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5 week political science outine.doc
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Политический режим

В науке конституционного права- система приемов, методов, форм, способов осуществления политической (включая государственную) власти в обществе. П.р. является функциональной характеристикой власти. Единой типологии П.р. не существует. Чаще всего используются понятия демократического, авторитарного и тоталитарного П.р. Характер П.р. никогда прямо не указывается в конституциях государств (не считая весьма распространенных указаний на демократический характер государства), однако почти всегда самым непосредственным образом отражается на их содержании. (см. Государственный режим).

=The way one set of rulers succeeds another is one of the main distinguishing marks of political systems. In very traditional systems there may be one-man rule. This is usually dynastic rule and succession is by the hereditary principle, but in pre-Communist Tibet monks used esoteric methods to discover the next Dalai Lama. In many countries the method of succession is not prescribed and adventurists may seize power by force of arms. Much of the world is governed by MILITARY REGIMES and power changes hands after successive coups d'état. In countries ruled by single parties succession may be decided in small committees in secret and the procedure is obscure. In democracies succession of governments takes place through ELECTIONS, either directly, or as a result of negotiations by elected representatives.

Totalitarianism [təu`tælɪ'tɛərɪənɪz(ə)m], totalitarian [təu`tælɪ'tɛərɪən]

The key feature of authoritarian government is that it denies the mass of population any effective control over their rulers. Governments either keep the people out of decision making altogether or just allow token opposition parties. The governing style is rough and ready, with rulers standing above, rather than controlled by law. Authoritarian rulers do not heed individual rights.

Authoritarian regimes – are political systems with limited, not responsible, political pluralism, without elaborate and guiding ideology … and in which leader or occasionally a small group exercises power within formally ill-defined limits but actually quiet predictable ones.

5 Kinds of authoritarian government: rule by monarchs, personal leaders, a dominant party, religious leader and the military.

Totalitarian regimes – share the absence of pluralism but follow an explicit ideology and seek total control to implement their vision of transformed society

As we may see totalitarian regimes share the non-democratic character of authoritarianism, but have additional different features. Totalitarian regimes (or governments) were mobilizing and revolutionary in character, committed to a total transformation of society. Where authoritarian rulers often wish to limit mass popular participation, totalitarian regimes sought to involve the masses in a reconstruction of society and even personality. Whereas authoritarian rule is as old as history itself, totalitarianism was a philosophy of the 20’th century.

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