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Poor, eager, adventurous little Jerusha. Jerusha Abbot was the oldest of the orphans. Her special care was room F, where 11 little tots, from 4 to 7, occupied 11 little cots(кроваток) set in a row.

Jerusha was a sunny soul and she laughed a little on this strange man. She thought she had a chance because she was terribly quick, wiry(гибкая) and tough(выносливая).

She realized what an abyss of ignorance(бездну неведения) her mind was. She didn’t know a lot of things.

She had a new unbreakable rule: never to study at night.

She was a very confiding(доверчивая) soul by nature.

She thought that it was much entertaining to live books then to write them.

She wanted to develop her spirit. ’Anybody can rise to a crisis and face a crushing tragedy with courage, but to meet the pretty hazards of the day with a laugh – I really think that requires spirit’.

She was going to pretend that all her life was just a game which she must play as skillfully and fairly as she could. If she lost she was going to shrug her shoulders and laugh – also if she won.

She was going to love the farm and love being free.

Judy’s God: kind, sympathetic, imaginative, forgiving, understanding and He had a sense of humor.

‘I had an awful habit of writing impulsively when I first think things, and then posting letters beyond recall’. ‘In my heart I thank you always for the life and freedom and independence that you have given me. My childhood was just a long, sullen stretch of revolt(мрачный отрезок восстания), and now I am so happy every moment of the day that I can’t believe it is true. I feel like a heroine in a story-book’.

В Фергюссене училось 400 девочек. President Cuyler (the president of Judy’s college).

She found the college the biggest and the mast bewildering(изумительное) place. She got lost whenever she left her room. She felt a bit muddled(запутанной). She loved the college, she found it to be different from the JGH. The trouble with the college was that she was expected to know such a lot of things she had never learned. It was embarrassing at times. But when she didn’t know anything about things, she just kept still and looked them up in the encyclopedia.

She was a foreigner in the world and she didn’t understand the language, jokes.

Judy’s thoughts of the college: College was a very satisfying sort of life: the books and study and regular classes kept you alive mentally(умственно), and then when your mind got tired, you had the gymnasium and outdoor athletics, and always plenty of congenial friends who are thinking about the same things you are.

When she first came to college she felt quite resentful because she had been robbed of the normal kind of childhood that the other girls had had; but that time she didn’t feel that way at least. She regarded it as a very unusual adventure. It gave her a sort of vantage point from which to stand aside and look at life. Judy knew a lot of girls who never knew that they were happy, but as for her – she was perfectly sure every moment of her life that she was happy. She was going to regard all the unpleasant things as interesting experiences, and be glad to know what they felt like.

Sallie McBride, a Freshman, who had red hair and a turn-up nose and was quite friendly. Sallie McBride was homesick. Sallie McBride helped her to choose the things at the Senior auction. Sallie knew everything about furnishing.

Julia Rutledge Pendleton, a Freshman, who came from one of the first families in New York and hadn’t noticed Jerusha yet.

Sallie was the most entertaining person in the world – and Julia the least so. Sallie thought everything was funny and Julia was bored at everything. She never did the slightest effort to be amiable(любезной). She believed that if you were a Pendleton, that fact alone admitted you to heaven without any examination. Julia and Jerusha were born to be enemies.

Julia’s family: her mother had been a Rutherford. The family had come over in the ark, and had been connected by marriage with Henry the VII. On her father’s side they dated back further then Adam. On the topmost brunches of her family tree there was a superior breed of monkeys with very fine silky hair and extra long tails.

Mr Jervis Pendleton: Julia’s father’s youngest brother, was in the town on business, he was well dressed (hat, stick, gloves); Julia didn’t know him very intimately; he was a real human being – not a Pendleton at all; he was tall and thinnish with a dark face all over lines, and the funniest underneath smile that never quite came through but just wrinkled up the corners of his mouth. And he had a way of making you feel right off as though you’d known him a long time. He was very companionable.

Mrs Semple talked about Jervis that he was a nice, dirty, tousle-headed boy who clattered up(гремел) the stairs with an awful racket and left the screen doors open and was always asking for cookies. He seemed to have an adventurous little soul and brave and truthful. Judy was sorry to think he was a Pendleton; he had been meant for something better.

Jervis: he was an awfully companionable sort of man, though you would never believe it to see him casually(случайно); he looked at first glance like a true Pendleton, but he wasn’t in at least. He was just as simple and unaffected and sweet as he can be.

