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Плани практичних занять з курсу

«Англійська мова»

І курс


(заочне відділення)

Викладач Воробйова А.В.

Практичне заняття № 1

Тема: Сімейне коло студента.

План роботи

1. Знайомство. Мета та основні завдання курсу. Організаційна бесіда зі студентами.

2. Проведення тестування з метою виявлення залишкових знань студентів.

3. Робота над текстом. Підготовка розповіді про себе і свою сім’ю.

Let me introduce myself.

I am Mary Slog. I am 18 (years old). 1 am a Ukrainian. I come from the village of Behteru, Goloprustanskyi district, Kherson region. We are four in the family: my parents, my sister and me. My parents are engaged in teaching children: they are teachers by profession. My father teaches English and my mother - German. They are good linguists. All their free time they devote to improving their language skills. They read many books in the original, listen to foreign texts and dialogues taped, look through foreign newspapers, and consult different types of dictionaries to enrich their vocabulary. I am proud of my parents; they are diligent, industrious, energetic, outgoing, honest and reliable people.

My sister Olga is 22 years old. She is four years older than me (she is my elder sister). She is married. She has been married for two years. Her husband Victor is a lawyer by profession and works as a legal adviser in one of the private firms. He follows in his father's footstep, who has become a distinguished jurist in the field of civil law. My sister Olga is a historian by education and an artist by nature. Painting is her hobby. She is a promising historian. She graduated from the University of Kherson last year and now she is taking a post-graduate course. Her scientific adviser, Professor N. is very pleased with the first results of her research. He thinks that a good beginning is half the battle (makes a good ending). My sister and her husband are sociable, dynamic and well-mannered people.

As for me, I am a student at Kherson State University. I am a first-year student. In June I took my entrance exams and was enrolled at the University. Of course, it was not an easy experience, but I did my best. When I saw my name in the list, I was extremely happy: my dream to become a student of the Institute of Nature came true.

4. Робота з граматичним матеріалом. Структура англійського речення. Короткий довідник з вимови. Читання деяких приголосних букв в англійській мові. Читання голосних букв в основних типах наголошених складів.

5. Виконання граматичних вправ.

Ex. I. Consult a dictionary, transcribe and translate the following words; practice their pronunciation.

linguist, n extremely, adv.

diligent, adj. logic, n

outgoing, adj. biological, adj.

honest, adj.' different, adj.

reliable, adj. master, v

biologist, n command, n

promising, adj. puzzle, n

sociable, adj. documentary, n

dynamic, adj. uneasiness, n

well-mannered, adj. apprehension, n

patient, adj. automatically, adv. fundamentals, pl., n

Social Work is both a profession and social science. It involves the application of social theory and research methods to study and improve the lives of people, groups, and societies. It incorporates and utilizes other social sciences as a means to improve the human condition and positively change society's response to chronic problems.

Social work is a profession committed to the pursuit of social justice, to the enhancement of the quality of life, and to the development of the full potential of each individual, group and community in the society. It seeks to simultaneously address and resolve social issues at every level of society and economic status, but especially among the poor and sick.

Social workers are concerned with social problems, their causes, their solutions and their human impacts. They work with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.

Social work and human history go together. Social work was always in human societies although it began to be a defined pursuit and profession in the 19th century. This definition was in response to societal problems that resulted from the Industrial Revolution and an increased interest in applying scientific theory to various aspects of study. Eventually an increasing number of educational institutions began to offer social work programmes.

The settlement movement's emphasis on advocacy and case work became part of social work practice. During the 20th century, the profession began to rely more on research and evidenced-based practice as it attempted to improve its professionalism. Today social workers are employed in a myriad of pursuits and settings.

Professional social workers are generally considered those who hold a professional degree in social work and often also have a license or are professionally registered. Social workers have organized themselves into local, national, and international professional bodies to further the aims of the profession.


1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповнене – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с.

2. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

3. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. посіб. Для студентів фак. інозем. філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с.

