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About Myself

Text 1

They say that if you want something to be done well, do it yourself. So I follow this wise saying and would like to introduce myself. I believe that it isn't an easy thing to speak about yourself as it's hard to have a look at yourself from aside but at the same time who knows you better than you yourself do?

My name is Oksana. I have been named after my Grandma and am proud of it. I am from Ukraine and I live in Chernivtsi. My family is an average sized Ukrainian family: it consists of my father, mother, elder brother and me.

I was born on April 15, 1992. This year I have left school and entered Chernivtsi University, so I am a first year student now, or a fresher. I study at the College of Modern European languages, my major is English. I did well at school and now I am trying to do my best at the University.

I have always been interested in foreign languages. At school I was good at Humanities and English was my favourite subject. Several years ago I made up my mind to deal with languages in my future so I have been working hard at my English, and started studying German. I took a preparatory course in/on English, attended additional English classes and passed my final English test with the highest possible score. I hope to improve my language skills and master three foreign languages at the University.

My teachers think that I’m industrious and hardworking. A good friend of mine considers that I’m just that kind of person to spend good time with, I’m sociable and friendly. Some of my classmates try to convince me that I’m a snob but I don’t share their opinion. My parents say that I'm an exemplary daughter, but a bit lazy, because I don't like to help them about the house. They are sure that I'm a creative and active person and as busy as a bee, because I always do something and constantly have no free time

Anyway I like being me. I believe that I’m a mixed up kind of person. Surely, sometimes I can be lazy but I always try to do my work properly and in time.

Active Vocabulary

1. They say – Кажуть, …. e.g., They say people are reading less and less.

2. follow (regular verb) 1) to follow smb/smth – іти за ким-небудь, чим-небудь, іти слідом, супроводжувати, e.g. If you follow me, I’ll show you to the office. I knew the way, so I went first, and the others followed. He follows me wherever I go. 2) стежити, слухати, слідкувати поглядом, e.g. Follow the signs for the airport and you won’t lose your way. Do you follow me? 3) to follow smb’s one’s example/orders/views/advice etc, to follow the instructions/a diagram etc - наслідувати приклад, виконувати вказівки, поділяти погляди, дотримуватися, послухатися поради, e.g. They have an excellent childcare policy, and we hope other companies will follow their example. You must follow the officer’s orders and don’t complain. Follow my advice and nothing awful will happen. Did you follow the instructions on the package?

3. speak (irregular verb: speak-spoke-spoken) (See Appendix 1)1) to speak to/with smb about smth - розмовляти, говорити з кимось про щось, e.g. I intend to speak to the manager about the pay rise. Sally would like to speak with you for a minute. What are you speaking about? 2) to speak a language (English, French, German etc) - говорити англійською (французькою, німецькою тощо) мовою, e.g. Do you speak any foreign language? – Yes, I do. I speak English fluently, and I speak German a little. 3) to speak (at the meeting) - виголошувати промову, виступати (на зборах), to speak in favour of/against підтримувати/виступати проти, e.g. Diana was invited to speak at the annual conference. Only one MP (Member of Parliament) spoke against the bill. All the others spoke in favour of it.

Remember: Speak – розмовляти, говорити;

say (irregular verb: say-said-said) – казати, to say smth to smb – казати щось комусь, to say a word – казати слово, e.g. She said everything to her parents. NOT: She said her parents everything. (say + smth; say + to + smb)

У цьому випадку вживається дієслово tell (irregular verb: tell-told-told) у значенні «казати». E.g. He told us about the event. Tell me the truth, please. (tell + smb)

Remember the fixed expressions: to tell the truth (говорити правду, правду кажучи), to tell a lie (збрехати), to tell the time (сказати, котра година), to tell a story (розповідати історію), to tell the difference (встановити відмінність, розбіжність), to tell tales (розповсюджувати плітки, брехати) etc.

talk (regular verb) 1) to talk about/of smb, smth - розмовляти, говорити про когось, щось, e.g. We were talking about our childhoods and realized we both went to the same school. 2) to talk to/with smb – розмовляти, говорити з кимось, e.g. Who were you talking to at the party? 3) to talk on/about – говорити на якусь тему, e.g. This morning Mrs Elliott will be talking on the best way to grow roses. 4) to talk sport/politics etc. – розмовляти про спорт/політику тощо, e.g. I can’t stand it when you talk politics.

4. to have a look (at) – подивитися уважно (на), e.g. Have a look at this!

Note 1: дієслово have (irregular: have-had-had) вживається у подібних виразах (to have a rest/a sleep/a walk etc) для позначення одноразової дії: We decided to have a walk after hard work.

Note 2: look (noun) – 1) погляд, e.g. I will never forget her worried look. 2) вигляд, e.g. Mr. Flynn had a tired, ill look. 3) вираз (очей, обличчя), e.g. She gave him an angry look. 4) привабливість, краса (pl), e.g. Fiona has got everything – looks, money and youth.

look (regular verb)1) (at) дивитися, e.g. Look at me when I’m talking to you. 2) глянути (розмовне), e.g. I’ll look what time the train starts. 3) мати вигляд, здаватися, e.g. How do I look in this dress ?It looks like rain.

