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3. Прочитайте текст и переведите на русский язык в письменной форме.

4. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы.


  1. What problems have you to solve to set up a business?

  2. What does the work of a sole trader mean?

  3. What does partnership mean?

  4. What is a limited company?

  5. a) What can you tell about the financial responsibility of shareholders? b) What does the phrase “limited liability” mean?


  1. It is a company formed by two or more shareholders who put the money into the business to get a share of the profits and it is operated by managers.

  2. The problems of supplies, prices, premises and type of control.

c)The financial responsibility of the shareholders is limited and every shareholder loses

his share when the business goes bankrupt.

d) In this form of business partners share responsibility for profits, debts, decision


e) You are personally responsible for the business and take all profits after paying income taxes. It is the simplest form of business organization.

5. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания.

  1. the disadvantage of a sole trader…

2. partnership is useful and effective when…

  1. the advantage of a limited company is…

  1. all partners have high professional skills.

  2. is that the owner is personally responsible for the business debts.

  3. the partners may disagree with each other.

  4. the financial responsibility of shareholders is limited.

Контрольная работа № 1 Вариант 5

1. Переведите на русский язык интернациональные слова, встречающиеся в тексте "Borrowing money"

effective, bank, manager, investment, guarantee, form, limit, interest, basis, moment, sum, guarantor

Borrowing money.

1. When people set up a new business they need help in financing it. In this case they must know how much money they need to borrow and how many workers they need to employ. To do it they usually draw a cash flow chart.

2. What is cash flow? Money can do two things: it comes in and goes out. This is called cash flow. When it comes in faster than it goes out the business is effective and vice versa.

3. Borrowing money from the bank. The bank managers will lend you money only when they think your business is a good investment. Bank lending money may ask you to provide a security. Security is property that guarantees your ability to pay off your debts if your business goes bust. Sometimes it is enough to provide a guarantor (your friend or relative who can repay your loan for you).

4. There are different forms of borrowing money. The main two are overdraft and loan. Overdraft. You can take out more money than you have in your account. The bank sets up the limit. You pay interest on all the sum you borrow on a daily basis. The bank can ask you to repay your overdraft at any moment.

5. Loan. This is safer than an overdraft because the period of you repay is fixed. But you pay interest on the whole loan though you may need less.

2. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний

1. to borrow money

2. to lend money

3. to set up a new business

4. cash flow

5. to draw a chart

6. to provide a security

7. to pay off debts

8. interest

9. overdraft

10. loan

11. to take out money

12. account

13. property

14. borrowing

  1. движение денежной наличности

  2. счёт (в банке)

  3. чертить схему

  4. ссуда, заём

  5. брать взаймы, получать заем, занимать деньги

  6. давать взаймы, одалживать, ссужать

  7. (ссудный) процент

  8. овердрафт; превышение кредита в банке

  9. предоставить залог, гарантию

  10. собственность

  11. расплатиться с долгами

  12. снять деньги со счета

  13. создать новое предприятие, начать новое дело.

  14. заём, кредит, ссуда.