Практичне заняття № 2

Тема: Я – студент Інституту психології, історії та соціології.

План роботи

1. Робота над текстом. Розповідь про факультет (інститут), в якому навчається студент.

I am a student of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and History. Our institute is one of the largest institutes in the University. We study different subjects: Psychology, Sociology Physiology, Mathematics and many others. Besides these subjects we study Ukrainian, Philosophy and English. We study English to be able to read scientific books on Psychology.

There are many departments in our faculty: of psychology, of sociology, of history etc. Besides them there are research laboratories and museums. Every student has an opportunity to work in modern, well-equipped labora­tories, where different problems of Psychology are under in­vestigation.

Students are acquainted with all branches of Psychology. They are lectured in various subjects of this science.

During the first two years we attend lectures on ma­thematics, political subjects and foreign languages. In the third year more narrow specialization begins. We have several specialized courses and addi­tional practical and research work in the subject they have chosen as their future specialty. Besides attending lectures we may join some scientific circle and choose a problem to work on according to our bents. All of us know that Psychology is the science of glorious past and great future. We do our best to acquire as much knowledge as possible.

Graduates of our institute are assigned to work at laboratories, schools, research institutes. Those who have a bent for research work may apply for a post-graduate course of study.

3. Робота над граматичним матеріалом: Числівники. Кількісні та порядкові числівники.

4. Виконання граматичних вправ.

Ex. 1. Read and write the following cardinal numerals.

  1. 3, 10, 15, 20, 34, 87, 2, 18, 58, 67, 94, 17, 11, 31.

  2. 22, 24, 33, 41, 58, 60, 77, 81, 99.

  3. 100, 151, 234, 347, 444, 591, 638, 761, 893, 913.

  4. 1.231, 2.815, 3.211, 5.443, 7.018, 4.405.

  5. 23.001, 37.000, 85.018, 10.531, 34.001. i) 134.568, 213.341, 318.012, 405. 000.

Ex. 2. Form, read and write ordinal numerals from the following.

  1. 1,3,10,8,12,14,5,9,7,13.

  2. 30,21,84,48,52,63,85,99.

  3. 123,100,244,315,418,610,713.

Ex. 3. Read and write the following dates.

8/XII, 13/11, 7/1, 25/IV, 10/111, 1/VII, 3/V, 6/VI, 9/IX.

Ex. 4. The nine interesting facts below (A—I) include fourteen numbers. Write these numbers in figures, and then add them all together. The total will give you the number which is missing from the other interesting fact (J).

A. In the USA, twenty percent of the beer drinkers drink eighty percent of the beer.

B. An ant can move ten times its own weight.

C.A newly-born crocodile is about three times as long as its egg.

D. A flea can jump two hundred times the length of its own body.

E. Four out of five five-year-old children are afraid of dogs.

F. The average fifty-year-old man has seven hours' sleep each night.

G. It is nine times lighter during a full than during a half moon.

H. The Earth is about twenty-seven miles thicker at the equator than at the poles.

I. If you ask fifty people to name any colour, about thirty of them will say "red".

J. A woodpecker can peck times per minute.

4. 4. Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням: Social pedagogy

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Social Pedagogy is an academic discipline concerned with theory and practice of holistic education and care. The term 'pedagogy' originates from the Greek pais (child) and agein (to bring up, or lead), with the prefix 'social' emphasising that upbringing is not only the responsibility of parents but a shared responsibility of society. As a result, social pedagogy is a 'function of society'[1] – it reflects how a given society at a given time thinks about education and upbringing, about the relationship between the individual and society, and about social welfare for its marginalised members. Consequently, social pedagogues work within a range of different settings, from early years through adulthood to working with disadvantaged adult groups as well as older people. To achieve a holistic perspective within each of these settings, social pedagogy draws together theories and concepts from related disciplines such as sociology, psychology, education, philosophy, medical sciences, or social work.

Список літератури:

1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповнене – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с.

2. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

3. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. посіб. Для студентів фак. інозем. філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с.

Теми для самостійного опрацювання: