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Autumn study.

After long hot summer holidays, when the sun shines almost every day, the sky is clear and blue and you can do everything what you like and don’t think about study, gray and comes the autumn. What is the autumn? It’s the time, when you must change your summer lifestyle and the weather is so uncertain.

On the one hand I can say that autumn is a wonderful time. You go to the university or school, meet there your classmates, your teachers and friends. Everyone asks you where did you go on your summer holidays, what the weather was like there and a lot of other questions. And everybody tells about their summer time. Also autumn study is unique, because always there are new interesting subjects. It’s always very exciting to learn something new This year, for example, I started to learn linguistics and cultural science. Besides, autumn study is much easier than, for instance, winter study or summer study, because students have no exams or tests.

But on the other hand, autumn study may annoying, generally because of the weather. The weather changes and the mood changes too.

Early autumn is sometimes a very difficult time. The sun still shines, and it’s warm outside. The sky is still clear and rarely there is rain. So you still wear skirts, shorts, T-shorts and tops, and all that you want is walk and don’t do anything. But your study has already begun, that’s why you should do homework and go to the university every day.

Then, in October, it becomes colder. You put on you sweaters and jackets, gloves and scarves. At that time days become shorter, nights longer, birds depart to the south, and the leaves show their autumn colours. In October the weather is gloomy, the sky is overcast and the clouds hang low in the sky. That’s why, it’s often rain outside. Somebody likes to be at home in such weather, in warmth and comfort. They prefer to lie in the bed, drinking a couple of tea and watching TV. But others love to walk in the rain, get caught in the rain and get wet through and through, or just walk with an umbrella and wear raincoat and gumboots. People are so different! But anyway, it’s hard to wake up in the early morning and go to the institute, because usually people want to sleep in rainy weather. In addition, I can say that I am lucky person, because my study starts at 1 p.m., so I can have a good sleep.

The last month of the autumn is November. At that time It’s very cold outside. There are November frosts, It’s becomes dark almost at 6 p.m..There are sometimes heavy rains, and then there are frosts, so it gets very slippery on the streets. But people are happy in November, because there is the winter to follow and everyone exciting to see the first snowfalls, to celebrate New Year and Christmas soon. In general cold weather has set in, there are sometimes sun rays, but they are cold. In late autumn you wear warm clothes and warm shoes.

But in general, I like autumn study. This year is my first time in the university. It was very interesting to start my study in the autumn. I met a lot of wonderful people there, began to learn new subjects. In addition, I can say that I am lucky person, because my study starts at 1 p.m., so I can have a good sleep and I go to the university with a good mood.

In conclusion I have to say, that the autumn is very exciting time, when you finally meet your friend from university, with whom you can share you summer stories. Besides, you start to study with the new forces, with a great interest. The weather is so changeable, and every day is different. Also I want to add that every autumn is the time of new emotions. So everyone wait for autumn.

Horoscope. Astrology is the most popular pseudoscience. But the cause of such popularity among modern people is still unknown. As it is a pseudoscience, the society is divided into scientists, who call horoscopes another superstition, which lacks proves and arguments, and into ordinary people, who tend to believe into astrological forecasts in spite of everything.

As for me, I really have no idea up to the present time what is my attitude towards horoscopes.

On the one hand this teaching seems really not to have any proving. A lot of different experiments were controlled, but all of them were not successful. Moreover, the descriptions of every sigh characteristics and everyday astrological forecasts are made so abstract and vague, as nearly everybody can believe that it really can happen to them and find some features of a character that can concern them.

But on the other hand it is the fact of common knowledge that people which were born under the same sigh of zodiac have really some similarities of the characters. For example, Aries are usually energetic, bossy, often bad-tempered, warm and sensitive persons, Sagittarius are talkative, self-confident, cheerful, and they like danger. As for me I am Leo and I have several acquaintances, who are also Leos. We also have some common features. We are bossy, independent, passionate, generous and interested in art, for instance. Leos also can be either very tidy or very untidy, it depends on the mood. They also like to think about problems, before they really appear before them. Also I have several relatives, who are Gemini. According to astrological description they should be witty, very talkative, changeable. And that’s it! It often annoys me that they constantly change their mind about what to do next and that they like to ridicule everybody and play the fool. Both my grandmothers and my godmother are Virgos and astrology says they are practical, critical, punctual and hardworking. And again it says truth; their diligence seems to recognize no borders. My mom and aunt are Scorpios. The description of the sigh says that they’re brave, possessive, sometimes violent , passionate. They are also very exacting and if you don’t do what they want, their displeasure can turn into real aggression. So you can see, that astrology is a thing of two kinds, and it puzzles me a lot. It’s a very uncertain issue to talk about. But to tell you the truth, sometimes I read forecasts for my sigh, because they always sound and promise only good. Probably it’s the cause of horoscope popularity, because it makes people to hope for the best.

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