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Stylistics 2012 Questions for all departments

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Questions for the examination in Linguo-Stylistics and Textual Stylistics.

(January 2012, Philological Department, 4th Year)

(Remember to provide YOUR OWN examples)

  1. The object and aim of stylistics. The notion of style. Approaches to style. The notions of foregrounding and convergence.

  2. The notion of connotation. Types and sources of connotation.

  3. Classification of functional styles as a debatable issue. The chief functions performed by each style.

  4. The oratorical style. The newspaper style. The style of journalistic articles.

  5. The colloquial style. The two controversial tendencies which determine it. Slang as one of its features.

  6. The “poetic” style. Poetic words. Archaisms and “historisms”.

  7. The style of official documents. The scientific style. Classifications of terminology.

  8. Classification of tropes. The components of a trope (tenor, vehicle, etc.). Which of them must always be explicit and which can be implied?

  9. Simile. Epithet.

  10. Metaphor. Parts of speech that can be used metaphorically. Metonymy.

  11. Personification. Periphrasis (as a generic concept, including euphemism, poetic periphrasis etc.)

  12. Hyperbole and litotes. Unusual collocations. Oxymoron.

  13. Intended ambiguity. Pun and zeugma as its manifestations among tropes.

  14. Irony (including dramatic irony).

  15. Antonomasia. Allegory.

  16. The use of phraseologisms. Allusion as a kind of set expression. Sources of allusion.

  17. Decomposition of set expressions.

  18. Inversion as a syntactical means of creating connotation. Transposition of syntactical structures.

  19. Kinds of repetition from the viewpoint of different textual units repeated – from the smallest to the largest.

  20. Kinds of repetition from the viewpoint of their pattern (arrangement).

  21. Compression as a group of syntactical devices creating connotation. Manifestations of reduplication, apart from repetition.

  22. Antithesis. Climax. Suspense. Enumeration.

  23. Phonetic stylistic devices: alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia.

  24. Phonetic stylistic devices: rhyme, rhythm (with meter as rhythm in syllabic poetry).

  25. Graphical devices: punctuation, use of type.

  26. Graphical devices: spelling, arrangement.

  27. Types of narrative (= types of “focalization”). Give examples and comment on the author’s choice of this or that type of narrative. “Represented speech” as a manifestation of “local” focalization.

  28. Groups of vocabulary in terms of its frequency of occurrence in a text. What kinds of vocabulary items enter the highest frequency group? Speak of the textual role of functional words, apart from their grammatical function.

  29. Time in fiction (density and direction).

The second question of the examination card is an exhaustive analysis of an excerpt from a text (from 1/3rd of a page to a page long): the author’s purpose and the way it is revealed in the devices used. Be ready to explain how each stylistic peculiarity of the text contributes to the effect produced. You will be allowed to make use of ordinary English-English dictionaries.

Besides, you may be asked:

  • to look at some short contexts and identify the stylistic device they are based on.

  • additional questions (see the list above) concerning the lectures and seminars missed.

Questions for the examination in Stylistics (January 2012).

(The Translation Department, 5th Year)

(Remember to provide YOUR OWN examples!)

  1. The notion of style. Denotation vs. connotation. Foregrounding vs. “automatization”. Convergence.

  2. Types and sources of connotation.

  3. Classifications of functional styles. The functions performed by each style.

  4. The colloquial style. The two controversial tendencies which determine it. Slang as one of its features. The chief mechanisms of creating slang.

  5. The “poetic” style. Poetic and archaic vocabulary (including “historisms”).

  6. The oratorical style as the oral manifestation of the publicistic style. Name some kinds of oratorical discourse. Examples of stylistic means, typical of oratory and frequent oratorical clichés.

  7. The newspaper style. The syntactical and stylistic peculiarities of brief news items and headlines.

  8. The style of official documents. Examples of official clichés with their equivalents in the target language.

  9. The scientific style. Classification of terminology.

  10. Classification of tropes. The components of a trope (tenor, vehicle, etc.)

  11. Simile. Epithet.

  12. Metaphor. Views of metaphor. Parts of speech that can be used metaphorically.

  13. Metonymy. Personification.

  14. Periphrasis: euphemism, dysphemism, political correctness, and – most important of all! - poetic (=художественный) periphrasis.

