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Arbat: inside and outside

Life in Moscow is noisy and full of hassles. It seems that you live in a crowd of people and cars; something like a compact mass. But in the center of Moscow there is a place where you seem to be able to forget all your troubles, and everything looks calm and simple, as if the theme of Bulgakov’s stories stopped there. This is the Old Arbat. Here is an interview with a young musician, Andrey. He had spent a lot of time there and know real secrets and problems.

N. I always thought that Arbat was full of geniuses. Have you ever met anybody extraordinary?

A. well, you meet practically everybody, people of all social layers. Don’t think of a person, as a genius, only because he spends time there. You’ll meet as many extraordinary people elsewhere, as on the Arbat.

N. Has life on the Arbat changed over the last 5or 6 years?

A. I think, it has. People who spent time there ten years ago say that it has become worse. Former regular visitors were devoted to informal communication and alternative culture; but now this street is mostly a dwelling place for idlers who like easy money.

N. Could you explain the statement “Arbat draws in”?

A. That’s right. The Arbat really draws in and there is the impression of stopped time and an eternal holiday. Even work on the Old Arbat sometimes looks like a fun pastime. But a man with steady principles won’t be dragged in. I’ll repeat that the main thing is to differentiate interesting people from the masses.

N. Let’s talk about teens…

A. Oh, teens! I was introduced to boys of 11 or 12 who earned their living by robbing adults.

N. In what way?

A. They laid emphasis on the psychological pressure. First they come to you and politely ask for some money. Then they do it more urgently until you understand what the matter is; slowly changing their tone into an “effective” one, they take you aside to a deserted lane where it’s better for your health to give them all your money and jewels. The girls make no exception. They also steal, and some of them have criminal records.

N. I was told that beggars aren’t so poor as it seems. Right?

A. beggars from the Arbat don’t usually earn money to provide themselves with food. They follow the line of least resistance. Do they need a job, if they can earn a few hundred rubles per day? Once upon a time a beggar from Kiev came to us. He liked our songs and rewarded us with some money. He told us that he was sorry that he gave us so little. Then we met him very often. Every time he came to us, he picked up empty bottles and was ready to kick any other beggar who wanted to take his territory. He even provided us with lavash and one time brought shrimps.

N. What kind of movements exist on the Arbat now?

A. Everything is mixed. For example, you can meet a skinhead, yet it turns out that he is a beggar. Arbat is very different inside and outside. A few years ago it was a very funny place. It was and it is a large family. But now there are more idlers, alcoholics and drug addicts.

N. Who is the most popular on The Arbat?

A. The most profitable variant is work with “askers” (this word comes from hippy lexicon. It means people who are no way beggars, but ask money for “little pleasures” – bear, cigarettes, etc.) Male-“askers” are usually paid for wit, female for appearance. This work is not for those with weak nerves, because none can foretell the reaction of people.

N. My last question is about behavior on the Arbat. Are there any rules?

A. As anywhere… never be afraid; never show your hostility, because first impressions about people are not usually right.