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Chapter 12-14.

  1. Reproduce the dialogue between Holden and the cab-driver. Using the words and word combinations characterize Horwitz:

  2. to strike up a conversation

  3. to get sore about smth

  4. to be an impatient type

  5. to drive off like a bat out of hell

  1. Find the extract beginning with”Even though it was so late? Old Ernie’s was jam- packed” and ending at “but it was too early and I didn’t feel much like being all alone”. Translate it and comment on it.(chapter 12)

  1. Explain the meaning of the following sentence:

People always clap for the wrong things.

  1. What is your attitude to the young boy’s behavior with their dates?

Why did Holden have to leave?

  1. Speak about Holden’s attitude to religion.

Chapter 15.

  1. Reproduce the situations in which the words and word combinations occur:

  2. to feel pretty hungry

  3. to be crazy about smb

  4. matinee

  5. to be tempted to do smth

  6. to make the date with smb

  7. to be a spendthrift at heart

  8. to get the ax

  9. to be a light eater

  10. to get an inferiority complex ( about smth)

  11. to give smb a hand

  12. to have a good sense of humour

  13. to have a lot of fun

  14. To sit next to smb

  15. to strike up a conversation

  1. Introduce Sally Hayes.

  2. Speak about two nuns.

  1. Find the extract beginning with “Anyway, these two nuns were sitting next to me” and ending at “You could keep the money for when you do take up a collection”. Translate it and comment on it.

  2. Find the extract beginning with “While I was eating my eggs, these two nuns with suitcases and all“and ending at “if they have cheap suitcases with them”. Comment on it and learn it by heart.

Chapter 16.

  1. Speak on the following points:

  1. Holden’s thoughts about the two nuns.

  2. A very old, terrific record by Estelle Fletcher.

  3. The song “if a body catches a body coming through the rye”.

  4. Broadway.

  5. Actors.

  6. Holden and children.

  7. The Museum of Natural History.

  1. Build up micro-texts around the following sentences:

    1. I kept thinking about that beat-up old straw basket they went around collecting money with when they weren’t teaching school.

    2. I could picture her doing anything for charity if she had to wear black clothes and no lipstick while she was doing it.

    3. If they just dropped their dough in her basket, then walked away without saying anything to her, ignoring her and all, she’d quit in about an hour.

    4. He kept on walking next to the curb and singing “If a body catches a body coming through the rye”.

    5. All she had on was jeans and about twenty sweaters.

    6. She always wanted to hold your hand.

    7. She never got sore.

    8. They all had wear paint all over their faces.

  1. Paraphrase or explain:

    1. I got a big bang out of that.

    2. I was getting slightly low on dough.

    3. You got goose flesh while you walked.

    4. I saw one kid about her age, though, sitting on a bench all by herself, tightening her skate.

    5. She never got sore.

    6. He was the witch doctor.

    7. We all used to sneak a good look at it.

    8. It just didn’t appeal to me.

  1. Fill prepositions:

    1. The cars zoomed…, his parents paid no attention… them, and he kept… walking next… the curb.

    2. Everybody was…their way… the movies.

    3. Everybody was all dressed….

    4. It made me so happy all… a sudden.

    5. I went… a phone booth and called her….

    6. Hamlet patted this dog… the head.

    7. She didn’t have any gloves….

    8. I watched a couple of very tiny kids…. a seesaw.