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Education Britain USA 2011.doc
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Heathfield School Report

Name: Teresa Wilkins. Term: Summer. Age: 15.

Form: 4D Average age of Form 15,1






The only writing she seems to enjoy doing is on her desk or lavatory walls. Her essays are childish, untidy and full of mistakes while her behaviour in class is dreadful.


J. Wenmann


She ought to go to France – and stay there!




Finds the subject boring. Spends all her time looking out of the window. Needs to make a much greater effort.


B. Woode


Getting better – at least she now waits until I have finished speaking before she starts


J. Hamilton


The computer is in no danger from her. Sometimes works well but prefers to talk.



Enjoys doing experiments but hates homework



Excellent. Shows interest and likes drawing – especially teachers.



Is similar to Beethoven – she never hears a word. I say! But quite rhythmic – hangs her desk-lid in time to music.





Times absent

Times late



Head teacher

Role Card 1. Elsie Wilkins. Age 45

You are Teresa’s mother. You were very upset when you read Teresa’s report because she’s so quiet and well-behaved at home. You cannot really believe she behaves so badly at school. Your husband, Bert, hit Teresa when he saw you were upset and made her promise to behave better. She is often late because she delivers newspapers before school. You are very worried about her. You hope her teachers can give you some advice. You have a habit of nodding your head and saying, ‘Yes, I see’, when someone is speaking to you. You also cry easily when upset.

Role Card 2. Bert Wilkins. Age 52

You are Teresa’s father. You hated school when you were young and left as soon as you could. You think education is a waste of time, and want Teresa to leave school at 16 and get a job. If Teresa behaves badly, it is the teachers’ fault, not hers. She never behaves badly at home because she knows she will be punished! You have made her promise to behave in future. Teresa told you that her music teacher is horrid to her and once made her sing a solo in front of the class. You want a word with her! You lose your temper very quickly. Your favourite expression is, ‘Anyway, I never learned nothing when I was at school!’.

Role Card 3. Jane Hamilton. Age 30

You are Teresa’s class teacher and also teach her history. You are very worried about her work and behaviour. You cannot understand it as she always used to be so polite and hard-working. Teresa told you once that her father sometimes hit her and you are determined to talk to him about this. You are very much against corporal punishment. You think Teresa is an intellegent girl and, if she worked, would do well at school.

Role Card 4. O.Brown. Age 35.

You are Teresa’s music teacher. You do not like her very much because she shows no interest in music. You have tried to punish her bad behaviour by making her sing in front of the class, but this only seems to make her worse. At the end of this year Teresa can choose French. You are, therefore, not worried about her. You treat her parents like pupils and expect them to listen to you.

Role Card 5. J. Wenmann. Age 26.

You are Teresa’s English teacher. This is your first term at school and Teresa has made things very difficult for you because you cannot control her in class. You have tried talking to her, but this does not seem to work. But you do not believe in punishing pupils. Her work is well below the standard of the others in the class. You are looking forward to meeting her parents and learning more about Teresa. You also want to suggest they buy her a dictionary. Teresa once told you that she did not have one at home.

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