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  1. Об одновременности действий

  2. О неодновременности действий (герундий обозначает предшествующее действие)

  3. Герундий имеет пассивное значение

1.A mouse is a small input device, on the top of which there are one or more buttons for communicating with the computer. 2.A lot of people are becoming computer literate-have experience of working with computers and know how use them. 3.Scientists in many countries are working at a very interesting problem: combining the two technological discoveries of the second half of the 20th century –laser and thermonuclear reaction –to produce a practically limitless source of energy. 4.There also exists an idea to use laser for solving the problem of controlled thermonuclear reaction.

Задание 3. Переведите выделенные фрагменты предложений, обратив внимание на употребление предлогов и местоимений с герундием:

  1. There are projects to use laser for long distance communicating and for transmitting of energy to space stations, to the surface of the Moon or to planets in the Solar system. 2.Voice, computer data, even video images, will be increasingly integrated into a single digital communication network capable of processing and transmitting virtually any kind of information.

Задание 4.Составьте вопросительные предложения, исходя из приведенной ниже информации:

Ask him⁄ her

  1. These electrons are attracted by the positive charge.

  2. The plate has a result of having been connected to the plus terminal of a battery.

  3. We know of all substances consisting of atoms.

  4. We knew of glass having been invented some hundreds years ago.

  5. Every student knows of copper being one of the first metals used by man.

  6. The explanation lies in the product being more stable.

  7. We insisted on their being offered favorable terms of payment

8.Герундиальный оборот

Существительное (в притяжательном или общем падеже)



Местоимение (притяжательное или личное в объектном падеже)

We were against Mr. Bond’s (Mr. Bond, his, him) going to Switzerland.

Мы возражали против того, чтобы мистер Бонд (он) хал в Швейцарию.

1.Существительное или местоимение в составе герундиального оборота обозначает лицо или предмет, к которому относится действие, выраженное герундием.

1. We insist on John’s making a report.

Мы настаиваем на том, чтобы Джон сделал доклад

2.Do you mind our being present?

Вы не возражаете против того, чтобы мы присутствовали.

3.We were told of Mr. Taylor arriving next week.

Нам сказали , что мистер Тейлор приезжает на следующей неделе.

4.I never heard of him behaving like that.

Я никогда не слышал, чтобы он вел себя таким образом.

2.Герундиальный оборот соответствует по значению придаточному предложению, подлежащим которого является существительное или местоимение, предшествующее герундию.

1.We knew of their coming.

We knew that they were coming.

2.Do you mind my cousin joining us?

Do you mind if my cousin joins us?

3.Герундиальный оборот выступает в предложении как один сложный член предложения и используется в тех же синтаксических функциях, что и герундий.

4.Герундиальные обороты переводятся на русский язык придаточными предложениями. Определение при герундии, обозначающее лицо или предмет, к которому относится действие, выраженное герундием, становится подлежащим придаточного предложения.

1.They object to us (our) leaving so soon.

Они возражают против того, чтобы мы так скоро ухали.

2.They insisted on Mary (Mary’s) staying for another few days.

Они настаивали на том, чтобы Мэри осталась еще на несколько дней.

Задание 1. Определите, в каких предложениях содержится герундиальный оборот:

1. We can rely upon the operator’s checking all the instruments. 2.According to Russian researches a method for recording information on crystals by means of a laser has already been developed, but advanced technologies need making commercially applicable. 2. Scientists of our day have used this phenomenon to intensify crystalline materials capable of storing information.3. Superconductivity is a state of matter that chemical elements, compounds and alloys assume on being cooled to temperature near to absolute zero. 4.By using a special program, programming languages can be translated into the machine code. 5. It’s no good getting upset. 6. You must forgive our coming late. 7.A high-level language is a convenient and simple means of describing the information structures and sequences of actions to be performed for a particular task.

Задание 2. В ниже приведенных предложениях найдите герундиальный оборот и переведите их на русский язык:

1.We are sure of his having prepared everything yesterday. 2.John’s doing it at once is absolutely necessary. 3. Because of the baby being ill she didn’t go to the party after all. 4.She doesn’t mind your going there in two days. 5.I was against their coming to see me tonight. 6.He is responsible for the experiment being performed in time .7.The teacher has no idea of my having done this research. 8.The doctor insisted on the patient ‘s being examined at once. 9. I didn’t like his taking the best hotel room for himself. 10. They objected to my report being discussed at the coming conference.

Задание 3.Составьте вопросительные предложения из приведенных ниже слов и словосочетаний:

  1. Increasing /the number of / does / what / station / power / mean?

  2. Discovered / means of / communicating / radio / has / the new / who?

  3. Discussed / charging / will / by induction / where?

Задание 4.Определите, в какой части предложения содержится ошибка.

  1. Important results on the ionization was obtained by measuring those

a b c



  1. In designed electronic computers the new ones have passed from valves

a b c

to transistors.

  1. The transistors are successfully used for transformed heat energy into

a b c

electrical energy by means of thermal elements.


  1. Without increasing the temperature of metals it is impossible increase

a b c d

their resistance.

  1. Radiation was usually detected by measure the amount of ionization.

a b c d

  1. After having investigated a great deal of materials engineers selected

a b c

aluminum for constructing this device.


  1. By raising the cathode temperature we increase the number of being

a b c

emitted electrons.


  1. Charging by induction will discussed in the next article.

a b c d

  1. The chain reaction releases great quantities of radiation and neutrons,

a b

which must to be prevented from escaping into the atmosphere.

c d

  1. He remembered once having read that at very a low temperature some

A b

metals become superconducting, having practically minimum specific

c d


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