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Globalization has more disadvantages than advan....docx
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Варианты текстов Globalization has more disadvantages than advantages


Globalization has become a recent trend in almost nations all over the world. It is, apparently, undeniable that this phenomenon has a great impact on the development of each country as well as of the whole world. From my perspective, globalization has not only advantages but also disadvantages; however, the benefits of this trend are so substantial that the disadvantages may be acceptable, and that globalization has become inevitable.

The most serious drawback of globalization, from my perspective, is the destruction of the natural environment. Because globalization means promoting fierce competitions between entities that involve in the world-wide economy, each entity continously struggles to earn their own profits as much as possible. For instance, they try to cut down the process of disposing waste material in order to decrease the cost to the minimum degree. As a consequence, water, air,.. are polluted, which have harmed the lives of humans, and has warned us about the safe of the Earth.

On the other hand, boosting the global economy is the most considerable benefit of globalization. As I mentioned above, globalization is constantly promoting fair competitions between economic entities, which enhancing the economy development. For example, 20 years ago, when VN was not integrated into globalizations, consumers were reluctant to expense since producers did not take into account the qualities,or prices of the products. They appeared monopolies, so it was thought that everything they produced had to be consumed totally. However, since the “ VN reform” together with the integration of VN into globalization, producers have to try their best to improving, promoting their products to appeal customers. If they don’t do that, customers will find another foreign producers for a more competitive price, but a more qualified products, for example. This process not only gives more choice to customers, but also urges each producer to buttress their production.

To sum up, in spite of environmental drawbacks, goverments as well as world organizations are endeavoring to reduce the disadvantages of globalization. Also, global continous economic grow is the evidence that globalization has played a very important role to the world. Thus, our responsibility is to curbing the weaknesses , along with pushing the strength of globalization to attain considerable achievements.


The controversy over positive and negative effects of globalization has consumed uncountable pages of mass media. On the one hand, a majority of people claim the undeniable benefits of globalization. On the other hand, others state that drawbacks of this process should be taken into serious consideration. To the best of my knowledge, there are more advantages than disadvantages of this touchy issue.

The most fundamental disadvantage that should be taken into account is the unequal competition between foreign and domestic companies. Globalization will create an opportunity for the invasion of international corporations to the markets in under-developed nations. Sooner or later, these giants will dominate small-scaled domestic companies and control these potential markets. Take Microsoft as a typical example, with its incredible fame on a global scale, every software from this giant soon dominates all products from young IT companies in Vietnam. And until now, nearly 80 per cent of Vietnam companies is using Microsoft software.

However, there do seem have more benefits than drawbacks in globalization phenomenon. The first crucial advantage to be noted is that habitants in developing countries can get in touch with the best products and services from the best worldwide companies with competitive price. More specifically, in Vietnam, 20 years ago, a laptop is a luxurious asset for students. However, thanks to globalization, now an average student can buy a good laptop with fair price to fulfil his tasks at work or university.

Another outstanding advantage that can be easily detected is that globalization process can stimulate the growth of economy. Giant corporations will invest their money into market if they find it potential. Thanks to the investment money, the government can improve country's infrastructure such as bridges or roads. Statistically, Vietnam economy expands regularly 7 to 8 per cent annually thanks to globalization phenomenon and foreign investment.

In conclusion, in terms of globalization, the advantages overwhelm the disadvantages. Globalization provides not only chances but also challenges for under-developed countries. As owners of country in the future, the role of young generation is to seize these valuable chances and overcome in most challenging situations in order to lift country to the brand new level.


How many phenomena have a global impact? If you are to count, they could be counted on your fingertips. Globalization is one of them. So before going into the advantages and disadvantages of globalization, let's try to grasp this concept first. Simply put, globalization is an ongoing process of integration of regional economies into a global network of communication and execution. Let me explain this a bit. Assume that you are a mango farmer in Russia and you grow very good quality mangoes over there. Obviously, your fruit is highly appreciated in Russia, but you also know that you shall get a better value in the US. So, the network of communication and execution that allows you to sell your fruit in US is basically the phenomenon of globalization. (At least the Indian farmer is happy about the advantages of globalization in India, he is earning better.) The advantages and disadvantages of globalization in Russia and other developing countries are very profound.

Globalization: Advantages and Disadvantages

Instead of giving a few pointers here and a few pointers there, explanation on these concepts should do more justice to the subject. Have a look at the following:

Advantages and Disadvantages of Global Marketing

There has to be operational differences between various companies in different countries. What I mean to say is, a car manufacturer in the UK will manufacture a car with a different operation than a car manufacturer in Italy (for example Jaguar and Ferrari). Both are trying to take advantage of the operational differences that they have between them. And both companies are trying to sell a car in America for a greater value. So if you want your product to have an appeal on a global scale, then obviously, marketing on a global scale is required.

Advantages of Global Marketing

  • Lower Marketing Costs: If you are to consider the lump-sum cost, then yes, it is high, but the same cost goes even higher if the company has to market a product differently in every country that it is selling.

  • Global Scope: Scope of this kind of marketing is so large that it becomes a unique experience.

  • Brand Image Consistency: Global marketing allows you to have a consistent image in every region that you choose to market.

  • Quick and Efficient Use of Ideas: A global entity is able to use a marketing idea and mold it into a strategy to implement on a global scale.

  • Uniformity in Marketing Practices: A global entity can keep some degree of uniformity in marketing throughout the world.

Disadvantages of Global Marketing

  • Inconsistency in Consumer Needs: An American consumer will be different from a South African one. Global marketing should be able to address that.

  • Consumer Response Inconsistency: A consumer in one country may react differently as compared to a consumer in another country.

  • Country Specific Brand and Product: A Japanese might like a product to have a traditional touch, whereas an American might like to add a retro modern look to it. In this case, a global strategy is difficult to devise.

  • The Laws of the Land Have to be Considered: Original company policies may be according to the laws of home countries. The overseas laws may be conflicting in these policies.

  • Infrastructural Differences: Infrastructure may be hampering the process in one country and accelerating in another. Global strategy cannot be consistent in such a scenario.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization in Developing Countries

Overall globalization has been a big boon for the developing countries, but there are a few who say that it has been a curse. Let us take a look at both these aspects of globalization.

The Advantages

  • GDP Increase: If statistics are of any indication, the GDP of the developing countries has increased twice as much as before.

  • Per Capita Income Increase: The wealth has had a trickling effect on the poor. The average income has increased to thrice as much.

  • Unemployment is Reduced: This fact is quite evident when you look at countries like India and China.

  • Education has Increased: Globalization has been a catalyst to the jobs that require higher skill set. This demand allowed people to gain higher education.

  • Competition on Even Platform: The companies all around the world are competing on a single global platform. This allows better options to consumers.

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