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English Grammar Practice.doc
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Reported Speech

1. Say these statements in indirect speech.

A. 1. Tom said, "I have found some good friends." 2. The classmaster said to us, "Aina made a good report on friendship last time." 3. The girl wrote, "I shall meet you at the station' 4. "My father is not well," Mary complained.. 5. She said, "My husband has studied engineering." 6. Iris said to us, "I cannot find his telephone number." 7. We said, "Velta, we didn't meet your brother yesterday."

B. 1. The boy said to his friend, "I've already read half the book." 2. I said to them, "I had no time to look through these magazines yesterday," 3. Andris wrote, "Your letter came too late. I have promised to go to my friend where I shall stay for a week." 4. The newspaper announced, "Daina has won the first prize." 5. "My brother didn't go to the stadium yesterday," said Ilze. 6. Andris said to his brother, "I'm going to work in the gar­den tomorrow." 7. "You had completed your work before we ar­rived," said the girls.

C. 1. "You must not do this exercise in class," said the teacher. 2. She said to us, "I shall have corrected your tests by the next lesson." 3. I said to Peter, "You need not bring me the notes tomorrow." 4. "There are different issues which I want 'o explain today," said the lecturer. 5. Jack said, "My brother was drawing for several hours." 6. The girl said, "I do everything myself at home." 7. "Father rang me up before he left," said Mother.

2. Render Peter's story in your own words:

Peter said to us: "I am 15. I have a brother and a sister. They are older than I am. My parents work in a shop. They start work at 8 o'clock. I am trying to do my best to help my parents. 1 didn't attend any kindergarten when I was small. I began to study at school nine years ago. I do a lot of social work at school. My hobby is sports."

3 What did they say? Report the dialogue.

A.: Have you seen the new film at the Odeon?

В.: It's terrible.

A.: What's so bad about it?

В.: My five-year-old daughter can write better dialogue.

A.: Is there anything else on that you're interested in?

В.: There's a new Jarman film at the Regent.

A.: What time is it on?

В.: Seven-fifteen; do you want to go?

A.'. How long does it last?

В.: It's over at half past nine. We'll make it if we hurry.

A.'. Have we got to take a bus?

В.: No, we can walk.

A.: OK, I've heard it's good. I can't stay out too late though.

В.: You're walking a bit fast for me.

A.: Sorry. It's my job that makes me do that.

B.'. Are you going to get that promotion you put in for?

A.: I don't know yet.

4. Tell a friend what the pupils said.

1. One day Robin Hood put on a red cape and took a basket with food to his sick grandmother in Sherwood Forest. 2. The Islands are called Sandwich Islands because the na­tives killed and ate Captain Cook there. 3. Guy Fawkes will always be remembered in English history because he woke up all the people in Parliament. 4. The aim of the lesson is to teach us the behaviour of the pig. 5. Oliver Cromwell died on the 14th of September. But he still called it his lucky day.

5. Change into indirect speech as in the example.

A. 1. "Are you a doctor or a nurse?" father asked a lady. 2. "Is there another road to Valka?" asked the tourist. 3. "Is Pe­ter a good athlete?" Tom asked his friend 4. "Are there any his­torical novels in your library?" the student asked the librarian. 5. "Was the film interesting?" we wanted to know. 6. "Was there much snow last winter?" the guests asked us. 7. "Were you ill last Monday?" the teacher asked me.

B. 1. "Do you speak French?" a man asked me in the street 2. Ann said to me, "Does your cousin live with you?" 3. She said "Haven't you done your homework yet?" 4. "Does Mary kno\v how to make cakes?" I asked Mother. 5. "Did you change your plans?" my friend asked me". 6. "Mr Brown, did you see our Revolution Museum?" I asked. 7. The teacher said, "Does any. body want to ask a question?"

C. 1. "Can you come to our party?" the girl asked her friend 2. The boy said, "May I come in?" 3. "Can't you help me about the kitchen today?" Mother asked me 4. "Must you leave so soon?" Mr Wood asked her guests. 5. She said to us, "May I offer you some coffee?" 6. "Could you do it in one day?" the teacher asked in surprise. 7. "Shall I translate the text?" the pupil asked.

6. Answer the questions in indirect speech; begin your answers with the words He asked me ... .

1. "Where do you write compositions?" What did he ask you5 2. "How many of you received good marks?" 3. "What did you do yesterday?" 4. "When will your holidays begin?". 5. "Why is Tom always late?" 6. "Who must you help?" 7. "What colour are these flowers?" 8. "Where are the big orchards?" 9. "When can you play ball?" 10. "What was the result?" 11. "Why can't you join us?" 12. "Who is this man?" 13. "When was the work done?" 14. "Why don't you want to go for a walk?" 15. "What kind of work do you do?" 16. "How well can you speak English5" 17. "When did you ring them up?" 18. "How long have you lived in this town?" 19. "Where were you last Sunday?" 20. "Why don't you want to speak to them?"

7. Change the following requests and orders into indi­rect speech.

1. The teacher: "Don't be late, Ann." 2. Alice: "Don't tail-when I am listening to music, Tom." 3. Mother: "Don't eat sc many sweets, children." 4. The teacher: "Don't forget to correct your mistakes, Jack." 5. Charles: "Don't leave the door open Mary." 6. The man: "Don't play on the grass, children 7. Mother: "Don't take bread with a fork, Jim." 8. Father: "Don' come home late, Nick." 9. The gardener: "Don't pick flowers in the park, children." 10. Father: "Don't make noise while Granny is sleeping, boys."

8 Read the following orders or requests and the ques­tions; then answer the questions in indirect speech.

A. 1. "Turn back." What did the guard order us to do? 2. "Learn the principal forms of the irregular verbs." What did the teacher advise them to do? 3. "Turn off the light in the kitchen." What did Mother tell Kate to do? 4. "Stay here for fifteen min­utes, please." What did Helen ask you to do? 5. "Make a cup of coffee for me, please." What did your uncle ask you to do? 6. "Buy an ice-cream for me, please." What did little Alice beg Mother to do? 7. "Get up at once." What did Father tell his son to do? 8. "Put on your raincoat." What did Mother tell you to do?

B. 1. "Don't swim in this lake." What did the man tell you not to do? 2. "Don't go out today." What did Mother implore her son not to do? 3. "Please, don't forget to buy a toy for little Tom." What did Mary beg us to do? 4. "Don't give the camera to anybody but Martin." What did Charles ask us to do? 5. "Don't ask me any questions." What did Helen tell us not to do? 6. "Don't cross the bridge." What did the guard forbid us to do? 7. "Don't be noisy." What didn't the teacher permit the pupils to do? 8. "Don't be angry, please." What did Peter ask us?

9. Put the following sentences into indirect speech.

A. 1. "I am talking on the telephone," said my sister. 2. He asked me, "Have you read any books lately?" 3. Father said to Helen, "Do you know how to make vegetable soup?" 4. Father said to me, "Pass me some sugar, please." 5. "Why are the children not yet back from school?" Grandfather asked. 6. Kate told her friend, "Don't come too late. We shall miss the train." 7. "Were there any letters in the letter-box?" my sister wanted to know 8. Roy said to his brother, "My friends will come to see me tomorrow."

B. 1. The teacher said, "I understand both of you, but I can­not let you do it." 2. "What are you looking for?" Mother asked me. 3. He said to us, "When must you leave?" 4. "Don't hurry with the answer. Think it over," the man said to me.. 5. He said, "I shall ask them what it is." 6. "Do you think it is right? I think it is wrong," said the engineer. 7. She said to Tom, "You may come tomorrow a little later." 8. Anna said to me, "Leave me a note before you start for Moscow, please."

C. 1. I said to him, "Did you have any difficulty in solving the problem?" 2. Martin said to us, "I am busy this week. I cannot Join you. Ring me up, please, next week." 3. The teacher told us, "You can go home now; the lessons are over." 4. "Don't keep me wait for you long," Peter said to his friend. 5. "It is getting colder and soon it may snow," the farmer said to his son. 6. "Help, children, to pick the apples," asked the gardener. 7. The man said, "It was very dark last night." 8. "What don't you understand?" the teacher asked us.

10. Find a statement consistent with the adverbs given.

1. ... he said patiently. 2. ... he commented derisively. 3. ... he observed sarcastically.

4. ... he said agreeably. 5. ... he said pompously. 6. ... he whispered shyly.

7. ... he answered sharply. 8. ... he said sympathetically. 9. ... he said fiercely.

10. ... he said brutally. 11. ... he said angrily. 12. ... he said accusingly. 13. ... he said callously. 14. ... he said passionately. 15. ... he said defiantly. 16. ... he said complacently.

1. Don't keep asking such silly questions. 2. You should treat your elders with more respect.

3. I shall always love you. 4. Mind your own business. 5. No one cares whether you live or die.

6. I thought you said you were ill yesterday. 7. That's your problem, not mine. 8. You can go to the devil! 9. You could try reading it up the right way. 10. Tell me what to say to her. 11. You think you are a genius, don't you? 12. I quite understand how you feel. 13. Let's try again, shall we? It is rather difficult. 14. I think it's been a very pleasant evening. 15. I've made very good progress. 16. That's what I intend to do and no one's going to stop me.

11. Interpret these examples of direct speech, then re-express them as indirect speech.

Example: "Why don't we go sailing?" Diana said. Diana suggested (that) we (should) go sailing.

1. "You've just won a lottery!" Tom said. "Really?" Jennifer exclaimed. 2. "More money should be spent on education," Frank ob­served. "Yes, I agree," Gillian answered. 3. "I don't think you should take up wind-surfing at your age," John said. "I feel it's a sport that will suit all ages," Jenny replied. . "But it requires great physical strength," John said. "And who told you I was short of that?" Jenny said. 4. "Don't go too near the lions' cage," mother said. But I want to see the lions close up," Billy answered. 'Isn't this close enough?" mother asked. ''No," Billy replied. "I'm sorry, Billy, but you can't go any closer than this." "But I want to," Billy insisted. "Well, you can't." 5. "You really must keep to your diet, Mrs Flynn, if you're serious about losing weight," Dr Grey said. "You have been keeping to it, haven't you?" "Well, I ... er ...," Mrs Flynn muttered.

"Have you or haven't you?" "Well, I have occasionally had a bit extra." "What do you mean, "a bit extra?" "Oh - a cream cake or two." 6. "You did enjoy the film, didn't you?" Sandra asked. « "I'm not sure," Sam answered. "I thought Gloria Gleam's performance was fantastic!" "Well, I didn't like it at all," Sam replied. "Didn't you really?" Sandra replied.

12. Put in the missing words.


It's a sad fact that people steal from hotels. Recently I interviewed Mr David Wills, the manager of a large hotel, and he '.........me that all kinds of things, large and small, 2............ con­stantly stolen. Mr Wills told 3............ that a check 4............... made on a person's room as soon as they (leave). 5............ it, but unless someone had walked off with a wardrobe, he (advise) ............ the staff (not/make) 1............ a fuss. "What is even more surprising," Mr Wills 8....................."is the things people leave behind — anything from wooden legs to false teeth!" He then 9............... on to tell me a story about a snobbish lady who (recently check out) I0................ She (object) "............... that her bill (be) 12............... too high, but paid it nevertheless. Just as she (leave) l3................ the phone rang and the cashier answered it. He then 14...............the lady that a hotel

bathrobe was missing from her room. The lady expressed great sur­prise and 15............ that the jiotel maid must have packed it in by mistake. "But the maid has just reported the bathrobe missing," the cashier 16................ Handing over the bathrobe, the lady left in dis­gust. "Who wants a second-hand bathrobe, anyway?" she said, as she made her way to a taxi complaining that hotel service (be) 17............ not what it used to be.

13. Report each request in two ways, where possible.

Example: "When should I be at the station?" She asked when she should be at the station. She asked when to be at the station.

1. "Where shall we have our meeting?" They asked ... 2. "Which should I choose?" He asked ....................... 3. "Who(m) shall I ask?" She wanted to know.......... 4. "What should I do?" He asked me......................... 5. "Why should I pay this bill?" She wanted to know 6. "Whose car should I borrow?" He wanted to know 7. "Why should I be punished?" She asked................

