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по годам, персоналии.docx
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It was a dizzying experience for Judy to pass 18 years in the jgh and then suddenly to be pluged(быть погруженным) into the world. She was getting acclimated.

She had received Daddy’s cheque for 50$ on hats. She thanked him but had to send it back. ‘I would rather not accept any more charity than she had to’.

They had Field day. Judy won the 50-yard sprint (8 seconds). It was great fun.

Judy was reading ‘Jane Eyre’, it was melodrama of the purest, but she read and read it. There was something about Brontës that fascinated Judy. Their books, their lives, their spirit.

She thought that the mast necessary quality for any person to have was imagination. It makes people able to put themselves in other people’s places. It makes them kind and sympathetic and understanding. It ought to be cultivated in children. But the JGH instantly stamped out(подавлял) the slightest flicker(проявление) that appear. Duty was the only quality that was encouraged.

She bought the set of Stevenson with her prize money and usually read it on Friday evening.

The McBrides invited Judy to spend the summer at their camp in the Adirondacks.

The camp: they belong to a sort of club on a lonely little lake in the middle of the woods. The different members had different houses made of logs(брёвна) dotted about among the trees, and they go canoeing on the lake, and take long walks through trails to other camps, and have dances once a week in the club house.

She had received an answer from Daddy’s secretary man, who wanted her not to take McBride’s invitation.

She thought it would be a fine chance for her to learn housekeeping. They were planning to do a lot of reading English and sociology together with Sallie.

She had received an answer from Daddy that she must go to Lock Willow. She was leaving.

2Nd summer:

She wrote 4 short stories and sent to 4 different magazines.

Mr Pendleton was going to drop in. And the Semples and Judy cleaned the farm. ‘Whatever Mrs Semple’s limitations, she is a HOUSEKEEPER’. The house was good even before.

Mrs Semple got rather monotonous.

Adventurous: they explored the country for miles, Judy had learned to fish, to shoot with a riffle(винтовка) and a revolver and to ride horseback.

They climbed Sky Hill, a mount near there. They stayed up for the sunset and built a fire and cooked their supper. Jervis did the cooking, as he knew how better than Judy, as he had used to camping.

She thought the world was full of happiness, and plenty to go round, if you were only willing to take the kind that came your way. The whole secret was in being pliable(гибким).

She was rearing ‘Treasure Island’. Her mind was very much engaged at Stevenson. He comprised Lock Willow’s library.

Jervis had left and they were missing him. She was finding Mrs Semple’s conversation pretty unseasoned food.

During the summer she had wrote 6 short stories and 7 poems. Those she had sent to the magazines all had come back with the most courteous promptitude(обходительной быстротой).

But she didn’t mind as it was good practice.

Master Jervie read them and he said they were dreadful. They had showed that she didn’t have the slightest idea of what she was talking about. But the last one – just a little sketch laid in college – he said wasn’t bad; and he had it typewritten and she sent it to a magazine and was waiting for an answer.