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Учебник Английского(базовый уровень).docx
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Слова к тексту:

allergies (n) – аллергия, повышенная чувствительность

penetrate (v) – проникать

2.16. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты:

a) легче выбросить бумагу, чем найти урну для неё;

b) пища и отбросы привлекают животных;

с) они никогда не бросают мусор сами;

d) мусор является нарушением закона;

e) они могут проникнуть в питьевую воду;

f) в городах и вокруг них выделяются опасные газы;

g) в наших городах невозможно будет жить;

h) сажать деревья и создавать парки;

i) чтобы найти пути для уменьшения объема загрязнения;

j) оказывать давление на тех, кто у власти.

2.17. Найдите в тексте антонимы следующим словам:

to improve

to do good





to award



fresh air

2.18. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

A. 1. Do you always throw garbage in the garbage can?

2. Do you usually help to clean up the litter?

3. Does litter always spoil the view?

4. Do litter bugs usually go to jail?

5. Do your friends throw litter on the ground?

B. 1. Do you like to swim in clean water of a lake or river?

2. Do you like to drink a cool glass of water on a hot day?

3. Why is water becoming polluted?

4. What should we do to stop or decrease polluting our rivers and lakes? C. 1. Do people suffer from polluted air?

2. What are the sources of air pollution?

3. Can polluted air cause any diseases?

4. What should be done to lessen air pollution?

D. 1. What should engineers and scientists do to decrease the amount

of pollution?

2. Can we put pressure on our government to take action?

3. What should we do immediately?

2.19. Расскажите об экологических проблемах вашего города (села). Что делается (или не делается) для улучшения ситуации? Что вы можете сделать сами?

Лексический минимум к модулю II

(Living in a big city)

accommodation (n)

ecology (n)

environment (n)

advantage (n)

expensive (adj)

advantage of (over)

feed (v) (fed)

air (n)

feel (v) (felt)

fresh air

feel bored

be able to do smth

feel lonely

beauty (n)

find (v) (found)

breathe (v)

find accommodation

cheap (adj)

fine (n) (v)

choice (n)

fume (n)

wide choice

garbage (n)

city (n)

garbage can

city centre

gas mask

city-dweller (n)

hang (v) (hung)

control (v)

harm (n) (v)

country (n)

hurt (v) (hurt)

in the country

jail (n)

countryside (n)

in the countryside

job (n)

have a job

crowd (n)

well-paid job

crowd (v)

litter (n)

danger (n)

litterbug (n)

disease (n)

look for (v)

lungs (n)


noise (n)

relax (v)

noisy (adj)

rush hour

particularly (adv)

space (n)

pollute (v)

open space

polluted (p.II)

spoil (v)

pollution (n)

town (n)

prefer (v)

home town

prefer peace

ugly (adj)

Appendix 1

Supplementary texts

(Living in a big city)

TEXT № 1

First Impression

Diana Weston from Brooklyn, New York

«My first impression of Britain is that people are much more formal. For example, in the States we use first names almost immediately but here I have to be more careful. And British people are generally more polite. A New Yorker says: “Give me the check, will you!” when he finishes a meal but here in Britain they say: “Excuse me. Do you think you could give me the bill?”

I don’t find a lot of difference in prices. They’re about the same as in the States. It’s the same with accommodation. I think it’s a bit cheaper in London than in New York but there’s not a lot of difference. One thing is clear, London is not as violent as New York. Some friends of mine who live in the Bronx have four locks on their door became they don’t feel safe even at their homes.

I prefer the subway here. It’s cleaner and quieter. On the whole I think London is more polluted than New York.

When it comes to work and business, my impression is that the British are much less hardworking than Americans. Sometimes I think the British don’t know what a day’s work means.»

Mr Yama from Osaka

«The prices here are about the same as in Japan, except for accommodation. In Japan the cost of accommodation is very high, much higher than in Britain. You also get more for your money here. For example, the houses, the flats and the gardens are much bigger. There is more open space here, too. In London there are lots of parks and the city isn’t as polluted as Tokyo. However, I think society here is more violent. You read every day in the newspapers about some violence on the streets.

As for the people, I think the British are less formal, not only in the way they behave, but also in the way they dress. People wear much more informal clothes here than in Japan.

When it comes to business, the Japanese work longer hours than the British, often twelve hours a day. But the interesting thing is that the British change jobs much more frequently than we do. In Japan you usually stay in the same company for your whole working life.»