14. Put in the correct forms.


It had been a particularly bad winter in Chicago. Nearly fort.» inches of snow had fallen in a fortnight. Railway workers at Chicago station didn't know (what/do) '............... with it. The

foreman (advise them/shovel) 2............... it ihto huge mountains to keep the platforms clear. He (tell/not leave) ..................... any snow on the platforms because it was dangerous for passen­gers. But it was an impossible task! Suddenly, one of the workers had a bright idea. "I know (how/get rid) 4............... of it," he said. "Let's load it onto this freight train. We can send it south to Mississippi and New Orleans. It'll just melt away." The next day five tons of snow arrived in Memphis, Tennessee. "It's a welcome gift," a railway worker said. "We know (what/do). 5............with it here. We'll send what we can to the children's playground. Some of us have never seen snow before!"

15. Report the following using the simple past of the verbs in brackets.

1. "Wait for me," I said to him. (tell) ...................................2. "Go on holiday when the weather gets warmer," she told him. (advise)................................................................................

3. "Keep out of this room at all times," she said to them, (warn) ..........................................................................................

4. "Remember to post those letters," he said to me. (remind) 5. "Don't go into my study," he said to them, (ask) ............. 6. "Don't wait for me," I said to him. (tell) ..........................

7. "Don't go on holiday yet," she told him. (advise) ............. 8. "Don't ever enter this room," she said to them, (warn) ....

16. Report each question in two ways.

1. "Shall I fax the information to them?" She asked if/ whether she should fax the information to them. She asked whether to fax the information to them 2. "Should I leave a message for her?" He asked................... 3. "Shall I heat the food for you?" She asked him ................. 4. "Should I phone him now?" He wanted to know ............ 5. "Shall I invite them to dinner?" She wanted to know

17. Report these subject-questions moving the clauses "one tense back" only where necessary.

1. "Who's next, please?" She wanted to know ...................2. "What makes a noise like that?" He wondered............... 3. "Which of you is waiting to see me next?" The doctor asked ....................................4. "Whose composition haven't we heard yet?" The teacher asked us to tell her.........................5. "Who left this bag here?" Tell me....................................6. "What caused accident?" Can you explain...................... 7. "Which newspaper carried the article?" I'd like to know .. 8. "Whose painting will win the competition?" I haven't any idea ............................

9. "Which firms have won prizes for exports?" This article doesn't .............................. 10. "Which number can be divided by three?" The teacher asked ...........................................

18. Put in the correct forms and tenses of the numbered verbs.


The nurse asked me if I (be) '......... next and she led me in' Dr Grey's surgery. Dr Grey smiled at me and asked (what the prob­lem be) 2............. I'm a young man and am not the sort of person she has to see very often! I told her I (be) 3......... feeling rather run down. She asked me if I (keep) 4......... regular hours and I said I (have not) .......... She wanted to know why I (not/keep) 6......... regular hours and I said I (be) 7............... out with friends almost every evening. Dr Grey then wanted to know how I (spend) 8......... my time and I (tell) ......... her I (go) 10............ to parties mosth The doctor asked if I (not/have) "......... the chance to recover during weekends and I (tell) 12............ her that my party-goint,' (be) 3............ even worse during the weekends! She asked me if I (smoke) 14............When I said I did, she asked how many cigarette a day I (smoke) '5.......... She raised her eyebrows when answered! Then she asked me if I (take) '6......... any exercise and I answered that I (not/have) 17............time for that sort of thing. "You're burning the candle at both ends, Mr Finley," she told me. "Rest is the only cure for you. You've really got to slow down." She looked at me wistfully before I left her surgery and added, "but I do envy you the life you've been living!"

19. Report these question-word questions moving the clauses "one tense back".

1. "What's the weather like?" She asked me what the weather was like. 2. "What does Frank do for a living?" I wanted to know ...... 3. "Why is Maria crying?" She wondered ............................. 4. "What kind of holiday has Marco had?" You wanted to now............................................................................................ 5. "How long have you both been living here?" They in­quired ...........................................................................................

6. "Where did they go last week?" She wanted to know ...... 7. "Who are you looking for?" He asked me .........................8. "When will lunch be ready?" You didn't tell me ...............9. "Which countries will John be visiting?" You didn't say ... 10. "How can I solve the problem?" I wanted to know ..........

20. Report these statements with said (except 13) mov­ing the clauses "one tense back".

DIRECT SPEECH STATEMENTS present becomes past

1. Mac: I need a holiday. — Mac said he needed a holiday, 2. Sue: I'm not wasting my time. present perfect becomes past perfect 3. Tom: I've had some good news. 4. Pam: I've been sleeping. past becomes past or past perfect (past perfect is often optional) 5. Lou: I went home early. 6. Jan: I was waiting for you. past perfect does not change 7. Joe: I had eaten earlier. 8. Pat: I had been waiting for you. modal "present" becomes "conditional" or "past"

9. Tim: I will see you later. 10. Dot: I can speak French. 11. Kim: I may arrive later. "shall" with a future reference becomes "would" 12. Ron: I shall speak to him. "shall" in offers and suggestions becomes "should" 13. Meg: Shall I speak to him? "past" or "conditional" modals do not change 14. Ted: I could help you. 15. Ann: I might see him. 16. Jim: I would enjoy that. "perfect" modal forms do not change 17. Sam: I must have fainted, 18. Don: I couldn't have said that. 19. Ned: I needn't have gone there. 20. Lyn: I ought to have helped her. "should" (="it's advisable") doesn't change 21. Lee: I should go to the dentist's. "should" used in place of "would" in conditionals becomes "would" 22. Dan: If I were you I should get legal advice. "must" (=necessity in the past) does not change, or be­comes "had to" 23. Paul: I must catch an early train. 24. Jill: I must speak to you. "must" (=necessity in the future) does not change, or becomes "would have to" 25. Bill: I must leave tomorrow. 26. Jane: I must work till late.

must" (=deduction or possibility) does not change. 27. Phil: John must be a fool. "mustn't " (=prohibition) does not change, or becomes "couldn't" 28. Jean: I mustn't eat meat. 29 Jeff: They mustn't give up.

21. Turn each direct-speech statement into indirect speech with tense changes.


"I've conducted a number of tests," Dr Grey said .................."I must put you on a very strict diet," she told me "You're putting on a lot of weight," she said "You have gained 5.5 kilos in six month," she added "You gained 10 kilos last year," she reminded me "You will get very fat if you go on like this," she told me ..... "You should eat very little," she said .....................................

"So I'll have to live on nuts and water," I said nervously ....... "You can live on nuts and water without the nuts," she said.

22. Report what these people are saying with the report­ing verbs provided.

1. "She's going to America for six months." They say she's going to America for six months.

2. "They went to Rhodes last year." Peter tells me...............3. A:Tm not feeling well." S.:"Pardon?" C.:"She's not feeling well." She says .............................................................

4. A.: "I'll look at your work in a minute." В.: "Pardon?" C.: "She'll look at your work in a minute."

She says ..................................................................5. A.: "I've typed those letters." В.: "What does she say?" C.: "She's typed those letters." ................................................. 6. "We must investigate this case." The writer of this report says ........................................ 7. "The last strike did no one any good." The writer of this article says ............................................. 8. "Turn off the electricity at the mains." It says here ...... 9. "You have to rub down the walls." The instructions say 10. "I'm good at flower arranging." She's always telling peo­ple ....................

23. Put in appropriate forms of ask, say and tell.


Some people' (always) (are always_ saying) that they don't build cars as they used to. What nonsense! I walked round the beautiful new Ferrari again, admiring its lines, when my thoughts were rudely interrupted. "Will you be here long? a voice ........... sharply. "I haven't made up my mind yet, I 3 ............., looking up at a sour-faced traffic warden. "Well you can't stop here," he ............ me. "Who .............. so?" I 6 .......... him cheekily. "I 7 ........... so," he 8 ........... to me. "It 9 .............. here," he added, "in case you can read, "No Waiting". "You read very well. Go to the top of the class!" I 10 ............... him, "but I'll make my own decisions.

"Oh, will you?" the traffic warden " ............. "Then so will I and I've decided to give you a ticket," he l2 ............. to me with relish as he began filling out a form. "Go ahead," I ............ him. "This car doesn't belong to me anyway. I wish it did!'

24. Report the dialogue.

A.: What's wrong with Jerry? I was with him in the coffee shop this noon. He was in good spirits. We were talking and laughing. Then Barbara came in. Suddenly Jerry was ill at ease.

В.: Didn't you know? They had a guarrel yesterday. Jerry made fun of Barbara's hat.

A.: Is that all? She doesn't hold that against him, does she?

В.: No, I don't think so. But you know Barbara. She's quite particular about her appearance. Well, she lost her temper. Now she won't speak to Jerry.

A.: I'd better have a talk with Barbara. She's being childish. That's nothing to get on her high horse about.

В.: I'll bet Jerry could eat his words now. He'll be careful what he says about ladie's hats!

25. Report the dialogue.

A.: What happened to Edith Jones? I've lost track of her lately.

В.: I don't know, and I really don't care. Edith always rubbed me the wrong way.

A.: Really? I took it for granted you were good friends.

В.: We used to be. Not any more, though. I got tired of her remarks.

A.: I'm sorry to hear that. Edith's really a nice girl, though. And life's too short to stay angry at someone. Come on. Let by­gones be bygones. I'm sure she'd like to be friends again. Meet her half way.

В.: I suppose you're right. I'll turn over a new leaf and start again It's fun being mad at people.

26. Report the dialogue.

A. How was your trip to Chicago?

B. I wish I'd spent my vacation here.

A. In other words, you didn't like Chicago.

B. Oh, it wasn't that. I liked the city very much. But I got sick while I was there.

A. I'm sorry to hear that.

B. I came near having to call the doctor. But I had some medicine and I took that. I always carry it, just to be on the safe side.

A.: Lucky you had it on hand.

В.: Little did I think I'd get sick in Chicago. Next time I won't take chances. I'll make sure I'm in good health before I leave.

A.: Keep your fingers crossed1

27. Report the dialogue.

A.: I put my foot in it today.

В.: What happened?

A.: I had words with my aunt. I felt terrible about it later. But I'd been on edge all morning.

В.: Come to the point. Why did you argue?

A.: My son Billy misbehaved. I punished him. Aunt Rose de­fended Billy. That was the last straw! I told her not to interfere.

В.: Is everything all right now?

A.: Yes, everything is fine. I'm glad I took a stand with Aunt Rose, though. We understand each other better now.

28. Report the dialogue.

A.: Will you keep an eye on my books? I'll be back in five minutes.

В.: Where are you going? Are you up to nothing? You look

as though you are.

A.: Not really. But here comes Dorothy. I'd just as soon she didn't see me.

В.: Why not?

A.: She had her heart set on seeing a movie. I promised t< take her. Then I discovered I didn't have any money. I phoned hei and said I was sick.

В.: Relax. She's going out the other door. You're safe for thi time being.

A.: That was a close call.

29. Report the dialogue

A.: Have you heard that Jane cancelled her party next Friday?

В.: Yes, but I didn't hear why. What happened?

A.: She's going to New York. She has to see about some­thing for her boss.

В.: Why did Jane plan the party? She knew all along about New York, didn't she?

A.: Yes, but she really isn't to blame. She thought the trip would be next week. Yesterday she was told to go this week.

В.: Too bad about the party, to say the least. The trip will do Jane good, though.

A.: And she can have the party when she returns.

В.: Frankly, I'm glad about the party. I'm up to my ears in work right now.

30. Report the dialogue.

A . Let's go to the movies. There's a good picture at the Roxy.

В.: I'd like to, but I can't. I have to study. I wasted the whole afternoon. I forgot I had to brush up my French. Then, all of a sud­den, I remembered.

A.: Oh, come on! We'll be home early.

В.: No, I'd better not. I have an exam tomorrow. I was about to study when you came in. You know how it is. If you don't study, you don't pass. That goes without saying.

