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Make up your own “cobweb” association with the word

H ouse

When people are speaking or writing, their choice of words is influenced by the situation they are in. A variety of the language in a communicative situation is called a language style. It may be appropriate to use an informal style with close friends, a neutral style with business acquaintances, a formal style with an employer. Often in communication it is necessary to select specific vocabulary that helps convey the message in the best way. People switch the vocabulary use when they talk to different specialists or non-specialists, to adults or children, to indifferent or sensitive people. The selection of vocabulary for the purpose of achieving the best communicative result is called language register.

Exploratory task 1.19 Find the way of saying the same things to small children

Adult technical register

Child’s register

They are excavating the ruins now

She is undergoing the appendectomy

Dissolve the powder in the water and shake the solution

Turn off all electronic appliances before boarding

Season lightly and simmer for five minutes

No sweat without sweat

Click the mouse and drag the icon into the game area

(Adapted from Harmer, J. and R. Rossner. 1991. More than Words. Book 1. Longman. P. 21-22)

Ample mental lexicon is an important condition for achieving lexical competence. Lexical competence is an essential part of the communicative competence as a whole. In order to be “the master of the word” one has to know how to express the denoted meaning. It is necessary to develop an individual system of verbal associations and to build a semantic field of the words related in a certain meaning (field of “food”, “health”, “job” etc.). It is necessary to know the social conventions (rules and limitations) of using the word and the stylistic colouring. Grammar usage of the word is essential as well as possible collocations. Finally, it necessary to comprehend the “referred connotative meaning” of the word, i.e. to understand what the word means “here and now” in the situation. Sometimes even the knowledge of metaphors and idioms is not enough for there is a lot of individual meaning that is put into words in the process of communication. The acquisition of these components is incremental, i.e. step-by-step. (After Schmitt, M. Tracking the incremental acquisition of second language vocabulary. A Longitudinal Study. Language Learning. Vol. 48. No. 2. June 1998).

SAQ 1.2

Match the use of words in bold type and the elements of “lexical competence” necessary to use the words



  1. Calibre of a man

  1. Denoted meaning

  1. Give me some prunes

  1. Verbal associations

  1. The sky, the birds, the dawn …

  1. Semantic field

  1. He can live with his partner …

  1. Social conventions

  1. Nothing can influence her

  1. Grammar

  1. The word is a real jaw-breaker

  1. Collocations

  1. Only when the milk sets …

  1. Connotation

  1. All you need is industry and zeal …

  1. Metaphor

  1. Can’t make merry, make money …

  1. Idiom

  1. All these young hopefuls …

  1. Individual meaning