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2.3. Грамматические упражнения

2.3.1. Впишите подходящее сказуемое, выбрав один из предложенных в скобках вариантов. Подчеркните предлоги двумя чертами, обращая внимание на их употребление. Переведите предложения на русский язык


The results of the experiment are not precise, they shouldn’t be referred to (shouldn’t refer, can be referred to, shouldn’t be referred to).

Результаты этого эксперимента не точны в измерении, на них не следует полагаться.


The results of this experiment _______________________________ (can be relied on, can rely on, can be relying on).


These experiments _______________________________ (was followed, were following, were followed) by mass production of new double sided disks.


Microsoft Natural Keyboard _______________________________ (is looked upon, are looked upon, looks on) as one of the most ergonomic keyboards.


Problems of making modern keyboards for “lefties” and “righties” _____________________________ (are dealing with, are being dealt with, is being dealt with) now.


Medical problems of many computer users _______________________________ (may affect, is affected, may be affected) by non-ergonomic arrangement of the work area.


Incorrect posture _______________________________ (is spoken of, spoke of, is speaking of) as one of the main factors that contribute to musculo-skeletal pains.


Combatting viruses and computer privacy _______________________________ (are paying attention to, were paid attention to, was paid attention to) at the conference.


The new Microsoft`s elongated-shaped Mouse specially designed for children _______________________________ (refers to, was referred to, are referred to) in the article.


Ineffectiveness of laws concerning unauthorized access to personal information _______________________________ (spoke much about, were much spoken, were much spoken about).

2.4. Тексты

2.4.1. Прочитайте и переведите текст устно

IN SEARCH OF THE REAL BILL GATES. Part 1. By Walter Isaakson.

He`s the most famous businessman in the world. But we know little about him as a person. What beliefs and values drive this man who as much as anyone? Will it determine the way we look not only at computers but at ourselves and our world? Here`s an intimate look at one of the most important minds and personalities of our era.

When Bill Gates was in the sixth grade, his parents decided he needed counseling. “We became concerned about him,” says his father who calls him Trey. “He was so small and shy, in need of protection, and his interests were so very different from the typical sixth grader`s”. His intellectual drive and curiosity would not be satisfied in a big public school. So they decided to send him to an elite private school across town.

Learning BASIC language from a manual with his pal Paul Allen, Trey produced two programs in the eighth grade. Trey and Paul were soon spending their evenings at a local company that had bought a big computer and did not have to pay for it. In exchange for computer time, the boys` job was to try (quite successfully) to find bugs that would crash it. “Trey got so into it,” his father recalls,”that he would sneak out the basement door and spend most of the night there”. By 10th grade he was teaching computers and writing a program that handled class scheduling, which has a secret function that placed him in classes with the right girls.

He was at war with his mother Mary, who harboured the belief that he should do what she told him. But he wouldn`t. The psychologist they sent him to “was a really cool guy,” Gates recalls. “He gave me books to read after each session, Freud stuff, and I really got into psychology theory.” After a year of sessions and a battery of tests, the counselor reached his conclusion. “You`re going to lose,” he told Mary. “You had better just adjust to it because there is no use trying to beat him.”

A lot ofcomputer companies have concluded the same.The combination of counseling and the computer helped transform him into a self-assured young businessman. His confidence increased and he made peace with his mother. In the 21 years since he dropped out of Harvard to start Microsoft, William Henry Gates III, 41, has thrashed competitors in the world of desktop operating systems and application software.

In the process he has amassed a fortune worth $23.9 billion. The 88% rise in Microsoft stock in 1996 meant he made about $30 million a day. That makes him the world`s richest person, by far. But he`s more than that. He has become the Edison and Ford of our age.

His success stems from his personality: an awesome and at times frightening blend of brilliance, drive, competitiveness and personal intensity. But though he has become the most famous business celebrity in the world, Gates remains personally elusive to all but a close circle of friends. Described in computer terms, he has “incredible processing power” and “unlimited bandwidth,” an agility at “parallel processing” and “multitasking”. Watch him at his desk, and you see what they mean. He works on two computers, one with four frames that sequence data streaming in from the Internet. The other handling the hundreds of E-mail messages and memos that extend his mind into a network. He can be so rigorous as he processes data that one can imagine his mind may indeed be digital: no sloppy emotions or analog fuzziness, just trillions of binary impulses coolly converting input into correct answers. К приведенным словам и словосочетаниям выпишите синонимы из указанных абзацев текста 2.4.1




3-й абзац

from a reference book

1-й абзац

friendly look


4-й абзац

to quarrel with

time, age

made his conclusion

2-й абзац

became anxious

It isn`t worth trying

great interest

5-й абзац

graduated from Harvard

3-й абзац

ecame interested

a number of counselling

worked out (a program)

was reconciled with his mother



made money



coming quickly

from the



result from

mixture Подчеркните в тексте слова, характеризующие Билла Гейтса – одной чертой, а то, что подходит для описания Вашего характера – двумя.

2.4.2. Прочитайте текст.


Close work with a computer screen is often the root of postural problems such as fatigue, stiffness, cramp and pain in certain muscles and tendons. The areas of the body that are mainly affected are the neck, the shoulders, and the small of the back, the wrist and the hand. The main factors that contribute to musculo-skeletal pains are the incorrect posture adopted by many computer users, linked with the non-ergonomic arrangement of the work area, and the problems associated with the keyboard.

The main reasons for the onset of most pains is that many computer workers adopt one of the following incorrect positions: neck leaning forward, back bent, shoulders lifted, arms outstretched, and forearms and hands lifted. However, a simple adjustment of your chair and desk will allow for more comfort in the workspace:

  • the monitor should be at eye level;

  • feet flat on the floor or on a foot rest;

  • the angle between the hand and the forearm should never be less than 90 degrees;

  • the back should be straight in order to ease tension of the shoulders and the strain of the neck muscles.

However, no ideal position may be kept for a long time: maintaining the same position for a prolonged period leads to immobility of the limbs and it will make you tired. So stand up every hour and take a break. Allow your body to move. Periodically adjust the focus of your eyes and then go back to computing. The more you are refreshed, the more you are efficient.

Position of a keyboard can also be one of the main reasons for aches. So-called ergonomic keyboards may reduce the strain. Try using a document holder to limit movements of the head and eye.

Computing can complicate already pre-existing problems. Your general physical condition can also be a cause of postural ache. People should find some way of maintaining their physical fitness, because the more fit you are, the higher your physical resistance will be to computing. Используя схему, приведенную вупр.,запишите текст устного пересказа текста 2.4.2.

2.4.3. Прочитайте текст, озаглавьте его.

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