A. Exam? Tomorrow? Oh-oh!

B. What's the matter?

A. I just remembered. I have an exam, too!

B. We can go to the movies on Saturday.

31. Put the following into indirect speech.

1. "I have something to show you," I said to her. 2. "Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun," she said. 3. "I'm going away tomorrow, mother," he said. 4. "I've been in London for a month but so far I haven't had time to visit the Tower," said Rupert. 5. "It isn't so foggy today as it was yesterday," I remarked. 6. "The new underpass is being officially opened the day af­ter tomorrow," said the BBC announcer. 7. "We have moved into our new flat. We don't like it nearly so much as our last one," said my aunt. 8. "We have a lift but very often it doesn't work," they said. 9. "From one of the windows of my flat I can see the Eiffel Tower," he said. 10. "I've no idea what the time is but I'll dial 8081 and find out," said his daughter. 11. He said, "My wife has just been made a judge." 12. "I'll come with you as soon as I am ready," she replied. 13. "I have a German lesson this afternoon and I haven't done my homework yet," said the small boy.

14. "If you let the iron get too hot you will scorch your clothes," I warned her. 15. "You haven't given me quite enough. The bill is for £14 and you've paid me only £13," he pointed out.

16. Ann said, "Englishmen make good husbands because they are nearly always willing to help in the house." 17. Mary answered, "I like men to be useful but I don't like them to be too domesticated. I prefer them to keep out of the kitchen altogether. Men look silly in aprons anyway." 18. Motoring report: The new Rolls Royce runs so quietly that all you can hear is the ticking of the clock. Managing director of the Rolls Royce company: In that case we'll have to do something about the clock. 19. "I don't know what to do with all my plums. I suppose I'll have to make jam. The trouble is that none of us eats jam," she said. 20. "We like working on Sundays because we get double pay," explained the builders. 21. He said, "I'm quite a good cook and I do all my own washing and mending too." 22. "You can keep that one if you like, Joan," he said. "I've got plenty of others." 23. "I'm going fishing with mother this afternoon," said the small boy, "and we are going into the garden now to dig for worms." (Omit now). 24. "You've got my umbrella," I said crossly. "Yours is in your bedroom." 25. "I know exactly what they said," the private detective explained to his client, "because I bugged their phone." 26. "I'll sit up till she comes in, but I hope she won't be late," he said. 27. "If you give me some wire, I'll hang that picture for you," said my cousin. 28. "I have a Turkish bath occasionally, but it doesn't seem to make any difference to my weight," she said. 29. "This is quite a good model, madam. I use one of these myself," said the salesman. 30. "My new house is supposed to be haunted, but so far I haven't seen any ghosts," she said. 31. The advertisement said, "If you answer the questions cor­rectly you may win £100." 32. "If I press my ear against the wall, I can hear what the people in the next flat are saying," he said.

32. Put the following into indirect speech, being careful to avoid ambiguity.

1. "I couldn't get into the house because I had lost my key, so I had to break a window," he said.

2. "The mirror is there so that you can see yourself when you are dancing," the instructress told him. 3. "I wrote to him the day before yesterday. I wonder why he hasn't rung up," she said.

4. "If the ground is dry on the day of the race, my horse might win," said the owner. 5. "You'd better slow down. There's a speed limit here," she said to me. (Use advise.) 6. "If Tom wants seats, he'd better apply early," she said. 7. "We walked. 50 miles last night to see the Minister and protest about our rents being raised. He was very polite and promised to do what he could for us," said one of the tenants. 8. "They should put traffic lights here, otherwise there'll be more accidents," she said. 9. "It's time we began training for our next match," the coach said to them. 10. "If you leave home at six, you should be here by nine," he said to me. 11. "If it rains this afternoon it will be too wet to play the match tomorrow," the captain said. 12. "I meant to plug in the electric blanket but I plugged in the electric kettle by mistake. I'm always doing silly things like that," she told her guest. 13. "I was intending to do it tomorrow," he said, "but now I don't think I'll be able to." 14. "Bill should do very well at the university, Mrs Smith," said the headmaster. "He's done very well here." 15. "I don't think your father likes me," said the young wife. "You mustn't think that," said her husband: "it is just that he is old and finds it hard to get used to new people." (Leave mustn't unchanged.) 16. "The steak is overdone again. I'm not complaining: I'm just pointing it out," said her husband. "I wish you'd stop pointing things out," said his wife. 17. "They couldn't open the safe on the spot so they carried f it away with them," the night watchman reported. 18. "If you saw my father, you'd recognize him at once. He is the most extraordinary-looking man," she said to me. 19. "I found an old Roman coin in the garden yesterday," he said, "and I'm going to take it to the museum this afternoon." 20. He said, "I got out my boat, leaving the engine running, but while I was standing on the quay the gears suddenly engaged themselves and the boat went straight out of the harbour with no one on board." 21. Then Macbeth enters and says, "I have done the deed." 22. "Would you like me to go with you?" I said. "I'd rather go alone," he answered. 23. My brother said, "You may take my car if you like. I shan't be needing it tomorrow or the day after." 24. "Yesterday Tom and I went to look at a house that he was thinking of buying. It was rather a nice house and had a lovely garden but Tom decided against it because it was oppo­site a cemetery," said Celia.

25. He said, "My wife wants to take a job but I'd rather she concentrated on our home." 26. "I don't know what your father will say when he sees what a mess your puppies have made of this five-pound note," said my mother. 27. "It's high time you passed your test; I'm tired of driving round with an L-plate on the front of the car," my sister said. 28. "I wish you'd seen it," I said to her.

33. Put the following into indirect speech. The first ten questions require no change of order.

He said, "What is happening?" He asked what was happening.

1. "What happened to Mr Budd?" said one of the men. 2. "Which of his sons inherited his estate?" asked another. 3. "Who is going to live in the big house?" enquired a third. 4. "What will happen to his racehorses?" asked someone else. 5. "Which team has won?" asked Ann.

6. "Which team won the previous match?" said Bill. 7. "Who is playing next week?" he asked.

8. "Who will be umpiring that match?" asked Tom. 9. "Who wants a lift home?" said Ann.

10. "Who has just dropped a £10 note?" I asked. 11. "Where is the ticket office?" asked Mrs Jones. 12. "What shall I do with my heavy luggage?" she said. (Use should.) 13. "What platform does the train leave from?" asked Bill. 14. "When does it arrive in York?" he asked.

15. "When was the timetable changed?" I asked. 16. "Why has the 2.30 train been cancelled?" said Ann. 17. "How much does a day return to Bath cost?" Mrs Jones asked. 18. "Why does the price go up so often?" she wondered. 19. "How can I get from the station to the airport?" said Bill. 20. "When are you coming back?" I asked them. 21. "Is a return ticket cheaper than two singles?" said my aunt. 22. "Do puppies travel free?" asked a dog owner. 23. "Can I bring my dog into the compartment with me?" she asked. 24. "Does this train stop at York?" asked Bill. 25. "Can you telephone from inter-city trains?" said the busi­nessman. 26. "Does the 2.40 have a restaurant car?" he enquired. 27. "Can you get coffee on the train?" asked my aunt.

28. "Do they bring it round on a trolley?" she said. 29. "Are there smoking compartments?" said the man with the pipe. 30. "Have you reserved a seat?" I asked him.

Extra exercise: read the last twenty questions, using one of the following prefaces: / wonder/I'd like to know/Do you know? / Have you any idea? / Can you tell me?

31. "Do you know where the ticket office is?" 32. "I wonder what I should do with my heavy luggage."

34. A new student, Paul, has come to the college and the other students are asking him questions. Imagine that he reports these questions later to an English friend.

Bill asked what country I came from.

1. "What country do you come from?" said Bill. 2. "How long have you been here?" said Ann.

3. "Are you working as well as studying?" asked Peter. , 4. "Have you got a work permit?" Bill wanted to know. 5. "What are you going to study?" asked Ann. 6. "Have you enrolled for more than one class?" said Peter 7. "Do you want to buy any second-hand books?" said Bill. ' 8. "Have you seen the library?" asked Ann. 9. "Do you play rugby?" said Peter. 10. "Will you have time to play regularly?" he went on. 11. "Did you play for your school team?" said Bill. 12. "Are you interested in acting'1" asked Ann. 13. "Would you like to join our Drama Group?" she said.

14. "What do you think of the canteen coffee?" asked Peter.

Mary and Tom, with their son, John, aged 11, have recently come to this area. Mary wants to find a school for John and asks her neighbour Mrs Smith about the local school.

(a) Later, Mrs Smith reports these questions to her husband, "Is it a mixed school?"

She asked if it was a mixed school.

(b) Alternatively, supply suitable answers to Mary's ques­tions and then imagine that Mary reports the conversation (her questions and Mrs Smith's answers) to her husband Tom "Were your boys happy there?"~

"Yes, they were."

/ asked if her boys had been happy there and she said that they had.

15. "How long has it been a mixed school?" 16. "Do you like the headmaster?" 17. "Is he a scientist or an arts graduate?" 18. "How many children are there in the school?" 19 "How big are the classes?" 20. "Are the classes streamed?" 21. "What is the academic standard like?"

22. "Can parents visit the school at any time?" 23. "Is there a good art department?" 24. "Do they teach music?" 25. "What instruments can the children learn?" 26. "Is there a school orchestra?" 27. "Do they act plays?" 28. "What sort of plays have they done?" 29. "What games do they play?" 30 "Are the playing fields near the school?" 31. "Are they taught to swim?" 32. "Can the children get dinner at school?" 33. "Is the food good?"

34. "Is there a Parent-Teacher Association?" 35. "How often does it meet?"

36. "Were your own boys happy at the school?"

35. Put the following into indirect speech.

1. "Why are you looking through the keyhole?" I said. 2. "Who put salt in my coffee?" he asked.

3. "Which of you knows how to make Irish stew?" said the chief cook. 4 "Why did you travel first class?" I asked him. 5. "How can I run in high-heeled shoes?" she enquired. 6. "What is your new house like?" I asked them. 7. He said, "Where am I supposed to go now?" (Omit now.) 8. "Whose car did you borrow last night?" I said to him. 9. "What was she wearing when you saw her last?" the po­liceman asked me. 10. "Who owns this revolver?" said the detective.

11. "Where were you last night, Mr Jones?" he said. 12. "What else did you see?" I asked the boy. 13. "Have you done this sort of work before?" said his new employer. 14. "Can you read the last line on the chart?" the oculist i," asked her. 15. "Did they understand what you said to them?" he asked me. 16. "Are you being attended to, sir?" said the shop assistant. 17. "Will you go on strike when the others do?" the shop steward asked him. 18. "Do you see what I see, Mary?" said the young man 19. "Who left the banana skin on the front doorstep?" said my mother. 20. "Have you gone completely mad?" I asked. "Do you want ' to blow us all up?"

21 "Why is your house so full of antiques?" she asked. "Was •your father a collector?" 22. "Are you leaving today or tomorrow morning?" said his secretary. 23. "How far is it?" I said, "and how long will it take me to get there?" 24. "Could I speak to Mrs Pitt?" said the caller.

"I'm afraid she's out," said the аи pair girl. "Could I take a message?" 25. "Are you sorry for what you did?" the mother asked the little boy. 26. "Are you going to see him off at the station?" I asked her 27. "Would you mind if I looked inside your bag, Madam?" said the policeman.

28. "If someone fell at your feet foaming at the mouth would you know what to do?" said the instructor in First Aid. 29. "Why do you think it may be dangerous?" he asked her. 30. "Do you know that the shoes you are wearing aren't a pair?" I asked him.

36. Change the following direct commands into indirect commands using the verbs: tell, order, ask, beg, ad­vise, remind, warn, etc.

1. "Switch off the TV," he said to her. 2. "Shut the door, Tom," she said. 3. "Lend me your pen for a moment," I said to Mary. 4. "Don't watch late-night horror movies," I warned them. 5. "Don't believe everything you hear," he warned me. 6. "Please fill up this form," the secretary said. 7. "Don't hurry," I said. 8. "Don't touch that switch, Mary," I said. 9. "Open the safe!" the raiders ordered the bank clerk. 10. "Please do as I say," he begged me. 11. "Help your mother, Peter," Mr Pitt said. 12. "Don't make too much noise, children," he said. 13. "Do whatever you like," she said to us. 14. "Don't miss your train," she warned them. 15. "Read it before you sign it," he said to his client. 16. "Do sing it again," he said. 17. "Don't put your hands near the bars," the zoo keeper warned us. 18. "Buy a new car," I advised him. 19. "Don't drive too fast," she begged him. 20. "Don't lean your bicycles against my windows, boys," said the shopkeeper.

