- •Read the text. Travelling by Train
- •Give equivalents to the words and phrases from the text:
- •Fill in the prepositions where necessary:
- •Try to image what might happen to Harris and his wife during their railway trip.
- •Read the dialogues. Explain the meaning of the underlined words. Memorize the dialogues and act them out.
- •Translate the part of the sentence given in brackets. Mind the structure of the whole sentence.
- •Read the text and do the exercises after it.
- •Give English equivalents to the following words and phrases:
- •Answer the following questions using some information from the text:
- •Look through the text again and complete the following sentences:
- •Describe your feelings during one of your journeys by train. Say what you saw while travelling and what impressed you most.
- •Do you know anything about British railways? If not, let's read the following text and you'll get much interesting information about it. Travelling On British Railways
- •1. Make up 2-3 questions on the text for your group-mates to answer.
- •2. Translate the story using the information from the text.
- •Discuss the following situations:
- •Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train.
- •Finish the following stories in written form:
- •Read the poem and learn it by heart. Try your hand at translating a piece of poetry:
Translate the part of the sentence given in brackets. Mind the structure of the whole sentence.
When does the train (прибывает в Москву)?
Can I have (билет первого класса туда и обратно)?
Porter! Will you (позаботиться о нашем багаже)?
There are no tickets (в вагоне для некурящих на послезавтра).
The train (тронулся).
If I were you, I (купил бы билеты на поезд заранее).
Have you (уже взвесил багаж)?
The train (опоздал на 15 минут).
Shall I (делать пересадку)?
I had (верхняя полка по ходу поезда).
Read the text and do the exercises after it.
Adventure is necessary to us all. It keeps us from growing stale and old; it stimulates our imagination, it gives us that movement and change which are necessary to our well-being.
One of the objects of travel is to go in search of beauty. The beauty spots of the world are magnets which draw pilgrims year after year.
The most valuable to the traveller is the knowledge which he gets of his fellow-men. It is typical of the stay-at-home to call someone else "queer" because his ways are a little different; the much travelled man is much more likely to be able to understand another point of view than his own.
Those who wish to travel either for pleasure or for business have at their disposal various means of transport. There is for instance, the humble, inexpensive bicycle. Then there's the motor-cycle, with which you can travel quickly and cheaply, with a motor-car one travels comfortably for long distances without getting too tired. Luxurious ships cross the seas and oceans from one continent to another. Aeroplanes carry passengers to various parts of the world in almost as many hours as it takes days to the journey by other means. But most of travellers still prefer to use trains.
If you want to see the country-side you must spend part of your holidays on hikes. But you must not walk very quickly if you want to enjoy your hiking trip. Hiking is nice because you needn't think about tickets, timetables and other things. What you need is a rucksack with all the things you will use on a hike.
And then there is for the traveller the great joy to come home again. However humble his home may be, it contains all the things with which he is most familiar. He loves them and being parted for a little while from them increases his desire for them. So the traveller, besides the delight of travel, has the additional satisfaction of a fuller appreciation of his home.
Give English equivalents to the following words and phrases:
не давать "застаиваться" и стареть; благополучие; попутчик; домосед(ка); странный, чудаковатый; в ч-л. распоряжении; скромный; роскошный; на короткий срок; оценка, понимание.
Answer the following questions using some information from the text:
Why is adventure necessary to all of us?
What objects of travel draw pilgrims year after year?
What is the most valuable thing to the traveller?
Are you a stay-at-home? If not are your friends always ready to call you "queer" and why?
Do you travel for pleasure or on business?
Those who travel have at their disposal various kinds of transport. What means of transport do you prefer?
Do you like to spend your holidays on hikes?
What are the main priviledges of hiking?
What is the most pleasant thing for traveller besides the delight of travel?