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ASSIGNMENTS.The Importance of being Ernest.doc
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I. Fill in the blanks using active vocabulary.

Part I

1. Cecily Cardew lives at my place in the country under the … of her admirable governess, Miss Prism.

2. Cecily did not like German. Yet her guardian was very anxious that she should … herself … every way.

3. Miss Prism knew no one (other than Mr. Worthing) who had a higher … of duty and responsibility.

4. Cecily wished Uncle Jack would allow his brother to come down to the country sometimes. Miss Prism and Cecily might have a good … … him.

5. Cecily did not like novels that ended … . They depressed her.

6. Algernon: You must not think that I am wicked.

Cecily: Then you have been … us all in a very inexcusable manner.

7. Cecily hopes that Algernon hasn’t been … a double life. She says that pretending to be wicked and being good all the time would be … .

8. Jack is dressed … the deepest … , with a crêpe hatband and black gloves.

Chasuble: Your brother Ernest dead? I … my sincere condolence.

9. As a man … , so let him … (a proverb).

10. What seem to us bitter trials are often …(pl) in disguise.

11. Chasuble: But surely, Mr. Worthing, you have been … already? Have you any grave … … the subject?

12. Jack: I made arrangements with Dr. Chasuble to be … at 5.30, and I naturally will take the name of Ernest.

Part II

1. Brother John, I have come down to tell you that I am very sorry for all the trouble I have … you and that I intend to … a better life in the future.

2. Algernon: I don’t like your clothes. You look perfectly ridiculous in them. Why don’t you go up and … ?

3. Algernon: If I am occasionally overdressed, I … … … it by being always overeducated.

4. Algernon: I think it(Bunburying) has been … great … . I am in love … Cecily, and that is everything.

5. Ever since Jack confessed that he had a younger brother he (Ernest) had formed the chief … of conversation. Cecily believed that a man who was much … about was always very attractive. That was why she … in love … him.

6. It would hardly have been a really serious engagement if it hadn’t been … off at least once.

7. Cecily pitied any woman whose husband was not called Ernest. Algernon really couldn’t see why Cecily should … … the name of Algernon. It was rather an aristocratic name.

8. Cecily: It is not Mr. Worthing who is my guardian. It is his brother.

Gwendolen: Ah! You have lifted a … from my mind.

9. Cecily: To save my poor boy from the machinations of any other girl there are no … to which I would not go.

10. Gwendolen: Is your name really Jack? – Jack: I could … it if I liked. But my name is certainly Jack.

II. Fill in the blanks.

1. I find I have a headache after all, and a walk might do it … .

2. Cecily picks up the can and begins to … the flowers.

3. Young women are green. My metaphor is drawn … fruit.

4. Miss Prism says that all good looks are a … .

5. Gwendolen: Ernest never mentioned to me that he had a brother.

Cecily: I am sorry to say they have not been on good … for a long time.

6. Gwendolen cannot understand how anybody manages to exist in the country, if anybody who is … does. The country always bores her to … .

7. Cecily takes up the tongs and puts four … of sugar into the cup.

Then she cuts a very large … of cake and puts it on the tray.

8. Jack said it was heartless of Algernon (to eat muffins), … the circumstances.

9. Algernon said that being christened was dangerous and that it might … Jack unwell.

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