  15. Hyperbole and litotes. Unusual collocations. Oxymoron.

  16. Intended ambiguity. Pun. Zeugma. Irony (including dramatic irony).

  17. Antonomasia. Allegory as a trope and as a literary genre.

  18. The use of phraseologisms. Allusion as a kind of set expression: sources of allusion. Use of allusion in the titles of literary works.

  19. Decomposition of set expressions: its main mechanisms and functions.

  20. Inversion as a syntactical means of creating connotation.

  21. Transposition of syntactical structures.

  22. Compression as a group of syntactical devices creating connotation.

  23. Repetition from the viewpoint of: a) units repeated; b) pattern of repetition.

  24. Antithesis. Climax. Suspense. Enumeration.

  25. Phonetic stylistic devices: alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia.

  26. Phonetic stylistic devices: rhyme and rhythm (which, in syllabic verse, manifests itself as meter).

  27. Graphical stylistic devices.

  28. Types of narrative from the viewpoint of focalization. “Represented speech” as a manifestation of “local” focalization.

  29. Time in fiction (density and direction).

The second question of the examination card is an exhaustive analysis of an excerpt from a text (from 1/3rd of a page to a page long): the author’s purpose and the way it is revealed in the devices used. Be ready to explain how each stylistic peculiarity of the text contributes to the effect produced. You will be allowed to make use of ordinary explanatory (English-English) dictionaries.

Besides, you may be asked:

  • to look at some short contexts and identify the stylistic device they are based on.

  • additional questions (see the list above) concerning the lectures and seminars missed.

Questions for the examination in Stylistics (January 2010).

(The Evening Department)

  1. The notion of connotation. Types and sources of connotation.

  2. Classification of tropes. The components of a trope (tenor, vehicle, etc.). Simile.

  3. Metaphor. Parts of speech that can be used metaphorically. Epithet.

  4. Metonymy. Personification.

  5. Periphrasis: euphemism, dysphemism, poetic periphrasis, political correctness.

  6. Hyperbole and litotes. Unusual collocations. Oxymoron.

  7. Intended ambiguity. Pun. Zeugma. Irony (including dramatic irony).

  8. Antonomasia. Allegory.

  9. The use of phraseologisms. Allusion as a kind of set expression. Sources of allusion.

  10. Decomposition of set expressions: the mechanisms of decomposing set expressions and the functions of decomposition.

  11. Inversion as a syntactical means of creating connotation. Transposition of syntactical structures.

  12. Compression as a group of syntactical devices creating connotation.

  13. Repetition on different textual levels. Kinds of repetition from the viewpoint of: a)distance; b) pattern.

  14. Antithesis. Climax. Suspense. Enumeration.

  15. Phonetic stylistic devices: alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia.

  16. Phonetic stylistic devices: rhyme and rhythm (which, in syllabic verse, manifests itself as meter).

  17. Graphical devices: punctuation, use of type.

  18. Graphical devices: spelling, arrangement.

  19. The “poetic” style. The oratorical style.

  20. The newspaper style.

  21. The style of official documents. The scientific style. Classification of terminology.

  22. The colloquial style. The two controversial tendencies which determine it. Slang as one of its features.

The second question of the examination card is an exhaustive analysis of an excerpt from a text (from 1/3rd of a page to a page long): the author’s purpose and the way it is revealed in the devices used. Be ready to explain how each stylistic peculiarity of the text contributes to the effect produced. You will be allowed to make use of ordinary English-English dictionaries.

Besides, you may be asked:

  • to look at some short contexts and identify the stylistic device they are based on.

  • additional questions (see the list above) concerning the seminars missed.

Консультации по стилистике

для 4 курса филологического отделения


  • в понедельник 9 января, в 12:00 («А», «Б», «З»)

  • в четверг 12 января в 12:00. («В», «Г»)

  • в пятницу, 13 января, в 18:00 («Д», «Е») (возможен перенос на другое время в пятницу, в зависимости от предоставления аудитории для экзамена на 5 курсе у переводчиков с утра или во вторую смену).

Консультация по стилистике

для 4 курса вечернего отделения

состоится 11 января в 16:00

Консультации по стилистике

для 5 курса переводческого отделения

состоятся в:

- четверг 19 января, в 14:00 («А», «Б» - и не возбраняется прочим желающим!)

- субботу 21 января, в 17:00 («В», «Г»). (Время может измениться, в зависимости от времени, на которое назначат экзамен в гр. «А,Б»)