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19 Bibliography of Tesla Resources

Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla

Dr. Marc Siefer

Lightning in His Hand: The Life Story of Nikola Tesla

Inez Hunt & W. Draper

My Inventions : The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla; Ben Johnston, Editor


Tad Wise

Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla (hardcover)

Nikola Tesla; Thomas Commerford Martin, Editor

Nikola Tesla: Lecture Before The New York Academy of Sciences, April 6, 1897 Tesla Presents Series Part 2

Nikola Tesla; Leland I. Anderson, Editor

High Frequency Oscillators for Electro-therapeutic and Other Purposes Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents and Their Application to Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony, and Transmission of Power

Tesla Presents Series Part 1

Nikola Tesla; Leland I. Anderson, Editor

Nikola Tesla: Guided Weapons & Computer Technology (hardcover & paperback) Tesla Presents Series Part 3

Nikola Tesla; Leland I. Anderson, Editor

Nikola Tesla's Teleforce & Telegeodynamics Proposals

Limited Edition

Tesla Presents Series Part 4


Nikola Tesla; Lelaland I. Anderson Editor

Colorado Springs Notes, 1899-1900 (hardcover)

Nikola Tesla; Commentary by Aleksandar Marincic

Dr. Nikola Tesla - Complete Patents

Nikola Tesla; Compiled by John T. Ratzlaff

Dr. Nikola Tesla - Selected Patent Wrappers, 4 volume set (spiral) Nikola Tesla; Compiled by John T. Ratzlaff

Tesla Said

Nikola Tesla; Compiled by John T. Ratzlaff

Solutions to Tesla's Secrets

Nikola Tesla; Compiled by John T. Ratzlaff

Thomas Bearden

The Transmission of Electric Energy Without Wires

Nikola Tesla

Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla & David Childress

Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents and Their Application to Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony, and Transmission of Power

Tesla Presents Series, Part 1. Leland I. Anderson

Nikola Tesla: Lecture Before the New York Academy of Sciences - April 6, 1897 : The Streams of Lenard and Roentgen and Novel Apparatus for Their Production

Tesla Presents Series, Part 2 Leland I. Anderson

xix, 123 pages, illustrated, indexed. ISBN 1-893817-01-6 $12.95

Nikola Tesla: Guided Weapons & Computer Technology Tesla Presents Series, Part 3

Leland I, Anderson, ed.

xv, 241 pages, illustrated, indexed, hardcover & paperback. ISBN 0-9636012-5-3, 0-9636012-9-6

Nikola Tesla's Teleforce & Telegeodynamics Proposals Tesla Presents Series, Part 4

viii, 119 pages, illustrated, indexed. ISBN 0-9636012-8-8

Tesla Coil Builder's Guide to the Colorado Springs Notes of Nikola Tesla Second Edition



Tcsla websites for books, information and tapes




http: //www.yurope. com/org/tesla/




http: //www. pbs.org/tesla


20 Glossary of Tesla Terms

Excerpt adapted from "Project Insight: A Study of Tesla's Advanced Concepts," H. W. Jones, Proceedings of the Tesla Centennial Symposium, 1984

Advanced Concepts - Those ideas which Tesla was known to have conceived and developed to some extent, but did not pursue to fruition because of lack of funding and laboratory facilities. The more dramatic of these concepts were: free energy, wireless transmission of energy, employment of scalar technology, non-Hertzian waves, the Tesla shield, the Tesla ray.

Ball Lightning - A form of lightning in which a slow-moving, extremely high temperature sphere forms. Only rarely seen in nature, but producible by artificial means. Currently being used in the study of harnessing fusion energy for commercial use. See Robert Golka articles.

DeBroglie Wave - The quantum mechanics wave associated with a particle of matter which can theoretically give rise to intra-atomic interference effects. In his speech accepting the Nobel Prize, DeBroglie emphasized that these waves are real and must not be regarded simply as mathematical oddities or conveniences.

Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) - A sharp pulse of energy and electromagnetic radiation occurring when an explosion occurs in an unsymmetrical envrionment. Tesla theorized that an EMP would result when two longitudinal scalar electrostatic potential wave patterns met and coupled into a flash of vector electromagnetic energy. See early Tom Bearden articles.

Electromagnetic Theory (EM) - Conventional electrical theory currently taught in our educational system, mainly giving credit only to Hertz, Maxwell, and Faraday. Tesla's work challenged the adequacy of existing EM theory, as do many physicists today. EM theory is only good for "far field" EM waves, as only electrical engineering EM textbooks (e.g. Magid) will admit. The recommended physical perspective, is to ask whether we are within the "near field," i.e., within the first couple of wavelengths. In this region, a capacitively-created EM wave will still retain mainly electrical characteristics and can be stopped by a Faraday cage, however, a inductively-created EM wave still still retain mainly magnetic characteristics and go right through even the most expensive Faraday cage (made with Mu Metal) such as the quarter-million dollar one at Wright-Patterson AFB. Especially when dealing with extremely low frequency (ELF), most staunch EM theorists are stymied because we are always within the near field with ELF waves. See Thomas Phipps, Heretical Verities book.

Electromagnetic Wave — A Hertzian wave. A wave that oscillates transversely rather than longitudinally, having electric (E) field and magnetic (B) field effects (each may be detected). If two sine waves are pictured, perpendicular to each other, one on the x-y plane (vertical) and the other on the x-z plane (horizontal), both traveling in the x-direction, the E-field will be designated by the x-y plane wave (if it is polarized light) and the B-

field will be the x-z plane wave. Polaroid® sunglasses work because they only let the E-field light through if it is in the x-y plane, whereas any reflected glare will have the E-field oscillating in the x-z plane (which is horizontal). Non-Hertzian waves are not transverse and often occur because near field, distorted waves are created in the experiment.

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