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  1. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

  1. taxation

  2. a business

  3. VAT (value added tax)

  4. Sales tax

  5. Business tax

  6. to keep a record

  7. to be charged income tax

  8. to deduct amount of tax

  9. business expenses

  10. to earn money

  11. employer

  12. turnover

  1. вести учёт

  2. торговые издержки

  3. работодатель

  4. предприятие

  5. налог с оборота (амер.)

  6. налог на предпринимателя (на прибыль)

  7. товарооборот

  8. зарабатывать деньги

  9. налог на добавленную стоимость (НДС)

  10. налогообложение

  11. вычитать; удерживать сумму налога

  12. облагаться подоходным налогом

  1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык в письменной форме.

IV. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой вопросы поставлены


  1. Why do many governments collect taxes from private individuals and businesses?

  2. What is the difference between VAT and Sales tax?

  3. What tax do you pay on the money you earned?

  4. What tax have you to pay on your profit as a businessman?

  5. How is Business tax calculated?


a) Income tax.

b) It is calculated according to your total income from sales minus your business costs.

c) All businesses have to pay business tax on their profits.

e) The former is added to the price of goods and services, the latter is not added to services

d) To support schools, prisons, hospitals, museums, libraries.

  1. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:

  1. Sales tax is…

  2. Value added tax…

  3. the employer…

  4. an employee…

  1. It is added to the price of goods and services and is paid to the government every three months.

  2. a simpler system than VAT.

  3. is charged income tax on the money he (or she) earned.

  4. keeps record of the money earned by each employee.

  5. is calculated according to your total income from sales minus your business expenses.

Контрольная работа №2 Вариант 3

  1. Переведите на русский язык интернационализмы, встречающиеся в тексте

Customer’s and Trader’s Rights”

normal, television, to guarantee, defects, film, standard, service, minimum period, police, to arrest

Customer's and trader's rights.

1. Customer's rights. Customers expect goods to bе fit for normal use. For example, а реn must write, а tape-recorder must record and play back, а TV-set must show films. Retailers must guarantee that goods are frее from defects. In case the goods are substandard they must bе replaced or refunded. Thе retailer can then discuss the matter with his suppliers demanding frоm them а better quality.

2. Customers can expect а service to bе done well, and can demand that the job is done again or redone if it is done badly. Ultimately, if уоu still do not likе the job the culprit mау have to рау for the cost or to someone else doing it.

3. It is illegal to describe the goods falsely either in ads (advertisements) or verbally. А trader cannot say that goods are reduced i.e. there is а shortage. Уоu can say that, only if уоu sold them at а higher price for а minimum period (in the UK it is 28 days during the previous 12 months).

4. Traders rights. Trader’s can challenge customers suspected of shop-lifting only if the articles are removed frоm the shop premises. Then they can call the police to arrest the cu1prit. If customers return the goods that they have used the retailer mау refuse to refund the money.