21. "Come to the cinema with me," he asked her. 22. "Cook it in butter," I advised her. 23. "Don't touch the gates, madam," said the lift operator. 24. "Don't argue with me," the teacher said to the boy. 25. "Pull as hard as you can," he said to him. 26. "Send for the Fire Brigade," the manager said to the porter. 27. "Don't lend her anything," he advised us. 28 "Make a list of what you want," she told us. 29. "Look at the paper," he said to her. 30. "Stand clear of the doors," a voice warned the people on the platform. 31. "See if you can find any mushrooms, children," she said. 32. "Don't go alone," I warned her. 33. "Pay at the cash desk," the shop assistant said to the customer. 34. The notice said, "Leave this space clear." 35. "Remember to write to your mother," I said to them. 36. "Think well before you answer," the detective warned her.

37. Put the following into indirect speech. In most cases the person addressed must be supplied.

1. He said, "Get out of my way." 2. "Climb in through the window," he ordered. 3 "Please pay at the desk," said the assistant. 4. "Open your bag, please," said the store detective. 5. "Don't worry about anything, Mrs Pitt," said her solicitor. "Leave it all to me." 6. "Don't use bent coins in a slot machine," I warned him. 7. "Follow that car," the detective said to the taxi-driver. 8. "Wash it in lukewarm water," recommended the assistant. 9. "Have confidence in me," urged the doctor. 10. "Take me up to the 33rd floor," he said to the liftman. 11 "Read the notice about life-saving equipment," advised the air-hostess. 12. "Always cook with butter," said her mother, "never use margarine." 13. "Don't argue with your father," I said. 14. "Remember to prune the roses," said my aunt. 15. "Wait for me at the bridge," said the young man. 16. "Don't eat too much starch," I advised her, "and avoid fried food." 17. "Don't say anything to make her angry," said my father 18. Notice: Please do not ask at the desk for change for tele­phone calls.

19. "Don't forget to feed the goldfish," Mary said to her brother. 20. "Cross the line by the footbridge," said the porter. 21. "Write to me as often as you can," said his wife. 22. "Put your pistol on the table," said the crook. 23. "Please book me a seat in a non-smoker," said the traveller. 24. "Don't forget your sandwiches," said his mother. 25. "Don't go near the water, children," she said. 26. "Search the house," said the policeman sergeant. 27. "Don't make mountains out of molehills," he said. 28. "Put down that gun. It's loaded," she warned.

38. Put the following into indirect speech, joining the sentences together with as, and, but or for.

1. "Make good use of your time. You won't get such an op portunity again," he said to us. 2. "Don't wait till tomorrow," said the advertisement, "post the coupon at once." 3. "Be very careful crossing roads," she said, "and remember to drive on the right." 4. "I can't open it. You have a try, Peter," he said. 5. "Go and get me a paper, and come straight back," he said to me.

6. "Someone's coming. Get into the cupboard," she said. 7. "Give way to traffic approaching from your right," the road sign warned us. 8. "Please, please send whatever you can spare," said the secretary of the disaster fund. 9. "Wear a wig if you don't want to be recognized," I ad­vised him. 10. "Don't bathe when the red flag is flying," said the life­guard. 11. "Don't forget to thank Mrs Jones when you are saying goodbye to her," said his mother. 12. "Watch the milk and don't let it boil over," he said. 13. "Don't shelter under a tree in a thunderstorm," he said. 'The tree might be struck by lightning." 14. "Put the message into a bottle and throw it into the sea," he said. 15. "Read it for yourself if you don't believe what I say," he told me. 16. "Don't forget to use your indicators," said the driving in­structor. 17. "Don't drive too fast or the baby'll be sick," she said to her husband. 18. "Do make the coffee a bit stronger," I begged. "It was terribly weak last night." 19. "Beware of pickpockets," said a huge notice. 20. "Smell this. Do you think it has gone bad?" she said. 21. "Don't take your coat off. We are going out again in moment," she told him. 22. "Stand by the window and tell me if anyone goes into the house opposite," he said. 23. "Don't move till the policeman waves you on," said the driving instructor.

24. "Don't touch it. You will only make it worse," he told me. 25. "Be careful; the steps are very slippery," I warned him. 26. "Ask your boss to ring me back," I said. "My number is 1234567."

"Could you repeat that, please?" said the girl. 27. "Don't work too fast," said the foreman. "If we finish be­fore six we shan't get any overtime." 28. "Prepare to meet your doom. The end of the world is at hand," said the placard. 29. "Remember to put the brake on," the instructor said.

30. "Would you please take off your shoes?" Keiko said to him.

39. Put the following into indirect speech using ask, advise, invite, offer, remind, tell, warn.

1. "Would you like to have lunch with me on Sunday?" he said to me. 2. "Would you like a cigarette?" said one of the guests. 3. "Would you mind not smoking between courses?" said their hostess. 4. "Take these letters to the post, will you? And shut the door as you go out," said the boss. 5. "Will you help me, please?" she said. "I can't reach the top shelf." 6. "This is a horrible room. Why don't you ask for something better?" he said. 7. "If I were you I'd try to get a room on the top floor," he said. 8. "I'll wait for you if you like," she said. 9. "Remember to switch off when you've finished," he said. 10. "You might check these figures for me," he said. 11. "You'd better apologize for being late," said my mother. 12. "Could you check the oil, please?" I asked the me­chanic. 13. "I wish you'd sit still!" said the artist. "How do you ex­pect me to paint you when you keep jerking your head?" 14. "Why don't you go by train? It's much less tiring than driving," I said. 15. Hotel notice: Will guests please not play radios loudly af­ter midnight?

16. "Would you like to wait here?" said the receptionist, showing me into the waiting room.

17. "You must see this exhibition!" said all my friends. 18. "I should plant daffodils, if I were you," I said to them. 19. "If you'd just sign the back of the cheque," said the bank clerk.

20. "I'd be very grateful if you'd forward my letters while I am away," he said. 21. Police announcement: Will anyone who saw this accident please get in touch with their nearest police station? 22. "Don't leave your room at night," he said. "Our host's dogs might mistake you for a burglar." 23. "Answer this letter for me, will you?" he said. "And re­member to keep a copy."

24. "Would you mind moving your car?" he said. "It's block­ing my gate." 25. (in a letter) "Perhaps you'd let me know when your new stock comes in." (Mrs Jones ...) 26. Notice on board: The first team will report to the gymna­sium for weight-training. (The coach ...) 27. "Could you sew on this button for me?" Tom asked Ann. "You'd better sew it on yourself," said Mary. "Buttons sewn on by Ann usually come off the next day." 28. "If you will kindly sit down the fortune-teller will be with you in a moment," the girl said.

40. Put the following into indirect speech.

1. "Could you get there and back in one day?" I asked. ( I asked if he ...) 2. "I can't open this tin," said Ann. "Shall I do it for you?" said Tom. 3. "Could you translate this for me, please?" I asked the of­ficial. 4. "Shall we ever meet again?" he wondered. 5. "Will you be here tomorrow?" she asked. "Yes," I an­swered. 6. "Could I lose five kilos in a week?" said the fat woman. "No," said the doctor. 7. "Will you have a drink?" he said. 8. "Why don't you install gas central heating?" said the ad­vertisement, (urge) 9. "Will you read this very carefully, please?" he said to me. 10. "Shall I tell him what happened?" she asked me. 11. "Wouldn't you like to look ten years younger?" said the hairdresser. 12. "I'm going to Brighton tomorrow," said Ann.

"So'm I," said Tom. "Would you like a lift?" (Tom said he was too and ...) 13. "Can I have a sweet?" said the small boy. 14. "Can we stay up till the end of the programme?" said the children. 15. "Could I have the weekend off?" he asked his boss. 16. "Could I leave early on Friday?" he said. 17. "Why don't you like pop music?" the teenagers asked him. 18. "Why don't you take up the oboe again?" said my friends. (advise) 19. "Where shall I hang my new picture?" he said. "Would it look well over the mantelpiece?" 20. "What shall I do if the car won't start?" I said. 21. "Have you got enough money? Shall I lend you some?" said my friend. 22. "Will you be able to guide me or shall I bring a map?" I asked. 23. "You won't forget to shut the door, will you?" she said (remind) 24. "Would you like to see over the house?" I asked her. 25. "Would you like to peel the potatoes?" said Ann, handing me a knife. 26. "I've got two tickets. Would you like to come with me?" he said. 27. "Can you use a word processor?" he asked. "No," I said. 28. "Would you mind living by yourself for six months?" they asked. 29. "Would you mind paying cash?" said my landlady when I took out my cheque-book. 30. "Why don't you trust him?" I asked Ann. "I never trust left-handed men," she answered.

41 Put the following into indirect speech..

1. He said, "When you are at the butcher's remember to get a bone for the dog." 2. She said, "If you feel faint sit down and put your head be­tween your knees." 3. "If I find your purse what shall I do with it?" he said. "Keep it till you see me again," I replied. 4. She said, "If he arrives before I get back give him some­thing to drink." 5. "If anyone rings up," she said, "say that I'll be back shortly." 6. "When you are driving always look in your driving mirror before turning right," said my instructor. 7. "Leave the key under the mat if you go out," she said. 8. "If you think the room is cold shut the windows," said my aunt. 9. "If you feel lonely any time ring me up," he said. 10. "If she doesn't eat meat, offer her an omelette," he said. 11. "Get the car off the road on to the verge if you have a puncture. Don't leave it on the road," said my father. 12. "If I am not back by this time tomorrow take this letter to the police," he said. 13. "When you see Mrs Pitt don't forget to thank her," she ajd to her husband. 14. "When the bell rings take the meat out of the oven," my sister said. 15. "If you are taken prisoner," said the officer, "give your name, rank and number but refuse to answer any other ques­tions." 16. "When you hear the fire alarm, shut all windows and go downstairs as quickly as possible," said the schoolmaster. 17. "If the lift should stop between two floors press the emergency button," he said. 18. "Before you allow anyone to use the Turkish bath re­member to ask him if he has a weak heart," said the senior at­tendant. 19. "If the police stop me, what shall I say?" she asked. 20. "What shall I do if he refuses to let me in?" she said. "Write a note and push it under the door," I said.

21. "What will happen if the strike continues?" he said. 22. "If it goes on snowing, how'll we get food?" wondered the housewives. 23. "When the rain stops, can we go out?" said the children.

24. "When you've completed one section, go on to the next," the teacher said. 25. "If you don't like the programme, switch to another channel," I said to her. 26. "If I lose my traveller's cheques, will the bank repay me?" I asked. 27. "If the noise gets worse, you'd complain to the police," he said to me. 28. "As soon as you find a hotel, ring me and give me the address," he said.

42. Part 1. Write the following in indirect speech, in or­dinary narrative form.

Ann suggested having a party on the next Saturday. Mary agreed and asked who they should invite.

Report "Why don't we ...?" as a suggestion and "Why don't Уои?" as suggestion or advice. Report "Why not?" in no. 9 as agreed.

1. Ann: What about having a party on Saturday? 2. Mary: Yes, let's. Who shall we invite?

3. Ann: Let's not make a list. Let's just invite everybody. 4. Mary: We don't want to do too much cooking, so what about making it a wine and cheese party? 5. Ann: Suppose we ask everybody to bring a bottle? 6. Mary: Shall we hire glasses from our local wine shop? We haven't many left. 7. Ann: If it's warm, how about having the party in the garden? 8. Mary: Why not have a barbecue? 9. Ann: Why not? We could ask Paul to do the cooking. 10. Mary: Last time we had a barbecue the neighbours com­plained about the noise. Shall we ask everyone to speak in whis­pers? 11. Ann: Suppose we go round to the neighbours and apolo­gize in advance this time? 12. Mary: Why not invite the neighbours? Then the noise won't matter. 13. Ann: What a clever idea! Shall we start ringing everyone up tonight? 14. Mary: What about working out how much it will cost first?

Part 2. Put the following into indirect speech.

