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I. Find in the text English equivalents to the following word combinations:

курсы, обеспечивающие сочетание очного обучения с опытом работы; давать гуманитарное образование и техническую подготовку; частные учреждения; независимый и ответственный только перед советом руководства; поступление в университеты; получают степень Бакалавра; степень Магистра, присуждаемая за диссертацию; многие аспиранты привлекаются к исследовательской работе; факультет возглавляет; штат преподавателей; студенты имеют возможность спорить и дискутировать; обеспечивать общежитием; давать специализированное обучение

II. Put the words in the right order to make sentences:

1. Great, there, universities, 79, in, are, Britain

2. British, are, private, universities, all, institutions

3. a, both, departments, and, university, usually, has, and, faculties

4. faculty, one, headed, or, professors, each, is, more, by

5. helped, staff, of, are, by, a, teachers, lecturers, called

6. women, all, men, admit, universities, and

7. specially, one, within, colleges, universities, some, there, sex, are, but, for

8. at, wider, is, curriculum, longer, university, of, course, the, a, is, and, studies, the

III. Match the two parts of the sentences:

1. The proportion of young people entering 1. as redbrick universities

Universities … 2. in research

2. A university usually has … 3. is constantly rising

3. All English universities are … 4. both faculties and


4. The universities founded between 1850- 5. the new universities

-1930 are known … 6. private institutions

5. The universities founded after World 7. by examinations or selection

War II are called … 8. men and women

6. The admission to the universities is … 9. Bachelor’s degree

7. At the end of three or four years of study 10. a specialized training

students get … 11. by one or more professors

8. Each faculty is headed by …

9. All universities admit …

10. Colleges give…

11. Many postgraduates are engaged

IV. Express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements:

1. The proportion of young people entering universities is constantly rising.

2. There are only three universities in England.

3. Oxford and Cambridge are called redbrick universities.

4. Every university is independent and doesn’t receive financial support from the


5. All British universities are private institutions.

6. The most common faculties are arts, law, medicine, science, and theology.

7. All universities admit only men.

8. The admission to the universities is by examinations and selection.

9. At the end of three or four years of study students get Doctor’s degree.

10. Faculties are headed by teachers called lecturers.