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Плоткин Александр.1ЛА. Лексикологический анализ....doc
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2. Contraries - are antonyms that can be arranged into series according to the increasing difference in one of their quality. E.G.:

Sing - hum - whisper- be silent

3. Incompatibles are antonyms which are characterized by the relation of exclusion.

Lads – lassies

10.Hypero-hyponimic relations


N on-alcoholic Alcoholic

Tea beer wallop

Measure of weight

Liquid solid materials

pint bushel barrel


In the analyzed extract there is only one way of word-formation. It is affixation:

Noun-forming suffixes:

-ation lubrication

Adjective-forming suffixes:

-ful wonderful

Adverb-forming suffixes:

-ly tiddly

12.Proper names

There are some proper names in the text:

The name of a man: Charlie Mopps

The names of the pubs, bars etc. : The Drunken Rat, the Aiken Drum, the Trowles Pub

The name from the Bible: Lord


Phraseological units can be defined as a reproduced and idiomatic (non-motivated) or partially motivated units build up according to the model of free word-groups and semantically and syntactically brought into correlation with words.

According to Smirnitsky they can be divided into:

1. One-summit units which have only one semantically notional word. For example:

To fill up - заполнять

2. Two-summit units having two semantically notional words:

Lads and Lassiesмальчишки и девчонки

3. Multi-summit units having more than two semantically notional words.

A long time ago – давным-давно

14.Proverbs and sayings

A proverb is a short saying or sentence that is generally known by many people. The saying usually contains words of wisdom, truth or morals that are based on common sense or practical experience. It is often a description of a basic rule of conduct that all people generally follow or should follow. Proverbs and sayings can be found in all languages, and English is not an exception. The English language is reach in proverbs and sayings.

different strokes for different folks

- everyone has different interests and tastes

a rolling stone gathers no moss

- someone who often changes jobs or where they live does not build roots or wealth or success

silence gives consent

- saying nothing or not saying no to something means that you agree

In the text we have one famous English proverb (An apple a day keeps the doctor away), but said in a new way (forty pints of wallop a day will keep away the quacks)The idea is the same, but it is hard to imagine.