- •What is economics?
- •Active vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •Economics: the study of scarcity and choice
- •Active vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •What do economists do?
- •Active vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •Factors of production
- •Exercises
- •Microeconomics and macroeconomics
- •Active vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •Planned economies
- •Active vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •Market economy
- •Active vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •Mixed economy
- •Active vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •Demand and supply
- •Active vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •The theory of demand
- •Active vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •Theory of supply.
- •Active vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •Money and its functions
- •Active vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •Money as a medium of exchange
- •Active vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •Inflation
- •Active vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •6. Translate into English.
- •Appendix texts for reading the first modern economists
- •Adam smith and the wealth of nations
- •David ricardq (1772-1823) Classical Champion of Free Trade
- •Alfred marshall (1842-1924) Price Theory Pioneer
- •John maynard keynes (1883-1946) Theorist Who Brought Economics into the Twentieth Century
- •Irving fisher (1867-1947) Pioneer In Monetary Theory
1. Read the following words. Mind the stress:
a) the first syllable is stressed
system, subsidized, ownership, surplus, income, product, profit, fashionable, favoured, consequence, private, safety;
b) the second syllable is stressed
economy, investment, employer, persuade, adjust, available, pursue, defence, concerning;
c) the third syllable is stressed
intervene, unemployment, automatically, individually.
2. Find the words with the same root. Translate them.
Employee, intervention, to invest, to purchase, subsidy, owner, employment, safety, safe, to intervene, underpurchased, own, employer, subsidized, investment, to employ, ownership, investor.
3. Match the pairs of antonyms.
Supply, employment, sell, profit, producer, intervention, unemployment, consumer, laissez faire, purchase, demand, loss.
4. Make up word combinations from the words given below.
5. Give Russian equivalents to the following:
1. income available for investment;
2. products which are favoured;
3. the opportunity of increased profits;
4. provide free or subsidized supplies;
5. a firm which switches from labour-intensive production to a new one;
6. in response to consumer spending.
6. Give definitions of the following words and word combinations.
Wages, investment, consumer, to persuade, opportunity, cornerstone, labour-intensive production, unemployment, working conditions
7. Answer the questions:
1. What is a market economy?
2. What is the mechanism of producing goods and services in a market economy?
3. In what way do changing demands affect production in a market economy?
4. What is the main difference between a market economy and a planned economy?
5. What are the advantages of a market economy?
6. What are the disadvantages of a market economy?
8. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:
1. автоматически изменяться (приспосабливаться)
2. управление экономикой
3. быстро меняться
4. частные фирмы
5. краеугольный камень
6. иметь серьезные последствии для
7. трудоемкое производство
8. быть уверенным в ...
9. условия труда
9. Translate into English.
1. В рыночной экономике невелика или очень мала необходимость в планировании, контроле и вмешательстве со стороны государства в экономический процесс.
2. В условиях рыночной экономики изменения потребительского спроса играют заметную роль в формировании политики фирм.
3. Фирмы должны постоянно изучать спрос и менять свою деятельность в ответ на его изменения.
4. Чем более модный товар, тем более высокую цену надо за него платить.
5. Некоторые виды услуг, например здравоохранение и образование, не могут быть полностью обеспечены только частными фирмами.
6. Рыночная экономика характеризуется частной собственностью на ресурсы и использованием системы рынков и цен для управления экономической деятельностью.