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Assignments to Lord of the Flies.doc
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  1. Answer the questions:

1. Who protests out of the “heart of civilization”?

2. How does Piggy die?

3. How do the hunters attempt to get Ralph out of his first hiding place?

4. How does Ralph feel once he is on his own?

5. What does Ralph try to convince himself of regarding the hunters?

6. Why does Ralph destroy the pig’s skull?

7. How does Ralph feel about the twins being part of Jack’s hunters?

8. How does Ralph behave like a savage himself in desperation to get away from hunters who find him?

9. What are Ralph’s different strategies for escaping the hunters?

10. Why do the boys cry when they are finally rescued?

11. Why does Piggy finally decide to confront Jack?

12. How does the hunters’ war paint change them?

13. What are the hunters’ reactions when Ralph tries to remind them they need to focus on being rescued?

14. What role does Roger play among the hunters?

  1. Comment on the following sentences:

  1. They understood only too well the liberation into savagery that the concealing paint brought.

  2. Which is better to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill?

  3. … they were a solid mass of menace that bristled with spears.

  4. The hangman’s horror clung round him.

  5. Then there was that indefinable connection between himself and Jack; who therefore would never let him alone.

  6. Roger sharpened a stick at both ends.

  7. A little boy who wore the remains of an extraordinary cap on his hair … started forward, then changed his mind and stood still.

IX. Items for discussion:

  1. How do you account for Piggy’s resolution to go to Jack’s tribe?

  2. Why did the boys smarten up before going there?

  3. Did anybody expect their coming?

  4. Dwell upon the symbolic meaning of the conch exploding into a thousand white fragments.

  5. Give a character sketch of Roger.

  6. What did Ralph see in the middle of the clearing?

  7. Dwell upon the twins’ behavior when they saw Ralph. Why did they open Jack’s plans?

  8. What ideas did Ralph have to rescue from the pursuit and which did he choose?

  9. How do the boys change when the adults appear on the island?

  10. Are you satisfied with the way the book ends? Why? Is it a weak ending?

  11. Is the story true to life?

X. Give a written translation of the passage from “Ralph heard the great rock…” up to “… Piggy was gone”.

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