15. "What about a round-the-world cruise?" suggested Mrs Smith. "What about renting a caravan? It's all we can afford," said her husband. 16. "Suppose you complain, Ann?" I said. "The boss is more likely to listen to you than to any of us." 17. "You used to be a good tennis player," she reminded him. "Why don't you take it up again?" 18. "Shall we talk there? It's not far," he said. "Yes, let's," I said. 19. "What about joining a weaving class?" Ann said to me. "There's one starting soon." 20. "Let's organize a sponsored cycle race," said the children "What about a sponsored silence?" said the teacher with a grin. 21. "Where shall we meet?" I said. "What about the hotel? said Bill. 22. "Suppose you ring him, Ann, and ask him what he of the idea?" I said. 23. "I'm doing most of the work," I pointed out. "What about giving me a hand?" 24. "Let's leave the washing-up till tomorrow," he suggested. "I hate washing up last thing at night." 25. "Suppose the children go on an adventure holiday this summer?" suggested the father. 26. "Why don't you ask them what they'd like tojio?" I said. 27. "Shall we begin training for the next London Marathon?" said Bill. "I've no intention of running in marathons," I said. "Why don't you ask Paul?" 28. "Why don't you put an advertisement in the local paper?" they suggested to me.

43. Put the following into indirect speech, avoiding as far as possible the verbs say, ask and tell and choosing in­stead from the following: accept, accuse, admit, ad­vise, agree, apologize, assure, beg, call (= summon), . call (+ noun/pronoun + noun), complain, congratu­late, deny, exclaim, explain, give, hope, insist, intro­duce, invite, offer, point out, promise, protest, refuse, remark, remind, suggest, thank, threaten, warn, wish.

1. He said, "Don't walk on the ice; it isn't safe." 2. "Miss Brown, this is Miss White. Miss White, Miss Brown," he said. 3. "Here are the car keys. You'd better wait in the car," he said to her. 4. "Please, please, don't tell anyone," she said. "I won't, I promise," I said. 5. "Would you like my torch?" I said, holding it out. "No, thanks," he said. "I have one of my own." (Omit thanks) 6. Tom: I'll pay. Ann: Oh no, you mustn't! Tom: I insist on paying! 7. "Come in and look round. There's no obligation to buy," said the shopkeeper. 8. "If you don't pay the ransom, we'll kill the boy," said the kidnappers. 9. "I won't answer any questions," said the arrested men. 10. "He expects a lot of work for very little money," plained one of the typists.

"Yes, he does," agreed the other. 11. "I wish it would rain," she said. 12. "You pressed the wrong button," said the mechanic "Don't do it again. You might have a nasty accident." 13. "Your weight's gone up a lot!" I exclaimed. "I'm afraid it has," she said sadly. 14. "I hope you'll have a good journey," he said. "Don't for­get to send a card when you arrive." 15. "Hurrah! I've passed the first exam!" he exclaimed. "Congratulations!" I said, "and good luck with the sec

ond." 16. "All right, I'll wait a week," she said. (Omit all right) 17. "Many happy returns of your birthday!" we said. "Thanks" said the boy. 18. "Your door is the shabbiest in the street," said the neighbour. "It is," I said. 19. "Cigarette?" ~ "Thanks," I said. 20. "I'll sell the TV set if you keep quarrelling about the programme," said their mother. "No, don't do that! We won't quarrel any more," said the children. 21. "I'll give you £500 to keep your mouth shut," he said to me. 22. "I'll wait for you, I promise," he said to me. 23. "I'm sorry I'm late," she said. "The bus broke down."

24. "You've been leaking information to the Press!" said his 'Colleagues. "No, I haven't," he said. "Liar!" said Tom. 25. "I'll drop you from the team if you don't train harder. said the captain.

26. "If the boys do anything clever, you call them your son-complained his wife. "But if they do anything stupid, you call them mine." 27. "Let's have a rest," said Tom. "Yes, let's" said Ann.

28. "Ugh! There's a slug in my lettuce. Waiter'" he cried.

44. put the following into direct speech, using a dia­logue form.

Tom: Would you like to come for a drive tomorrow, Ann? Ann: I'd love to etc.


1. Tom invited Ann to come for a drive the following day. 2. Ann accepted with pleasure and asked where he was thinking of going. 3. He said he'd leave it to her. 4. She suggested Stratford ... 5. adding that she hadn't been there for ages. 6. Tom agreed and said that they might go on the river if it was a fine day. 7. Ann wondered what was on at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. 8. Tom said they'd find out when they got there ... 9. adding that it was usually possible to get seats on the day of the play. 10. He asked Ann if she could be ready by ten. 11. Ann said with regret that she couldn't as she had to type a report first. 12. Tom expressed horror at the idea of working on Saturday ... 13. and advised her to change her job.

14. She told him not to be ridiculous and explained that ... 15. she had volunteered to type the report in return for a free afternoon the following week. 16. She pointed out that she hadn't known that he was going to ask her out. 17. Tom said he supposed it was all right but ... 18. warned her not to make a habit of volunteering for week­end work. 19. Ann promised not to.

20. Tom said gloomily that he supposed she'd be busy all Tiorning. 21. Ann assured him that she'd be finished by 11.00 and ... 22. offered to meet him at the bus stop at Hyde Park Cor­ner.

23. Tom said that it wasn't a very good meeting place and that he'd call for her. 25. "If you're short of money I can lend you £50," said my aunt, "and you can take your time about paying it back." 26. "I usually take my dog out for a walk when I come home from work," he said.

27. "I have a message for your brother," I said. "He isn't at home," said Ann. "He left two days ago." 28. "I bought this bag in Milan," I said. "You shouldn't have bought that colour," said Peter. "It doesn't go with your coat." 29. "I must hurry. My father is always furious if any of us are late for meals," she said. 30. "If you want to smoke you'll have to go upstairs," said the bus conductor. 31. "I'm building myself a house," said Charles. "I won't show it to you just yet but when the roof is on you can come and see it." 32. "The lake will probably freeze tonight," said Peter. "It's much colder than last night." "I'll go out and look early in the morning," said Mary, "and if it's frozen I'll make some holes in the ice so that the ducks can feed." 33. "Even if the strikers go back to work tomorrow it will be some time before things return to normal," said the official. 34. "Someone is trying to murder me!" said Mrs Jones. "I keep getting threatening letters." 35. "I'm taking my children to the zoo tomorrow," she said, "to see the baby polar bear."

36. "All I can hear," says Ann, "is a high-pitched buzz I 'wonder if it's some sort of signal."

46. Put the following into indirect speech.

1. "There's been an accident, and the road is blocked," said the policeman. "It won't be clear for some time. You'd better go round the other way." 2. "Let's light a fire and cook our sausages over it," said the children. 3. "I was thinking of going by bus," said Paul. "I shouldn't go by bus (if I were you)," said his aunt. "It's an awfully bad service." 4 "You'd better take sleeping bags; you may have to sleep out," he warned us. 5. "I've left some books on your table," said Peter. "I think you'll find them useful. You can keep them as long as you need them but I'd like them back when you've finished with them." "Thank you very much," I said. "I'll take great care of them."

6. "If children can learn a complicated language like Japanese by the time they are five," said the Japanese professor, "they should be able to learn the language of music. At the moment I'm teaching a class of forty three-year-olds to play the violin," he added. 7. "The puppy can sleep on our bed," said Tom. "I'd rather he slept in a basket," said his wife. "That puppy will soon be a very big dog and then there won't be room for all three of us." 8. "I'll try by myself first," said Ann, "and if I find that I can't manage I'll ask Tom to help me." 9. "Let's camp by this stream," said Mary. "If we go on, it may be dark before we find another good place." 10. "I wish we'd brought our guitars," said the students. "Then we could have offered to play in the restaurant and perhaps they'd have given us a free meal." 11. "I booked a double room on the first floor," said Mr Jones. "I'm afraid we didn't get your letter," said the receptionist, "and all the first and second floor rooms have been taken. But we could give you two single rooms on the third floor."

"That wouldn't do me at all," said Mr Jones. 12. "I've had gypsies on my land for two years," said the farmer, "and they've given nobody any trouble; but now the Council have asked me to tell them to move on. I don't see why they should be asked to move and I'm writing to my MP about it." 13. "This letter is full of mistakes!" snorted Mr Jones. "I did it in rather a hurry," admitted the typist. "I suppose I'd better type it again." 14. "If you'd like to go on any of these tours," said the re­ceptionist, "the hotel will arrange it." "We'd like to go on them all," said the American couple. 15. "We'll try to find your passport," said the policeman, "but it'll be very difficult because a lot of suspicious characters sleep on the beach in summer and any one of them might have robbed you." 16. "Let's go to the races!?" said Ann. "We might make our prtunes. I've been given a very good tip for the 2.30." "I've had "good tips" from you before," said Paul. "And they were disastrous." 17. "I don't know why you waste so much time polishing the car," said Mr Jones. "The neighbours all polish their cars," said Mrs Jones, "and I don't want our Mini to look like a poor relation. If you were any good you'd help me instead of standing there criticizing," she added. 18. "I'm sorry for not having a tie on," said Peter. "I didn't know it was going to be a formal party." 19. "I'd have enjoyed the journey more if the man next to me hadn't snored all the time," said Paul. 20. "I was thinking of going alone," I said. "You'd better take someone with you," said the old man "It's safer with two. One can keep watch while the other sleeps." 21. (Paul is speaking to Mary on the phone, and Mary is re­peating his words to Ann, who is standing beside her.) Paul: The plans have been changed. We're going tomorrow now, not on the next day. I want you to meet me at Victoria tonight. Mary: Paul says ... 22. "If I want a hot bath I have to put ten pence in the me­ter," said Tom, "and even then it's not very hot." "That's ridiculous," I said; "It's high time you left that place." 23. "I know the umbrella belongs to you, but I thought it would be all right if I borrowed it," said my nephew, "because you aren't going out tomorrow and I am." 24. "Let's put your tape-recorder under the table," said Tom, "and make a recording of their conversation. It would be very useful to know what they are planning." "But my recorder makes a distinct hum," I said. "They'd be sure to hear it and look under the table; and then they'd find the recorder and ask all sorts of embarrassing questions," 25. "Whenever my father was unhappy," said the girl, "he would go out and buy something, usually something large and useless. That's why our rooms are full of things we can't use." "I'm sorry for your father," said Tom, looking round. "He must have been a very unhappy man." 26. "You can leave your motorcycle in my garage if yot like," he said.

"I'll keep an eye on it while you're away." 27. "If you want a job you should read advertisements and write letters and ring people up," he said to Ann. "It's no use sitting at home, expecting employers to form a queue outside your door." 28. "This used to be a lovely quiet street," he said," but new it is impossible. When summer comes you'll have to keep the windows shut all the time because of the noise." 29. "You must leave a note for your mother," said Peter, "otherwise she'll be terribly worried when you're not in at your usual time." 30. "A letter marked "Urgent" has just arrived for Albert," said Mary, "and he's on holiday. I wonder if I should ring him up and tell him about it or wait till he comes back."

47. Put the following questions into indirect speech.

1. "Who has been using my typewriter?" said my mother. 2. "Do you want to see the cathedral?" said the guide. 3. "Do you mind working on the night shifts?" he asked. 4. "Would you like to come with us?" they said. 5. "Who did you give the money to?" asked Ann.

6. "How long does it take to get to Edinburgh by coach?" asked the tourist. 7. "How much do you think it will cost?" he said. 8. "What did you miss most when you were in prison?" Mary asked the exconvict. 9. Another passenger came in and said, "Is this seat taken?" 10. "How do you get on with your mother-in-law?" said Paul. 11. "How did you get into the house?" they asked him. 12. "What were you doing with these skeleton keys?" said Mr Jones. "Were you trying to get at the secret files?" 13. "Did you sleep well?" asked my hostess. 14. "Have you been here long?" the other students asked him. 15. "Can you tell me why Paul left the university without taking his degree?" Paul's sister asked. 16. "How many people know the combination of the safe?" said the detective. 17. "Are there any letters for me?" said Mary.

18. "How long have you been learning English?" the exam­iner said. 19. "Why aren't you taking the exams?" said Paul. 20. "Are these free-range eggs?" said the customer. 21. "Where are you going for your summer holidays?" j •asked them. 22. "Will it be all right if I come in a little later tonight?" asked the аи pair girl. 23. "Have you ever seen a flying saucer?" said the man. 24. "Where can I park my caravan?" she asked the policeman. 25. "Would you like a lift?" said Ann. "Which way are you going?" I said. 26. "Who do you want to speak to?" said the telephonist. 27. "Does anyone want tickets for the boxing match?" said Charles. 28. "What are you going to do with your old car?" I asked him. 29. "Do you grow your own vegetables?" I asked. 30. "What train are you going to get?" my friend inquired. 31. "Could you change a five-pound note? I'm afraid I haven't got anything smaller," said the passenger to the conductor.

