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Article review vocabulary.doc
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Results and their interpretation:

see to ascribe/ attribute/ relate to, associate with, categorize, class, classify, conceptualize, decipher, deduce, divide, formalize, generalize, group, infer, structure, systematize, unify, unite; affect, influence, act on, be due to, arise from, give rise to, result from/ in, cause, lead to, produce, generate, depend on, change with, be governed by, as a function of, because of; to account for, confirm, contend, cover, define, explicate, explain, interpret, elucidate, offer/provide/suggest/give an explanation/interpretation; an arrangement, calculation, classification, generalization, implication, inference, integration, reconstruction, synthesis, topology, typology, level, stage, status, category, system; clarification, clarity, complexity, consistency, entirety, plausibility, potency, precision, simplicity; a term, terminology, word; a demand, desire, disposal, guide, help, motive, necessity, need, opportunity, possibility, support, use; apparently, likely, probably, perhaps; acceptable, applicable, capable, conclusive, certain, given, defining, definite, determinate, explicit, meaningful, positive, probable, satisfactory, unequivocal, etc.

Transitions and Connective Phrases


To introduce a topic

To Summarize

To Show Purpose

and but or for nor neither so yet

as for concerning with regard to with respect to

in all in a word in brief briefly in other words in short in summary that is

in order that in order to so that

To Show Cause and Effect

To Compare

To Contrast

To Explain, Give Reasons

accordingly as a consequence as a result consequently for this reason hence it follows that so/so that then therefore thus

by comparison here again in the same way in a similar manner likewise similarly so too as also equally

conversely however instead in spite of that anyhow on the contrary on the other hand otherwise rather than still yet

actually admittedly because certainly for example in fact indeed really of course since that is

To Add Information and Reasons

To Show Various Conditions

To Show Conviction

To Show Concession



in addition


as well


add to this

To Add Information and Reasons



besides equally further furthermore in addition moreover once more then too too yet again yet another

in this event in these circumstances under such circumstances this (that) being so provided that in spite of none/nevertheless

To Show Various Conditions

at the same time even if

if unless otherwise although even though though despite

after all at least at the same time apparently even so evidently certainly

To Show Conviction

conceivably conclusively

doubtless no doubt perhaps possibly presumably probably surely undoubtedly

admittedly after all all the same at any rate granted however in any case

To Show Concession

in spite of it is true that

nevertheless obviously of course still to be sure






To Show Chronological Order

To List or Show Logical Order

after that afterwards later shortly subsequently concurrently in the meantime in the meanwhile now simultaneously when/while/was of initial importance of greater significance

first, second, etc. formerly earlier previously before that then already at last at length by that time finally

the most crucial

If you are stuck: first, next, last

for example for instance in particular to illustrate the one ... the other this ... that these ... those here ... there

either ... or neither ... nor whether ... or though ... yet wherever ... there since ... then the more ... the more not only ... but also

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