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Teenagers’ life


to face problems – стикатися з проблемами

to be treated like an adult – ставитися як до дорослого

to be more independent – бути більш самостійним

to consider smb’s opinion – зважати на чиюсь думку

to interfere in smb’s private life – втручатися в чиєсь особисте життя

to develop interests and values – розвивати інтереси та цінності

to disagree on different points – не погоджуватися з різних питань

to neglect children – не турбуватися про дітей

to find a common language with smb – знаходити спільну мову з к-н

to find the right approach – знаходити правильний підхід

to trust parents – довіряти батькам

positive\negative traits позитивні/негативні риси

to talk problems over in the family – обговорювати проблеми в сім’ї

to quarrel – сваритися; сперечатися

disagreement – незгода, розбрат, сварка, чвари

to be on good terms with smb – бути в хороших стосунках з кимось

to betray – зраджувати

pledge of friendship – запорука дружби

to fall in love – закохатися

to accompany – супроводжувати; проводити

to love deeply and passionately – глибоко та палко кохати

to have stable relations – мати сталі стосунки

family obligations – сімейні обов’язки

worrisome problems – проблеми, що завдають турбот (клопоту)

susceptible – вразливий; сприйнятливий

pernicious habits – шкідливі звички

to hit the youth the hardest – вражати молодь найбільше

to use drugs – вживати наркотики

drug addicts – наркомани

juvenile delinquency – злочинність неповнолітніх

to acquire new friends – отримувати нових друзів

entertainment – розвага, забава

to give an opportunity – надавати можливість

to chat with friends from all over the globe – спілкуватися з друзями з усієї земної кулі

properly – належним чином; як слід

to navigate through the net – подорожувати Інтернетом

to check e-mail boxes – перевіряти поштові скриньки

to cope with the problems – справлятися з проблемами

to join efforts – поєднувати зусилля

to rely (on) – покладатися (на)

to need urgently – дуже потребувати

support – підтримка; підтримувати

to solve problems вирішувати проблеми

pressure – тиск

moral admonition – моральні зауваження

to be eager to do smth – прагнути ч-н

to take a confident stand in life – міцно стати на ноги

Young people face lots of problems which are very important for them. Many of them are common for all young people. But the problem number one of most teenagers is the problem of fathers and sons. When you are 16 or 17, you want to be treated like an adult, to be more independent in your action and your way of life. You want your parents to consider your opinion and not interfere in your private life. You want to develop interests and values different from those of your parents. That sets a conflict between the two generations, the generation gap. Young people disagree on different points: how late to stay up, how to deal with girl- and boy-friends, what to do after classes, even what clothes to wear and so on. Some parents neglect their children; they can’t find a common language with each other. It happens sometimes that children run away from home. But it’s not the way out. On the one hand parents should help their children though it is difficult to be tolerant and to find the right approach to them. On the other hand teens must trust their parents and try to find in their parents more positive than negative traits. You need to learn to talk your problems over in the family but to quarrel every time you have some disagreement. If you are able to do it everything will be all right.

Another problem that young people face today concerns their relationship with their friends. As far as friendship is concerned, a person can and should have a lot of friends. But at the same time there can be only two or three real friends, because real friends will never betray each other. They will always understand and help each other. Tolerance is the pledge of friendship. It is wonderful if a school or college friend will remain your friend for the rest of your life. But in this case everything depends on the person.

The problem of love is very important for young people. Today they fall in love when they reach the age of Romeo and Juliet. Romanticism and idealism very often accompany the love of the young. They can love deeply and passionately, they believe that their love will last forever. Unfortunately, often their hearts are broken. Young people are not always ready to have stable relations. In many cases they are too young and inexperienced to begin a family life. They have to continue their education, while family obligations will force them to make money. At the same time without good education it is not easy to find a good job.

There are other serious and worrisome problems of modern teenagers such as smoking, alcoholism, and drug-habit. People of almost every age are susceptible to pernicious habits but they hit the youth the hardest. Some young men use drugs because they think that they are cool guys. But in fact they don’t realize how wrong and dangerous it is. They can’t stop and become dependent on drugs - drug addicts. This involves the other serious problems: juvenile delinquency, AIDS.

Communication has always been an important part of young people's lives. Today they can choose between traditional and new ways of communication. Traditionally the young meet after classes with their friends, make parties, go to the movies or disco clubs to have fun, relax and acquire new friends. But if the young people do not like noisy clubs and other places of entertainment, they can find friends without leaving their homes - the Internet gives such an opportunity. Others use different computer programmes to chat with their friends from all over the globe. They can sit for twenty four hours staring at the monitors. Such young people do not eat, sleep, work or learn properly. Their parents think that they are doing nothing, but this is not absolutely correct. The only thing many young people are interested in is navigating through the net and checking their e-mail boxes. And it is a great problem of the present and future. In general all the problems of the youth are linked with the present rather then with the past or future.

To cope with the problems of teenagers the society in general and every family particularly should join their efforts and show respect, care to each other. The teenagers of today are the future of the country. And even if these young people do not trust much either their parents or the society and rely on their own resources in the first place; they urgently need adults’ support and help in solving their problems but not pressure and moral admonition. They are eager to get an education and well-paid jobs. They want to take a confident stand in life and show their self-realisation.

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