32. "How many sleeping pills have you taken?" said the night sister. "I have no idea," said Mr Jones sleepily. 33. "Could we speak to the manager, please?" said the two men "Have you an appointment?" said the secretary. 34. "Do you think you could live entirely on your own for six months," said Tom "or would you get bored?" 35. "Did any of you actually see the accident happen?" said the policeman. 36. "Could I see Commander Smith?" the lady asked. "I'm afraid he's in orbit," I said. "Would you like to leave a message?"

48. Put the following into indirect speech.


"What about" often introduces suggestion and is then re­ported by suggest:

"What about flying?" he said.

He suggested flying.

"I can't come at 1.00," said Ann. "Then what about 2.00-)" said Tom.

Ann said she couldnt come at 1.00, so Tom suggested 2.00

"Why don't you" often introduces suggestions or advice and is then reported by suggest or advise:

"I wonder if Tom is coming," said Ann.

"Why don't you ask him?" I said.

Ann wondered if Tom was coming. I advised her to ask him or

I suggested (her) asking him.

"Could I have" is normally reported by ask for:

"Could I have a cup of coffee?" she said.

She asked (me) for a cup of coffee.

"Could you" used for reguests is reported by ask + object + infinitive:

"Could you sign the book, please?" he said.

He asked me to sign the book.

But when "Could you" introduces an ordinary question the verb is reported unchanged:

"Could you live entirely on you own?" he said.

He asked if I could live entirely on my own.

"Would you mind waiting/signing" etc. can be reported: ' He asked me to wait/sign etc. or

He asked if I would mind waiting/signing etc.

offer can be used in two constructions:

"Would you like a drink?"

He offered me a drink.

"Shall I wait for you? I'll wait for if you like."

He offered to wait for me.

When the infinitive is used it must be placed directly after offer. The person addressed is not mentioned in this construction.

1. "Shall we have dinner somewhere after the theatre?" said Peter. "Yes, let's" said Ann. "What about going to that place Jack is always talking about?" (For Yes, let's put Ann agreed.) 2. "Jack's parents have asked me to supper tomorrow night," said Ann. "What shall I wear?" "You should wear something warm, dear," said her mother. 'It's a terribly cold house."

3. "I'm broke," said Jack. "Shall I lend you some money?" said Peter. 4 "It will take a little time to look up your file," said the clerk. "Is it worth waiting," said Ann, "or shall I go away and come back later?" 5. "Shall I have to do the whole exam again if I fail in one paper?" said the student.

"Yes," said the teacher. 6. Where will you be tomorrow," I said, "in case I have to ring you?"

"I shall be in my office till six," said the old man, "and after that at my flat. I shan't be going to the club." 7. "What shall I do with this cracked cup?" Mary asked. "You'd better throw it away," said her mother. 8. "Shall I ever see him again?" she wondered. 9. "Would you mind getting out of the car?" said the driver "I have to change a wheel." "Shall I help you?" I said. 10. "I've run out of petrol," said the man. "Could you possi­bly give me a lift to the next village?" 11. "Shall we go for a walk?" said Peter. "I like walking," said Ann, "but at the moment my only com­fortable walking shoes are being mended. What about going for a drive instead?" 12. "You've got a lot of parcels," he said. "Shall I carry some of them for you?" 13. "Shall we be in time?" muttered Tom, looking at his watch. (Use wonder.) 14. "What shall I do with all this foreign money?" said Peter "Why don't you take it to the bank and get it changed?" said Mary. 15. "Would you like a cigarette?" said Peter. "No, thanks," said Jack. "I don't smoke." 16. "Would you like to come with us?" they said. "There -plenty of room in the car." "I'd love to," said Ann. 17. Ann (on phone): Could you do without me toda Mr Jones? I've got an awful cold and I think it might be better I stayed at home. Mr Jones: You should certainly stay at home, Ann. And you better take tomorrow off too if you aren't better. 18. Mary (on phone): Paul, I've just come back to my flat to find a complete stranger asleep in my chair. He's still here, and still asleep! What shall I do? Paul: Why don't you wake him up and ask him who he is? There's probably some quite simple explanation. 19. "I'm not quite ready," said Peter. "Could you wait a few minutes?"

"I can't wait long," said Jack. "The train goes at ten." 20. "Would you mind taking off your hat?" I said to the woman in front of me. "But the theatre's almost empty!" she said. "Why don't you move along a bit?" 21. "I often see lights in the empty house across the road," said Albert.

"Do you think I should report it?" 22. "If this house was yours what changes would you make?" I said. "I'd pull it down and build a modern one on the same site," said the window-cleaner. "The site's all right." 23. "Could I have your name and address, please?" said the travel agent.

24. "Shall I send it round to your hotel, sir?" the shop assis­tant asked the tourist. "I'm not staying in the town," said the tourist. "I'll take it with me." 25. "How long will you go on looking for them?" I asked one of the search party. "We don't search at night. We'll stop when it gets dark and start again at first light tomorrow. 26. "We can't discuss this over the phone. Shall we meet here in my flat tomorrow?" I said. "I'd rather you came to my office," he said. "Could you get here in half an hour?" 27. "Could I have 40p, please?" said the boy. "I want to buy an ice-cream." 28. "Would you like to sleep on the floor of my flat?" he asked us. "Or would you rather go to a hotel?" 29. "Could you help me with my luggage, please?" she said. "If you take the two big ones I'll take the small one." "It's ridiculous to take three suitcases for a weekend," I said

"Couldn't you manage with two?" "No," she said. 30. "I couldn't come on Monday," said Ann.

"Then what about Tuesday?" said Peter. "All right," said Ann.

49. Put the following sentences into indirect speech, using tell/order/urge/ask/beg/invite/advise/warn/ remind + object + infinitive, or ask (+ object) + for, or, in some cases, ask + infinitive.

1. "Don't put sticky things in your pockets," said his mother. 2. "Please, please don't do anything dangerous," said his wife 3. "Go on — apply for the job," said my friend. "It would just suit you." 4. "I should say nothing about it if I were you," said my brother. 5. "Would you please wait in the lounge till your flight num­ber is called?" she said. 6. "Don't lend Harry any money," I said to Ann. "He never pays his debts." 7. "Could you please ring back in half an hour?" said the secretary. 8. "Would you mind moving your case?" said the other pas­senger. "It's blocking the door." 9. "Remember to book a table," said Ann. 10. "Get into the right lane," said the driving instructor. 11. "Avoid Marble Arch," said the policeman. "There's going to be a big demonstration there." 12. "Hold the ladder," he said. "It's rather unsteady." "Why don't you tie it at the top?" I said. "It's much safer that way." 13. "Read the questions twice," said the teacher, "and don't write in the margin." 14. "You'd better not leave your money lying about," said one of the students. 15. "Why don't you open a bank account?" said another (Use advise.) 16. "Would you like to have lunch with me today?" said Ton "I'm afraid I couldn't; I can't leave the office," said the girl. 17. "Don't take more than two of these at once," said the doctor, handing me a bottle of pills. 18. "Could I speak to Albert, please?" I said. "He's still asleep," said his mother. "Then please wake him," I said. "I have news for him." 19. "I'd buy the big tin if I were you," said the grocer. 20. "You're being exploited," said the other au pair girls. "You ought4o leave your job." 21. "Fasten your seat belts; there may be a little turbulence," said the air hostess. 22. "Don't drive through fog with only a fog light on," he said, "or oncoming drivers may take you for a motorcycle." 23. "Could I see your driving licence?" said the policeman.

24. "You'd better sweep up that broken glass," I said. 25. "The bathroom's empty now," she said. "Will you put the light out when you've finished?" 26. "Remember to insure your luggage," my father said. 27. "Please don't drink any more," said his wife. "Don't for­get that we have to drive home." 28. "Do go to a dentist, Tom, before your toothache gets any worse," I said.

29. "Why don't you cut your hair?" he said. "You'd find it much easier to get a job if you looked tidy." 30. "Could I have some more pudding, please?" said the boy.

50. Put the following into indirect speech.

1. "Would you please fill in this form and then join the queue by the door?" said the clerk.

2. "Could you read the last sentence again, please?" said the examiner. 3. "Could I have a new cheque book, please?" said the girl. "Could you show me your old cheque book?" said the bank

clerk. 4. Postcard: Be ready to move off at very short notice. Tom. Ann (reading it to Mary): Tom says that we ... 5. "Please, please don't tell my mother," begged the boy. 6. "Don't fire except in self-defence," said the police ser­geant. 7. "Why don't you take the rest of the day off?" said my as­sistant. 8. "Will you help me to move the piano, please?" said my aunt. 9. "Don't drive too close to the car in front," said the driving instructor. 10. "Don't smoke near the petrol pump," said the mechanic 11. "When you've chosen a book, bring it to me and I’ll stamp it," said the librarian. 12. "Show the boarding card to the man at the foot of the gangway," said the clerk. 13. "Reduce speed now," said a huge notice. (Omit now.) 14. "Could I see your ticket, please?" said the inspector. 15. "Keep an eye on your luggage," he said. "This place is full of thieves." 16. "When you have read this, pass it on to the next person on the list," he said.

17. "Why not light a fire on the bank and cook the fish at once?" suggested the fisherman.

18. "Whenever you see the number "7" on the screen, press this button," he said. 19. "Sit down and tell me what is worrying you," he said to her. 20. "Walk along the line of men," said the police sergeart "and if you recognize your attacker, just nod. Don't say am thing." 21. "Even if you feel hungry don't eat anything betwee, meals," said the dietician. 22. "Could you ring up the taxi rank and order a taxi for me?" said Tom. "Why don't you go by tube?" said Ann. "It's much quicker.' 23. "Let's buy some yeast and make our own bread," said Man "The bread we're getting now is absolutely tasteless." 24. "If you have to use the river water," said the guide, "b< it first. Don't drink it unboiled." 25. "Let's not tell anyone," said Tom, "till we are quite ce1 tain that the report is true." 26. Tom (on phone to Ann): I've got the tickets. Meet me the air terminal at 6.30. (Imagine that you are Ann. Report this message to Man who is standing beside you: Tom says ...) 27. "Let's show that we are united," urged the shop stewan "by voting unanimously to continue the strike." 28. "Will customers please count their change," said a notice above the cashier's desk, "as mistakes cannot be rectified afterwards." 29. "Don't clap yet," warned my friend. "She hasn't finished. Singers loathe people who clap too soon," he added. 30. "Don't forget to put your name at the top of the page," he said.

51. Put the following into indirect speech.

1. Letter (from Paul to Ann): Please get me a small tent and camping equipment for two people.

Ann (telling Mary about this): Paul wants ...2. Mr White (on phone to Mr Black's secretary): Ask Mr Black to meet me at six in the bar on the ground floor. Secretary (reporting this to Mr Black): Mr White would like ... 3. "Shall I go and get a candle?" said Ann when the light went out suddenly. "I'd rather you got another bulb," said Mr Jones. "But there aren't any," said Ann, "and the shops are shut." 4. "Don't worry about a few mistakes," said Peter. "I make mistakes all the time." "Do you learn from your mistakes?" I asked. "Or do you keep making the same ones?" 5. "I'm looking for a man called Albert, who drinks in this bar," I said. "I should keep away from Albert if I were you," said the barman. "He doesn't like strangers and might turn nasty." 6. "Could I have a look at your paper for a moment?" said the man. "I just want to see the football results." "I haven't quite finished with it," I said. "Could you wait a moment?"

"I can't wait long," he said. "I'm getting off at the next stop." 7. "You woke everyone up last night," said my mother. "You must try to be quieter tonight." "We will," I promised. 8. "The soup's cold again," complained Mr Jones. "Why do I lever have hot soup?" "Because the kitchen's so far from the dining room," explain­ing his wife. "If you insist on living in a castle you must put up its disadvantages." "What about getting an ex-Olympic as an au pair girl?" said

Mr Jones. "She wouldn't stay," sighed his wife. 9. "Your licence is out of date," said the policeman. "It is," I admitted, "but I've applied for a new one." "Next time," he said severely, "apply for a new one before your current one has expired." 10. "I'll have the money for you next week. Shall I post it to you?" I said. "Could you keep it in your safe till I can come and collect it?" said Tom. "A lot of my mail has been going astray lately and I'd hate to lose one of your large cheques." 11. "Could I borrow your map again?" said Peter. "You're always borrowing it. Why don't you get one of your own?" I said. 12. "When you hear the fire bell," he said, "shut the windows and go downstairs." "And what shall we do if the stairs are blazing?" I asked. 13. "Can you hear that noise?" Ann said. "What do you think it is?" "I think it's only rats running up and down inside the wall," I said. "I think it's someone trying to get in," she said. "You'd bet­ter go and see." 14. "It's your turn to baby-sit tonight," they told Ann. "It can't be!" said Ann indignantly. "I baby-sat last night! And the night before! And I'm only supposed to do two nights a week!"