4. name (noun, countable) - ім’я, назва, e.g. What’s the name of that river? Her name is Mandy Wilson. First name/Christian name: Her first name is Mandy. | Last name/surname/family name: Her surname is Wilson | Middle name: Lots of girls have Elizabeth as their middle name. | Full name (=complete name): Please leave your full name and address with reception

name (regular verb) - називати, давати ім’я, e.g. We named our daughter Sarah.

Synonym – call (regular verb) - називати, давати ім’я, e.g. They’ve decided to call the baby Louise.

5. proud (adjective) – 1) гордий, e.g. You should see them with the baby – they’re so proud! 2) пихатий, e.g. Nobody likes him. He is so proud and boastful.

6. consist (regular verb) + of – складатися з, e.g. The book consists of three parts.

consist in - полягати у, e.g. The beauty of Venice consists in the style of its ancient buildings.

7. leave (irregular verb: leave-left-left) – 1) піти, поїхати; від’їжджати, e.g. What time did you leave the office? They were so noisy that the manager asked them to leave. 2) leave for – вирушати, їхати куди-небудь, e.g. I usually leave for the University at 7.30. 3) залишати, e.g. Someone left the car near our house. She often leaves the kids with Sarah. (to leave school – залишити, завершити навчання в школі, e.g. Zoe wants to be a hairdresser when she leaves school.) 4) забувати, залишати щось десь, e.g. I’ve left my note-book at home. Not: I forgot my note-book at home.

Українському слову «забувати» відповідають два англійських слова «leave» and «forget». Leave smthзабути щось взяти з собою (предмет), e.g. Oh no! I’ve left the paperwork in my office. Forget smth – забути щось (факти, інформацію тощо, щось нематеріальне), e.g. I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. Forget to do smth – забути зробити щось, e.g. My sister forgot to switch off the light. Forget + how/what/when/that etc, e.g. Natalie managed to forget where she’d parked the car.

8. enter (regular verb), with no preposition before a direct object – 1) увіходити, проникати, e.g. Silence fell as I entered the room. 2) вступати; ставати членом, e.g. Last year she entered Oxford University. He has finally entered Students International Travel Association.

9. fresher (Br)/freshman (Am) (noun, countable) – першокурсник, новачок, e.g. I am a freshman now, but next year I’ll be a sophomore (студент-другокурсник).

10. major (noun, countable)головний, основний предмет спеціалізації (у коледжі, університеті), e.g. Our major is English.

major (adjective)більший (the major part – більша частина), головний, важливий, e.g. There are two major political parties in the US.

major (regular verb) + in – спеціалізуватися (про студента), e.g. He is majoring in Political Science.

11. the Humanities 1) класичні мови і література, e.g. Students of our University study the Humanities. 2) гуманітарні предмети, e.g. I dislike Math and like studying the Humanities.

12. attend (regular verb) – відвідувати, бути присутнім, e.g. Only 7 people attended the meeting. Remember: Англійською мовою «відвідувати заняття» - to attend classes. Not: to visit classes, (visit – навідувати, приходити у гості). e.g. I regularly attend classes. Yesterday I visited my sick friend.

13. pass (regular verb) – 1) проходити, проїжджати (+ byповз чого-н., along – уздовж чого-н., across, over – через що-н.), e.g. I pass the sport centre on the way to work. I enjoy looking at the clouds passing by. The new road passes along the river. We had to pass across the stream though the water was icy cold. They found a bridge and passed over the mountain river. 2) промайнути, спливати (про час), e.g. The days passed slowly. 3) скласти, витримати іспит/тест, e.g. I passes my driving test first time.

Remember. Пам’ятайте про різні значення двох виразів:

to take exams – складати іспити, e.g. Students take exams twice a year.

to pass exams – скласти іспити, e.g. After I pass the exams I’ll go on my vacations to Italy.

14. improve (regular verb) – удосконалювати, поліпшувати(ся), e.g. I know I must work hard and improve my knowledge of English. Let’s hope the weather improves before Saturday.

15. master (regular verb) – 1) справлятися, переборювати; підпорядковувати собі, e.g. Don’t be afraid, try to master your fear. 2) оволодівати, опановувати; вивчати, e.g. Everyone knows how difficult it is to master the Chinese writing system.

16. sociable (adjective) – товариський, компанійський, дружній, e.g. The Smiths are a pleasant, sociable couple.

17. convince (regular verb) – переконувати, запевняти; переконати, e.g. He tried to convince me Robert was right. Her arguments didn’t convince me. Remember: to convince sb to do sth – переконати кого-н. щось зробити, e.g. I didn’t convince him to come with me. to convince sb of sth – переконати кого- н. у чомусь, e.g. We finally convinced them of our innocence.

18. share (regular verb) – 1) ділити(ся), розподіляти, e.g. We don’t have enough books so let’s share. 2) поділяти (думку, смаки, тощо), e.g. I share your opinion.

Synonymdivide (regular verb) – ділити, розділяти: to divide smth into – ділити на, e.g. Take the orange and divide it into quarters. divide smth between – ділити між, e.g. Hitler and Stalin divided Poland between them. divide smth by smth (in Math) – ділити, e.g. Divide 21 by 3.

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