lined words.

Different traumas may cause destruction of teeth or sometimes fractures of the jaw.

Ex.4. Answer the following questions:

  1. What does the subject of dental surgery deal with?

  2. What is the aim of dental surgery?

  3. Why must a dentist know well the base of clinical medicine?

  4. What operations must a dental surgeon perform?



Inflammatory Processes of the Facio-mandibular Region

Grammar: Functions of. Participles. Passive Voice.

Class Assignments.

Ex 1 Read and memorize the following words;

source источник

eruption прорезывание

cyst киста

chink щель

marginally маргинальным путём

purulent гнойный

alveolus ямка, лунка

permeable проходимый

pus гной

outflow отток Ex. 2. Give a proper antonym to each word;

soft, suddenly, acute, inflow, rare, conservative, healthy.

Ex.3. Translate the following paires of synonyms;

frequent -often; proper - appropriate;

hard - difficult; quickly - rapidly;

course - currency; seat - focus.

Ex.4. Form present and past participles of the verbs;

to be; to become; to observe; to overcome; to take.

Ex.5. Insert the words of the vocabulary into the following sentences;

  1. The abscesses in the oral cavity have several...

  2. Hard ... of the wisdom teeth is one of the causes of inflammation.

  3. Purulent ... is one of the surgical diseases of the facio - mandibular region.

  4. The infection comes into the periodontal ... through the tooth canal.

  5. The pus ... takes place through the ... after the extraction of the affected tooth.

Ex.6. Read and translate text A.

Text A

Acute Periodontitis.

There are various sources of the inflammatory processes of the facio-mandibular region of the oral cavity. The most frequent causes of them are chronic periodontosis, hard eruption of the wisdom teeth, alveolitis, purulent cysts, so on.

But each of them has its own peculiar course, which defines a diagnosis and a course of treatment.

The infection comes into the periodontal chink through the tooth canal or marginally. The patient complains of the pain on pressing and percussion of the affected tooth. The gum around the tooth becomes swollen; regional lymphatic glands become enlarged and painful. A serous inflammation of the periodontium is developing quickly. Gradually the pain in the tooth and in a surrounding tissue becomes pulsating, the body temperature rises up 37,5 - 38 C. An abscess is developing in a periodontal chink. The same clinical picture can be observed both in a chronic and in an acute periodontitis. The treatment is surgical. Opening of the seat of the abscess must be performed at the earliest stage of the purulent periodontitis till the purulent process does not overcome the alveolus. However the evacuation of the pus through the tooth canal is possible if the canal is well permeable, that is mainly in incisors, canines and sometimes in premolars. In other cases the pus overflow takes place through the alveolus by the extraction of the affected teeth.

Ex. 7. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words in bold type;

1. The patient rubbed in the healing ointment. 2. The haling ointment rubbed in every three hours gave relief. 3. The chemist stuck a yellow label on a

box of medicine. 4. The label stuck on this bottle indicated a drug for external use. 5. You must take the prescribed drug after meals. 6. The neurologist prescribed to me sleeping draughts. 7. The untoward reaction caused by the over dosage of this drug caused a bad pain in his stomach. 8. A marked effect in the patient's condition was the result of X-ray treatment. 9. The doctor marked some changes in the patient's blood pressure. 10. The drug kept in a cool place must be shaken

before using. 11. The chemist kept all strong effective drugs in a special drug cabinet.

Ex.8. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the model. MODEL:

I stick a label.

The label is stuck by me.

1. The nurse sponges the parent's skin. 2. A poisonous remedy causes death. 3. This healing ointment relieves skin irritation. 4. The child takes cod liver oil. 5. The surgeon rinses his hands. 6. The doctor administers healing ointments. 7. The patient takes sedatives. 8. The doctor prescribes sleeping-draughts. 9. He rubbed in a healing ointment to relieve pain. 10. That drug caused a skin irritation. 11. I bought a medicine dropper at the chemist's department. 12. He handed in a prescription for the cough mixture. 13. The doctor administered laxatives. 14. The therapeutist heard moist rales. 15. The X-ray examination revealed lung troubles. 16. The doctor checked up my kidneys. 17. Professor will deliver a lecture in Histology tomorrow. 18. The therapeutist will put my sister on a sick-leave tomorrow. 19. My sister applies a hot- water bottle to her feet in the evening.

Ex. 9. Put the questions to the words in bold type:

1. He is being asked by his teacher now. 2. He is often asked at the English lessons. 3. Yesterday at 12 a.m. the students of our group were being delivered a lecture in Anatomy. 4. Lectures in Anatomy are usually delivered on Mondays. 5. Sleeping-draughts are usually prescribed in case of sleeplessness. 6. The old woman was being prescribed sleeping-draughts, as she could not sleep. 7. My father was being examined thoroughly before the operation. 8. Patients are always examined thoroughly to enable the doctor to make a correct diagnosis.

Ex.10. Find out - ingforms in the text. Define their functions. Translate the sentences.

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