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Laughs a lot

Likes having fun


*15. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Джейн – висока, струнка, голубоока, світловолоса дівчина. Вона має прямий ніс, тонкі брови та повні губи. У неї довге, хвилясте волосся, яке вона розділяє посередині. Джейн – спокійна, весела, добродушна. Вона у хороших стосунках зі своїми одногрупниками.

2. Боб – хлопець середнього зросту, гарної статури, з густими темними бровами та карими очима. Його волосся каштанове.У Боба приємна посмішка. Але він впертий та нетерплячий. Боб інколи втрачає контроль над собою.

3. Містер Браун – чоловік середнього віку, сутулий та повний. Його обличчя бліде та зморшкувате, але він має добрі очі. Містер Браун завжди серйозний, працьовитий.

4. Бабуся Ніка – жінка 70 років, з сивим волоссям та зеленими очима. Вона має приємну зовнішність та виглядає молодше свого віку. Вона завжди турботлива, ніжна та добродушна. Бабуся Ніка говорить тихим, спокійним голосом.

5. Ганна – маленька дівчинка, з рудим волоссям та сірими очима. Її обличчя в ластовинні, а вії – довгі та закручені. Вона повненька та гарна дівчинка. Анна – щира, чесна і весела.

16. Memory Work.

Use the proverbs and sayings in a natural context. First make sure that you know what they mean and prove that they have sense.

Handsome is as handsome does.

It’s not the gay coat that makes the gentleman.

Still waters run deep.

As thin as a rake.

As melancholy as a cat.

As merry as a cricket.

As true as steel.

As busy as a bee.

b) Learn them by heart.

Unit 3. Reading and Speaking

Text Study

What do you know about typically English, American characteristics?

Read, translate the text and say if your opinion differs. Write them down.

Generalization About Nationalities

British people have the reputation of being shy and reserved with strangers. Actually this is not always true. Of course, some are shy and reserved with strangers, and some are shy and reserved with everybody. But others are very extrovert and talk to anybody. This just proves that you shouldn't make generalizations about people!

But making generalizations about people is great fun. Everybody knows that all Englishmen wear bowler hats, pinstripe suits and carry umbrellas; Scotsmen are mean, hate spending money and drink whisky all day long; Welshmen do nothing but play rugby and sing. And the Irish? Well, they only exist so that other British people can tell jokes about them!

Few of us like to be told that we are average people. Far worse, however, is to be told that we, or things we do, are typical of our nation. “Oh, that’s so typically American (or British, or French, etc.)”, is the kind of statement most of us object to.

Generalization about nationalities – Americans are incurable optimists, Germans are professional pessimists, and Italians are supposed to be not welcomed even when they are basically accurate.

One generalization often made about Americans is that they value their individualism quite highly. They place great emphasis on their individual choices, and on doing things their own way. When working as a team Americans usually blend their efforts rather than a group they work as a unit. Another generalization says "what they are doing in California today will probably be trying in Europe tomorrow," because more and more American social and cultural habits have taken hold in Europe and around the world from cornflakes and the televised news for breakfast to the evening barbecue or grill party. And this generalization remains valid today. Americans tend to be trend-setters in lifestyles, but what is thought to be typically American today probably won't be so for long.

Most interesting, therefore, are those habits and attitudes, customs and conventions which have been consistently observed among Americans over time. There are at least three American "national characteristics" which can be safely mentioned; these are: friendliness to strangers, a strong sense of community and neighborliness, and a general informality.

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