"Could you possibly do it just this once?" they said. "And we promise not to ask you to do any next week." 15. "This is the best restaurant in town," said the taxi driver "The only problem is that they expect guests to wear ties." "Then why have you brought us here?" said the tourists in

dignantly. "Don't get excited," said the taxi-driver, opening a box. "I keep ties specially for gentlemen in your predicament. What col­our would you like? They're all the same price."

16. "Shall I start tomorrow?" I said. "I'd rather you started today," said Tom. 17. "Why don't you go and see the film? It may help you to understand the book," I said. "But the film's quite different from the book," Ann pointed out. 18. "I saw the two climbers," said the helicopter pilot. "And one of them sat up and waved to me." "Which one of them waved?" I said. "I don't know," he answered. "I wasn't near enough to see them clearly." 19. "What caused the ship to sink?" I said. "She must have struck the submerged wreck," said the cox­swain of the lifeboat. "But I can't understand it, because the wreck is very clearly marked with buoys." 20. "My car won't start!" exclaimed Mary. "The battery's flat again! Could you possibly give me a push just to start me down the hill?" "Why don't you sell that car?" said Bill. "Nobody would buy it," said Peter. "What about just putting a match to it?" 21. "I've been given so many bottles of wine lately that I'll have to buy another wine rack," said Mr Jones. "Why don't you throw a party and save yourself the expense of a wine rack?" I suggested. 22. "Press button A to start the engine," he said. "But last time you told me to press button B!" I said. "That was on a slightly different type of machine," he ex­plained. 23. "Don't brake if you find yourself skidding," said Tom. "That only makes it worse. Try to steer into the skid." "I know what I should do," I said. "But when I start skidding I get so excited that I do the exact opposite." "Then stop and let me take over," said Tom. "We're just coming to an icy bit and I don't want to die just yet." 24. "I've run out of stamps," said my father. "Have you got any?" "No, but I'll go out and get you some if you like," I said. "Don't bother," he said. "I've missed the post anyway." 25. "Repairs to cars rented from us must be arranged through our office," he said. "So if anything goes wrong with the one you've hired, please ring the number printed on your card. The office is open from nine to six, Monday to Friday." "But what shall I do if something goes wrong with it outside office hours?" I said. 26. "Why didn't you signal to the tanker that she was com. ing too close?" I said.

"We did signal," said the pilot, "but she came on in and ran aground." "What's going to happen to her?" I said. "We're going to try to tow her off at the next high tide," he said. "But if we don't get her off tonight she'll be here till she breaks up, and there'll be an oil slick all along the coast."

27. "Why are you spending so long on those accounts?" I asked. "Because I can't make them balance," he said. "I seem to be £13 short; and that means that I'll have to put in £13 of my own money to make it up." "Would you like me to go through them and see if I can find a mistake?" I said. "No," he said, "but I'd like you to lend me £13." 28. "Why are you looking so depressed, Jack?" I said. "Because I've just asked Ann to marry me and she's re­fused," he said sadly.

"I think she prefers clean-shaven men," I said. "Why don't you cut your hair and shave off your beard and try again?" 29. "How did you get up that tree?" Mary asked. "I used a ladder, of course," he snapped, "but someone went off with it when I was sawing. Go and get another one and don't just stand there asking silly questions." 30. "Are you ill?" he said coldly. "No," I said.

"Did you sleep well last night?" "Yes," I said. "Then why are you sitting about when all the others are working? Go out at once and give them a hand." 31. "Will passengers with nothing do declare please go through the green door?" said a customs official. "You'd better go through the green door, Mary," said Peter, "but I'll have to go through the other one. I'll take a bit longer than you will, so wait for me at the other end." 32. (Imagine that you have received the following postcard from your brother Tom. Report it at once to the other members of the family. Begin: Tom says ... ) Don't worry about me. I wasn't badly injured and I'm being very well looked after. I'm coming back next Wednesday on the nine o'clock flight from Zurich. Could you please meet the plane? 33. "What shall I do with my wet shoes?" said the boy. "You'd better stuff them with newspaper and put them near the fire," said his mother. "But don't put them too near or they'll go hard." 34. "Let's drive on to the next village and try the hotel there," he said. "But what'll we do if that's full too?." I asked. "We'll just have to sleep in the car," he said. "It will be too late to try anywhere else." 35. "They have a rather fierce dog," safd Ann; but he's a heavy sleeper, and with any luck he won't hear you breaking in." "What'll I do if he wakes up?" I said. "If he starts growling, give him some of these biscuits," said Ann. "How do you know that he likes these particular biscuits?" "All dogs like them," Ann assured me. "It says so on the packet."

36. "If you even touch one of the pictures," warned the at­tendant, "alarm bells will ring all over the gallery and you will be arrested instantly." "Are you serious?" I said. "Try it and see," he answered with a glint in his eye.

52. Put the following into indirect speech.


1. He said, "Let's go" usually becomes:

(a) He suggested going

though possible in certain cases are:

(b) He suggested that they should go

(c) He urged/advised them to go.

He said, "Let's not go" can be expressed by any of these constructions in the negative; but suggest + negative gerund is slightly less usual than the others and is often replaced by the (b) type of construction or by:

He was against going/against the idea/ against it.

He was opposed to the idea/He opposed the idea etc.

2. He said, "Let them go," can become:

(a) He suggested that they should go/suggested their go ing but usually it expresses an obligation and becomes:

(b) He said that they should/ought to go.

Very occasionally it expresses a command and becomes:

(c) He said that they were to go.

"Let him/them" can also express the speaker's indifference: "Everyone will laugh at you,' I said. "Let them!" he retorted. He expressed indifference/said didn't mind. 3. Let is also an ordinary verb meaning allow: "Let me go!" the boy said to the policeman. The boy asked the policeman to let him go.

1. "Let's go to the cinema," said Ann. "Yes, let's," I said. 2. The Prime Minister said, "Let us show the nation that we are worthy of their confidence." (Use urged.) 3. "Let me stay up a little longer tonight, mother," begged the child. 4. "Let's eat out tonight," said Ann. "Too expensive," ob­jected Tom. "Why don't we go back to your flat and have scrambled eggs?" 5. The police officer said, "Let's leave the wrecked car here for a bit. It may remind other drivers to be more careful." 6. "The neighbours will object!" said Ann. "Let them," said Tom. 7. "Let's go on a diet," said Ann. "All right," said Mary reluctantly. 8. "Tom made this mess. Let him clear it up," said his father. 9. "It's Mothering Sunday tomorrow," said the boy. "Let's buy Mum some flowers."

10. "Let's take a tent and camp out," said Bill. 11. "Let's give a party," said Ann. "Let's not," said her husband. 12. I said, "Let's not jump to conclusions. Let's wait till we hear confirmation of this rumour." 13. "The newspapers will say it's your fault," warned hi? colleagues.

"Let them say what they like," he said. 14. "Let the nations forget their differences and work to­gether for peace," said the preacher. 15. "Let me explain," she said. "Don't be in such a hurry." 16. "Let the children play in the garden if they want to," she told the gardener. "I'm sure they won't do any harm." 17. "Let's stay here till the storm has passed," I said. 18. "It's the government's fault. Let them do something about it," grumbled my father.

53. Put the following into indirect speech.


must (first person)

"I must" can remain unchanged but usually becomes had to though would have to is better for an obligation which has only just arisen or is likely to arise in the future.

Reading the letter he said, "Good heavens! I must go at once!"

He said, "If she gets worse I must stay with her."

These would become respectively:

He said that he'd have to go and

He said that he'd have to stay.

"must I?" usually becomes had to.

"I must not" usually remains unchanged.

must (second and third persons)

"you/he must" usually remains unchanged.

"must you/he?" usually becomes had to.

"you/he must not" remains unchanged or becomes weren't

to/wasn't to.

must used for permanent commands or prohibitions or to ex­press advice always remains unchanged.

must used to express deduction never changes.


"I needn't" can change to didn't have to/wouldn't have

to in the same way that "I must" changes to had to/would have to, but it very often remains unchanged.

"you/he needn't" usually remains unchanged.

"need I/you/he?" remains unchanged or becomes had to.

have to

Forms with have to follow the usual rules. Remember that "had to" in direct speech will become had had to in indirect: He said, "After the lecture I had to rush home."

He said that after the lecture he had had to rush home.

1. He said, "If what you say is true I must go to the police." 2. He said, "I must be at the docks at six a.m. tomorrow." 3. "Must you make such a noise?" he asked. 4. "You mustn't come in without knocking," he told us. 5. "Your ticket will cost £5," I said. "In that case," said my nephew, "I must go to the bank to­morrow." 6. Park notice: Dogs must be kept on a lead.

7. His father said, "Tom must work harder next term." 8. "You needn't come in tomorrow," said my employer "Take the day off." 9. "I must go to the dentist tomorrow," he said. "I have an appointment." 10. Notice: Passengers must not lean out of the window. 11. He said, "There must be someone in the house; there's smoke coming from the chimney." 12. She said, "When you are a big boy you'll have to tie your own shoes." 13. "Port wine must never be shaken," my wine-merchant said. 14. "He hasn't had anything to eat since breakfast; he must be starving," she said. 15. The official said, "This passport photo isn't like you at all You must have another one taken." 16. "You mustn't play with knives, children," said their mother. 17. "I needn't get up till nine tomorrow," I said. 18. Railway regulations: Passengers must be in possession or a valid ticket before travelling. 19. "How did you get your bulldog up the escalator?" I said. "I carried him," said Tom. "You must be very strong," I said admiringly. 20. "You mustn't tell anyone what I've just told you," she said to me. 21. "Need I eat it all, mummy?" said the child. "Yes, dear, you must," she said. 22. "I had to drive your pigs out of my garden," she said. 23. "Sticks and umbrellas must be left at the desk," said the notice in the museum. 24. "Must you do it all tonight? Couldn't you leave some for tomorrow?" I asked her. 25. "When you go through Bayeux you must see the tapes­try," he told me. 26. He said, "You must walk faster; you are far too slow." 27. "You mustn't forget to put the stamp on or your friend will have to pay double postage," he told me. 28. "I needn't tell you how grateful I am," he said.

54. Put the following into direct speech with the appro­priate punctuation.

1. She asked if he'd like to go to the concert and I said that I was sure she would. 2. She told me to look where I was going as the road was full of holes and was very badly lit. 3. They said that while they were bathing they saw someone examining their clothes, 4. I asked if she had looked everywhere and she said that she had. 5. He suggested giving her a bottle of wine.

6. He said that the new carpet had arrived and asked where he was to put it. 7. He said two days previously an enormous load of firewood had been dumped at his front gate and that since then he hadn't been able to get his car out, 8. They offered me some more wine and I accepted. 9. He said that if I found the front door locked I was to go round to the back. 10. She asked the burglars who they were and who had let them in: They told her to sit down and keep quiet unless she wanted to get hurt. 11. He asked what the weather had been like during my holi­day and I said that it had been awful. 12. He suggested going down to the harbour and seeing if they could hire a boat. 13. He said that if I didn't like escalators I could go up the emergency staircase. I thanked him and said that I would do that. 14. He suggested that Tom and I should go ahead and get the tickets. 15. He said that he thought my electric iron was unsafe and advised me to have it seen to. 16. He said that if war broke out he would have to leave the country at once. 17. I asked him if he had enjoyed house-hunting and he said that he hadn't. 18. She said that she was surprised to see that the grandfather's clock had stopped and asked if anyone had been fiddling with it. 19. She said that she had tried to ring up her mother several times on the previous day but had not succeeded in getting through. 20. I asked her if she'd like to borrow the book but she thanked me and said that she had already read it and hadn't liked it very much. 21. He wanted to know if I was going to the dance and sug­gested that we should make up a party and go together. 22. I told her to stop making a fuss about nothing and said that she was lucky to have got a seat at all. 23. The clerk in the booking office inquired if I wanted a sin­gle or return ticket. I asked if a return was any cheaper. He said it made no difference. 24. My employer hoped I would not be offended if he told me that, in his opinion, I would do better in some other kind of job. 25. The AA man told the woman that if her wheels had gone a couple of inches nearer the edge, the car would have plunged into the ravine.

