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Inquire into* – досліджувати

material constraints* матеріальна скрута

Exercise 11. Translate the text into Ukrainian.

Opportunity Cost

  1. Opportunity cost is the value of what is foregone in order to have something else.




  1. This value is unique for each individual.



  1. You may, for instance, forgo ice cream in order to have an extra helping of mashed potatoes.




  1. For you, the mashed potatoes have a greater value than dessert.



  1. But you can always change your mind in the future because there may be some instances when the mashed potatoes are just not as attractive as the ice cream.





  1. The opportunity cost of an individual's decisions, therefore, is determined by his or her needs, wants, time and resources (income).





Exercise 12. Translate the sentences into English using the active vocabulary.

    1. Нестача – основна проблема, з якою стикаються усі суспільства.


    1. Нестача означає, що в один і той же час суспільство не може повністю досягти всіх своїх цілей.


    1. Нестача існує, тому що природа не забезпечує нас усіма ресурсами, необхідні для задово-лення наших необмежених бажань.



    1. У світі нестачі неможливо отримати щось безкоштовно.


    1. Кожен стикається з пробле-мою обмежених ресурсів, щоб задовольнити свої бажання та потреби.


    1. Поняття “альтернативна вартість” стосується як окремих осіб, так і підприємств та уряду.


    1. Проблема нестачі, вибору та альтернативної вартості – це важливі економічні проблеми, які постають перед будь-якою господарською одиницею.


    1. Оскільки люди не можуть собі дозволити мати все, вони змушені робити вибір серед речей, які вони хотіли б.


    1. Оскільки людські бажання необмежені, а ресурси наявні для їх задоволення обмежені, ми повинні робити вибори щодо того, як використовувати ці ресурси.





    1. Існує межа кількості наявних ресурсів, але не існує межі людським бажанням.



    1. Альтернативна вартість пев-ної речі – це вартість того, від чого ми змушені відмовитись, щоб отримати саме цю річ.




    1. Рішення мати якусь річ є в той же час рішенням не мати чогось іншого.



    1. Особистий прибуток, заощад-ження, спроможність брати в борг впливають на вибір, який роблять люди.




Exercise 13. Answer the following questions.

  1. What do people realize going through their lives?

  2. What are economic goods and free goods? Is there any difference between economic goods and free goods? If yes, how do they differ?

  3. Why do all economic units have to make their choices?

  4. What does individual choice depend on?

  5. What are governments and businesses limited by?

  6. What makes everyone choose?

  7. What does the necessity to make a choice result from?

  8. What is scarcity?

  9. What problem does everyone in any society face?

  10. Why cannot individuals, businesses and governments afford to have all the things they would like to have?

  11. Why does scarcity force all decision makers to arrive at best decisions?

  12. How do economists explain the essential sense of scarcity?

  13. What is the opportunity cost?

  14. What is its essential sense?

  15. What is the money cost of going to university?

  16. What are forgone earnings?

  17. Why do anyone who goes to university face the opportunity cost? What costs do the opportunity cost involve? Why does the cost of doing something have nothing to do with spending money in most cases?

  18. Why should people compare benefits before making their decisions?

  19. Why does the cost of doing something have nothing to do with spending money in most cases?

  20. Why should people compare benefits before making their decisions?

  21. What are the two sides of opportunity cost?

  22. What is the relationship among scarcity, choice and opportunity cost?

Exercise 14. Text for additional reading and discussion.

In economics there is a saying: "There's no such thing as a free lunch". It means that nothing is really "free" because we use resources that could have been used for something else. We live in a world of scarce resources and unlimited wants. The concept of scarcity is essential to the field of economics. With scarcity come choices. Economics deals with how people and society make choices under conditions of scarcity, as well as the individual and social consequences of these choices. Economics is concerned with the analysis of this decision-making process. To make efficient decisions - decisions that provide the greatest possible earnings from the resources available -, people and society must consider the benefits and costs of using their resources to get more of some things, and less of others. The reality is that we cannot have everything that we want. We must choose which of our desires we will meet and which we will leave unsatisfied. So, faced with scarcity, individuals, government and society must make choices.

Choosing any scarce thing sets the limit on other options. To the economist such foregone options are opportunity cost. Suppose you drive a car. Buying an extra gallon of gasoline may prevent you from buying an extra piece of pizza, but purchasing the pizza instead of the gas may force you to drive less and walk more. Economists view opportunity cost as the value of the next best option forgone when a choice is made.

You make different choices every day as well. Choices involve a trade-off of the value of one opportunity against the value of its best alternative. Are there any additional benefits and costs of studying economics rather than listening to music or meeting friends, or sleeping? Is watching TV the best use of your time? Is working at a fast-food restaurant better than the best alternative job or some other use of your time? Will you graduate the university? (Potential benefits include higher lifetime income, meeting interesting people, and the joy of learning; costs include expenditures for tuition, books and different supplies, the hard work in classes, and the income you could be making right now.) Where will you live and work? Will you marry? (Marriage involves both financial and psychological costs and benefits.) Will you have children? If so, how many? How will you spend your limited income? Decisions about these and other economic choices will create the course of your life.

For most people opportunity cost is measured by the money paid to produce or acquire goods, but opportunity cost is ultimately personal and involve far more than money alone.

Have you ever estimated the cost of your education? Consider the value of your time. Instead of studying and attending class, you could get a full-time or part-time job. You may be giving up better food and clothes, a nice car, and a comfortable apartment. The values of all forgone alternatives are the true costs of education. But suppose you quit school. The costs of your nice car, apartment, food, and clothing would include the forgone enjoyment of learning and campus life, and the higher future income and consumption your university degree might have made possible.

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