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2. Read the poem, using intonation patterns you find suitable and answer the questions: Leisure

By W.H. Davis

What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs

And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see when woods we pass

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn of Beauty’s glance

And watch her feet how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this is if, full of care

We have no time to stand and stare.

  • What do you consider to be the author’s message of the poem?

  • In view of the contents of the poem, what is hinted at in the title “Leisure”.

  • Observe whether irony enters into the author’s treatment of the subject.

  • Suppose that you had some reasons to get up an hour before dawn. Describe the signs and stages by which the rest of the world “wakes up”.

Section II

Vowels Contrasted

  

1. A). Listen and practise the following pairs of words:

all – on

port – pot

course – cost

warm – wash

form – fond

food – foot

boot – book

shoot – shook

rule – room

tooth – took

awful – office

daughter – doctor

morning – modern

order – oddly

orchestra – optimist

wounded – woodland

shooter – sugar

bugler – butcher

pupil – pudding

cucumber – cookery

1. B). Learn the following proverbs. Lay stresses, tone marks. Give tonograms.

    1. Honesty is the best policy.

    2. Better unborn than untaught.

    3. A little pot is soon hot.

    4. Too good to be true.

    5. No news is good news.

    6. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

    7. Exception proves the rule.

1. C). Complete the following using one of the proverbs:

  1. … Where is the good of putting things off? We must lose no time, we must …

  2. … He was eagerly expecting their decision. Time went by, however, and he did not get any answer. He longed for any news, good or bad. His father would calm him by repeating rather pointlessly …

2. Express agreement or disagreement with the following statements choosing the suitable prompts.


- This cake is nice.

- Yes,  it’s delicious (agreement)

- But it’s stale (disagreement)

  1. This street isn’t far from here.

( Yes, it’s in the center of the city.

But you can only walk there.)

  1. This writer is very famous.

(But his books are not very interesting.

Yes, he is a very popular author.)

  1. I need only two books.

(I think two is en ough.

You need more than that).

  1. The lecture is very interesting.

(But I can’t hear anything.

Yes,  let’s listen to it att entively.)