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  1. What is your field of science/research?

  2. What is your particular area of research?

  3. What are the latest achievements in your field of science?

  4. Can you name some outstanding researchers in your field of science?

  5. Do achievements in your branch of research Influence everyday life? How?

  6. What further developments can you predict in your field of science?

  7. What is the subject of your research?

  8. Why is this problem so important?

  9. Is there much literature available on your research problem?

  10. What are the main aspects of the problem in your work?

  11. Is this problem well understood at present?

  12. Who was the first, to point out the problem?

  13. When did the interest in this problem increase?

  14. Is the problem widely studied?

  15. Have you already obtained any research results? What are they?

  16. Are the results of purely theoretical or practical interest?

  17. Where can the results of your research be used?

  18. What is the most difficult for you in your research work?

  19. What is the most interesting for you in your research work?

  20. Are you going to continue your research work on this problem after graduating from the University?

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