He was extremely nice with farmers there; he met them in a sort of man-to-man fashion that disarmed(обезоруживало)them immediately.

Jervis’s clothes: he wore knickerbockers(бриджи) and pleated(в складках) jacket and white flannels and riding clothes with puffed(раздутые) trousers.

Jervis Pendleton: Julia’s mother said he was unbalanced. He was a Socialist. He threw away his money on every sort of crazy reform instead of spending it on sensible things. He did buy candies with it through. He had sent Julia and Judy each a box for Xmas.

Master Jervie was very demanding.

1St year:

Jerusha’s subjects in 1st study year:

Latin: Second Punic War

French: “Three Musketeers”, third conjunction, irregular verbs

Geometry: cylinders, cones

English: exposition. Her style improved daily in clearness and brevity(краткость).

Physiology: the digestive system(пищеварительная система).

She was in the basketball team.

Christmas holidays were coming. She was planning to stay in the college with another Freshman from Texas and have long walks and learn to skate and read. She had three empty weeks to do it.

Daddy had sent to her five gold pieces and she bought seven presents and imagined from who they were. Presents:

  1. A silver watch in leather case to wear on her wrist and get her to recitations in time – from father

  2. Matthew Arnold’s poemsfrom Aunt Susan

  3. A hot-water bottlefrom grandmother, who was always worrying for fear Judy should catch cold in that climate

  4. A steamer rug (her tower was cold) – from mother

  5. Five hundred sheets of yellow manuscript paper (she was going to commence being an author pretty soon) – from her little brother Harry

  6. A dictionary of synonyms (to enlarge the author’s vocabulary) – from Uncle Harry (little Harry named after him), he had wanted to sent chocolates, but she had insisted on synonyms

  7. A pair of silk stockingsfrom her sister Isabel. She wanted them to boast that she had them as Julia had

Judy was too sleepy and scared. The Freshman’s lot was not a happy one.

She became an author. A poem entitled ‘From my Tower’ appeared in the February Monthly.

She had failed in mathematics and Latin prose. She would have another examination the following month. She had read 17 novels and bushels of poetry.

She had passed her re-examinations in Latin and geometry the previous week and was free from conditions.

She was having sublingual gland swelling(подъязычную опухоль) and she had spent 6 days in the infirmary before the head bossy nurse let her to write this letter.

Daddy’s present: She had received a long white box addressed to her and filled with the loveliest pink rosebuds. There was a card with a very polite message written in a funny uphill back hand (but one which shows a great deal of character). It was the first real present she had ever received. She lay down and cried because she was so happy.

That time her favourite book was ’Wuthering Heights’(Грозовой перевал) by Emily Brontë. She couldn’t understand how the author could describe the man when she had never known them.

She had received a letter from Mrs Lippett that if Judy had no place to go during the summer, she invited her back in the JGH.

Judy would rather die than come back.

Daddy had invited her on a farm and she was thanking him and she had never been on farm and was afraid that something would go wrong.

She told about a man. Julia’s uncle, who came to visit Julia. But Julia couldn’t meet him that time and she asked Judy to show him the college. It had been the first time Judy talked to a man.

She began to feel like a girl instead of foundling.

1st summer:

They had 6 calves(телят) and Judy chose names for them:

  1. Sylvia, because she was born in the woods.

  2. Lesbia, after Lesbia in Catullus.

  3. Sallie

  4. Julia – a spotted, nondescript(неопрятного вида) animal.

  5. Judy, after her.

  6. Daddy-Long-Legs, because he looked appropriate the name.

She hadn’t started her immortal novel yet. The farm kept her too busy.

She recommended Lock Willow as a health resort.

Six Judy’s dresses: an evening dress pink mull over silk(паутинка); a blue church dress; a dinner dress of red veiling with Oriental trimming(отделка)(made her look like a Gipsy(цыганка)); a dress of rose-coloured challis; a grey street suit; an every-day dress for classes.

Miss Pritchard had picked them out.

She liked her dresses because for her they were much better than checked ginghams which she had to wear in the asylum.

2nd study year:

She became a Sophomore. She was glad to see the campus again. It was a pleasant sensation to come back to something familiar. She was beginning to felt at home in college and in command of the situation.

She was rooming with Sallie and Julia. Judy thought the Pendletons to be naturally conservative and inimical(враждебны).

Sallie was running for class president.