26. He said I mustn't mind if the first one wasn't any good. 27. He asked the crowd if they thought that he was a liar and the crowd shouted that they did. 28. I stopped a man in the street and asked him to help me with my car. The man asked if it would take long, explaining that he was on his way to catch a train.

55. Write the sentences in reported speech replacing the word said by one of the words at the head of the ex­ercise. Use each word once only: suggested, agreed, muttered, exclaimed, insisted, whispered, boasted, admitted, shouted, claimed, objected, protested.

1. "I can speak six languages fluently," he said. 2. "Let's go to the cinema tonight," he said.

3. "Stop that noise in the classroom," said the teacher. 4. "That car you are driving is my property," the man said. 5. "Yes, I broke the windows with my catapult," the boy said.

6. "You can't take me to prison. I know my rights," the man said. 7. "I shall always love you," said the fiancee. 8. "We don't have enough money to carry out the plan," said the treasurer.

9. "This teacher doesn't know what he's talking about," said the student. 10. "Well, it's a surprise to meet you here today!" she said. 11. "Well, yes, if the weather is bad, we can't go," he said. 12. "If you can't come today, you simply must come tomor­row," she said.

56. You went to a party last week where you were in­troduced to several people you had never met be­fore. In conversation with a friend you now talk about the party and report the various questions that different people asked you during the course of the evening.

1. Who did you come to the party with? 2. Did you come with a friend? 3. Why aren't you drinking? 4. Would you like something to drink? 5. Where do you live? 6. Do you know many people here? 7. When did you arrive? 8. What do you do for a living? 9. Did you see that marvellous documentary on TV last night? 10. Have you been watching the latest TV serial?

11. How do you like your coffee — black or white? 12. What time is it? 13. What's your telephone number? 14. Can I give you a ring tomorrow? 15. How will you get back home?

57. Match the statements with the verbs given; then re­write the sentences in reported speech: complain, gasp, declare, report, explain, promise, sneer, groan, stammer, concede, snap, announce.

1. No one ever takes my advice. 2. You don't call that a car, do you? 3. I — I didn't mean to be rude. 4. You might try minding your own business. 5. The meeting will begin at 7.30. 6. You have to push this button first and then the machine will work. 7. If you don't like new way of doing things you can get on with the job yourself. 8. I've never seen anything like it. 9. You shall have the money back by the end of the week. 10. That's the fifth time I've heard that joke.

11. I see that you were right, after all. 12. I've just seen a murder committed.

58. Write sentences in reported speech using the most suitable reporting verb for each sentence or using said/with an adverb of manner.

1. It's up to you to decide but don't come and ask me for help if you get into difficulties. 2. Don't forget to take your passport with you. 3. For Heaven's sake stop asking me stupid questions. 4. Surely you don't think your friend is serious. 5. Do as you are told and stop arguing. 6. What a fool I was not to accept the job! Still, it can't be helped now. 7. Here's a toast to bride and bridegroom. 8. Please don't say anything to him for my sake. 9. Shall I post this letter for you?

10. I've had just about enough of your insolence and you'll go to the headmaster. 11. Do you mean to say that you've lost the money on horse-racing? 12. If you are so clever why don't you try doing it yourself? 13. Of course, I could have won the race easily if I had really tried. 14. Go away! Can't you see I'm busy? 15. Give me the keys to the safe or you'll regret it.

59. A friend of yours at work sees you during the day and complains about her work. Report this to an­other friend a few days later. Begin your report as suggested at the end of the text.

"I'm fed up. We're stock-taking in our department and it's ter­rible. I've been working for six hours non-stop and I can't do any more. It wouldn't seem so bad, if it was raining — I hate having to work so hard when it's fine outside. It was just the same yesterday. I started at nine in the morning and by five in the afternoon I was dropping on my feet. I asked my boss if I could leave at half past five as I'd worked late the day before but he said I had to get the work finished. I shall be thankful when it's all over."

Mary stopped me at work the other day. She was really fed up ...

60. Consumer report.

Give the actual comments made to researchers for the Con­sumers' Association magazine Which?

We collected opinions about sleeping quilts from some 1,200 members. Members owning quilts liked them chiefly for the case of making the bed, for their warmth, and for their light weight. The two biggest grumbles were that sleeping quilts sometimes tended to"slip off the bed and were sometimes too warm or too cold. Most members who hadn't got quilts said that they were happy with the blankets they already had or liked to be tucked in firmly at night (not possible with quilts) or thought that quilts were too expensive.

(from Which? magazine, October 1980)

61. Rewrite the passage in direct speech.

When the woman returned, Mr Boggis introduced himself and straight away asked if she would like to sell her chairs.

Dear me, she said. But why on earth should she want to sell her chairs? No reason at all, except that he might be willing to give her a pretty nice price.

And how much would he give? They were definitely not for sale,

just out of curiosity, just for fun, how much would he give?

Thirty-five pounds.

How much?

Thirty-five pounds.

Dear me, thirty-five pounds. Well, well, that was very inter­esting. She'd always thought they were valuable. They were very old. They were very comfortable, too. She couldn't possibly do without them, not possibly. No, they were not for sale but thank you very much all the same.

They weren't so very old, Mr Boggis told her, and they wouldn't be at all easy to sell, but it just happened that he had a client who rather liked that sort of thing, maybe he could go up another two pounds — call it thirty-seven.

How about that?

(from Parson's Pleasure by R. Dahl)

62. Rewrite the passage in direct speech.

Joan worked in a shop selling tapes and records. One day a middle-aged woman came in, sat on a stool in front of the counter and beamed at Joan. Addressing Joan familiarly she said she wanted a record — one she had heard on the radio that morning. Joan asked what the record was called. The woman shook her head, and said she didn't remember, though she would know it if she heard it. She suggested Joan should play her some and settled her­self more comfortable on her stool. Joan pointed out that they had hundreds of records in stock and that it would take a very long time to play her even a little of each. She asked the lady if she could hum it to her. The woman giggled and replied that she couldn't sing "God save the Queen" in tune. They would get into a worse muddle if she started humming. She looked very depressed but suddenly her face brightened. She had just remembered some­thing, she said; it came from a play in which, there was a woman who spoke very badly but who after a time learned to talk beauti­fully. Joan asked if it would be from My Fair Lady. The woman exclaimed that that was it. She wished Joan had thought of it ear­lier instead of wasting time asking silly questions. She supposed Joan was new to her job.

63. Imagine you are Gordon and report this conversation to another friend one day after the event.

"What's under there?" I asked, seeing the bulge at Claud's waistline. He pulled up his sweater and showed me two thin but very large white cotton sacks which were bound neat and tight around his belly. "To carry the stuff," he said darkly.

"I see." "Let's go", he said. "I still think we ought to take the car." "It's too risky. They'll see it parked." "But it's over three miles up that wood." "Yes," he said. "And I suppose you realize we can get six months in the clink if they catch us." "You never told me that." "Didn't I?" "I'm not coming," I said. "It's not worth it." "The walk will do you good, Gordon. Come on."

(from The Champion of the World by R. Dahl)

64. Report the following interview as if you were the doctor.

The doctor waited. The clock ticked. I stared at the fire.

"Jake doesn't want any more children," I said.

"Do you like children, Mrs Armitage?"

"How can I answer such a question?"

"Do you think it would be wrong not to like children?"

"I don't know yes. Yes, I think so,"


"Because children don't do any harm."

"Not directly, perhaps. But indirectly ..."

"Perhaps you don't have any," I said.

"Oh, yes. Three. Two boys and a girl."

"How old are they?"

"16, 14 and 10"

"And do you like them?"

"Most of the time."

"Well, then. That's my answer. I like them most of the time."

(from The Dumpkin Eater by P. Mortimer)

65. Rewrite the sentences in direct speech. Note that in those examples there is an implied dialogue and that the reported version is, in some cases, very much a paraphrase of the original. Students should reconstruct the dialogues in their most likely original form, e.g.

Tony accepted without reservation my suggestion that we Should try to get local support for the new theatre company. "I would suggest, Tony, that we try to get local support for the new theatre company." "Yes, I absolutely agree."

1. When I asked his advice about taking the job he seemed indifferent as to whether I accepted it or not. 2. When questioned by the master about the disappearance of a bicycle from the school cycle sheds two days before, the boy flatly denied having anything to do with it. 3. Peter's request to his employer to have the next day off met with a blunt refusal. 4. He asked me to lend him five pounds, which I agreed to do, somewhat reluctantly, on condition that he paid me back the following week. 5. Michael rang up Jean at the last moment, apologizing profusely for being unable to go to dinner with her that evening. Despite his apology Jean was very put out and said that he might have let her know earlier, she wouldn't have needed to make such elaborate preparations. 6. I was taken completely by surprise and in fact could hardly believe Margaret was serious when she told me she was going to leave England early the following year to take up a job abroad. 7. When the lady protested at being told to open her suit­case for inspection, the Customs Official firmly but politely pointed out that she must do as she was asked. 8. After the accident the bus driver accused the motorist of not looking where he was going, to which the latter reported that if the other hadn't been driving so fast, he himself would have had a chance of stopping in time.

66. Translate into English.

1. Час назад он сказал, что придет сюда вечером. 2. Она напомнила мне, что вечером будет собрание. 3. Она сказала, что Джейн хорошо играет на рояле. 4. Она сказала с грустью, что должна уехать. . 5. Она сказала в отчаянии, что никогда больше не будет

счастлива. 6. Она воскликнула в негодовании, что он лжет. 7. Он сказал, что эти книги продаются во всех магазинах. 8. Я был уверен, что его пошлют на конференцию. 9. Она сказала, что на каникулах хочет поехать по Волге 10. Он сказал, что потерял часы. 11. Он сказал, что они обсудят этот вопрос на следующей неделе. 12. Она сказала, что они играют в футбол с утра. 13. Я сказал, что долго не играл в крикет. 14. Мой брат сказал, что очень устал, так как 3 часа играл в крикет. 15. Она сказала, что игра не состоится, если погода будет плохая.

67. Translate into English.

1. Он меня спросил, курю ли я. 2. Я спросил Мэри, сможет ли она сходить в магазин.

3. Я его спросил, ходит ли он на прогулку каждый вечер. 4. Джек меня спросил, умею ли я плавать. 5. Я спросил учителя, можно ли с ним поговорить. 6. Джон меня спросил, иду ли я в кафе. 7. Г-н Смит спросил, отправил ли я его письмо. 8. Я спросил отца, вернул ли сосед книгу. 9. Он меня спросил, поеду ли я на следующей неделе в Бостон. 10. Линда меня спросила, кто руководит этим учреждением. 11. Он спросил продавца, сколько стоит эта пишущая машинка. 12. Боб меня спросил, где живет Джейн. 13. Анна меня спросила, куда я иду. 14. Я спросил учителя, что значит это слово. 15. Мэри спросила, почему я так много курю. 16. Джимми спросил ее, кто ей звонил час тому назад. 17. Боб спросил Линду, почему она ему ничего не сказала про этот замечательный концерт в Карнеги Холл. 18. Том меня спросил, когда вернется г-н Джонсон. 19. Ева спросила меня, где я проведу свои каникулы.

68. Translate into English.

1. Том сказал, что лифт не работает. 2. Анна сказала, что она живет в Бостоне. 3. Она сказала, что они часто ходят в кино. 4. Линда сказала, что они идут в кино. 5. Джон сказал, что Смиты переехали в Лос-Анджелес. 6. Мэри сказала, что вчера вечером ей звонил Том. 7. Джо мне сказал, что через час вернется. 8. Анна сказала Джону, что она не может с ним пойти в кино. 9. Он сказал, что ему надо закончить сочинение к двум

часам. 10. Ева сказала, что она вышла из дому до того, как при­шла телеграмма.

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