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Тезисы лекций по теор грам.4 курс.doc
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History of communicative grammar. Subject of communicative grammar.

Development of communicative Grammar in Russia:

L.V.Scherba distinguished 3 aspects of the language: 1) the system of language, 2) the system of speech and 3) language material (words, sentences, phrases).

R.O.Jacobson suggested 6 components of communication.

L.P.Jakubinsky noted that communication has the form of the dialogue.

M.M. Bakhtin introduced the notion of addressed speech and paid special attention to the function of the hearer.

V.G.Admony suggested the aspects of the sentence which make the sentence the basis of speech communication.

Chakhoyan, Orlova, V.V. Buzarov

Branches of Linguistics that influenced the development of Communicative Grammar:

Pragmalinguistics (Ch.W.Morris, Ch.S.Pierce) studies problems 1) concerning the speaker 2) concerning the addressee: 3) examines role correlation between the communicants 4) studies the communicative situation 5) performative utterances.

Theory of Speech Acts (J.Austin, John Searle, P.Strawson, P.Grice)

J.L. Austin: Actions performed via utterances are called speech acts. Every speech act consists of 3 kinds of acts:

  • Locutionary act

  • Illocutionary act (illocution)

  • Perlocutionary act (perlocution)

Peter F. Strawson showed the difference between illocution and locution and between illocution and perlocution; denoted illocution as the purpose of the utterance.

J.Searle defined 5 classes of speech acts:

  • declarations

  • representatives

  • expressives

  • directives

  • commissives

H.P.Grice According to him speaker’s meaning consists in his intention to produce an effect on the hearer by means of the hearer’s recognition of the intention.He distinguished direct and indirect speech acts.

Text Linguistics (Виноградов, Вейль, Матезиус, Балли, Лотман, Андреева)


Psycho-linguistics (Vygotsky, Lurija, Leontiev)


Paralinguistics. There are 3 types of paralingual means:

  1. Phonologic means.

  2. Kinetic means

  3. Graphic means

Communicative competence.

The main aim of Communicative Grammar is to draw up communicative competence. Linguists distinguish communicative competence as complex unity of different types of competence:

  • linguistic competence

  • paralinguistic competence

  • discourse competence

  • socio-linguistic competence

  • strategic

  • illocutionary competence

  • cultural competence

  • psychological competence

Syntactical model and communicative form of the sentence. The utterance.

Syntactical model of the sentence i s a structural scheme and abstract conception (or a virtual unit) for making up sentences, a certain basis for future utterances. In English syntactical models can be: subject + predicate/ + direct/ +indirect object/ + adverbial modifier.

To reflect the reality one should fill this syntactical model of the sentence with some Lexis and Grammar. So there exist a paradigm of communicative forms of sentences, reflecting different typical situations.

The member of the paradigm which helps to realize the syntactical model of the sentence is called the communicative form of the sentence. The communicative form of the sentence is the intermediate level of sentence realization. The valence of the notional verb denotes the number of obligatory and optional elements of the sentence.

The utterance can be defined as the result of realization of the communicative form of the sentence in speech. Utterance is a unit of speech communication, whereas the sentence is regarded as a unit of language.