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1. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

  1. What can we do to reduce the ………... (pollute) of the atmosphere?

  2. The change in the climate has produced ……….. (disaster) floods.

  3. Many rare species are threatened with …….. (extinct).

  4. Many of the gases produced by factories are ………. (harm) to our health.

  5. Exhaust fumes have ………. (damage) effects on the environment.

  6. Many countries must try and control the growth of the ……….. (populate).

  7. Protecting the environment is essential to our ……… (survive).

  8. The ………. (protect) of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.

  9. While some countries get richer, the ………. (poor) in others gets worse.

  10. Millions of people in the world are threatened with ………. (starve).

2. Read the following text and fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.

One of the world’s ____________________ (danger) species, the rhinoceros, is still being hunted for their horn. The World Wildlife Federation supports _______________ (organize) which try to stop the ___________ (hunt) by providing vehicles and _____________ (equip) for several national parks in Africa. Protected areas have a high fence around them, so rhinos roam in ______________ (safe). The WWF also helps in _________________ (transport) of rhinos from _____________ (danger) areas into the protected ones. It is very important to lessen the demand for rhino horns. Raising _________________ (aware) of the problem is one of way to help the situation. Rhino _____________________ (conserve) is one of the WWF’s main tasks. _____________________ (hope) the WWF will be able to put a stop to the _________________ (acceptable) act of rhino hunting.

3. Read the following text and fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.

There are many problems which ________________ (threat) our natural environment. Acid rain, _______________ (globe) warming and air and water _____________ (pollute) are among the most serious ones. There are several ways to help improve the situation. Firstly, we should encourage _________________ (recycle) because it is the _____________ (produce) of new materials which causes the most damage. We must learn to reuse things like plastic bags and glass jars. Secondly, driving an environmentally- friendly car is also _______________ (help). Furthermore, joining an __________________ (organize) which plants trees or cleans up beaches would be _______________ (prove) that you are really _______________ (concern) about the environment. Lastly, supporting groups such as Greenpeace, which try to prevent many ____________________ (environment) disasters, would help to ensure that our planet will be clean and safe for future generations.

4. Read the following text and fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.

More and more animals are fighting for __________________ (survive) nowadays, and it is not only ________________(hunt) who are to blame.

Thousands of fish die every year as a result of the _________________ (legal) ________________ (dump) of waste in rivers by factories all over Europe. _______________ (investigate) are often carried out to discover who is __________________ (response) for these ecological disasters, but even when the offenders are found, the ______________ (punish) for this kind of ________________ (behave) is not as severe as it should be. Factories will only reform once the public _________________ (threat) to stop buying their products, and not before. It is the only __________________ (solve) to a very serious problem.


You have 40 minutes to do this task.

Many people argue that ordinary people can do a lot to help the environment, including recycling materials and preventing waste. However, this depends on cities providing facilities for recycling and educating people on the need to help the environment, which some people think is too expensive.

Do you think your city does enough to support people who want to help the environment?

Write 200-250 words.

Use the following plan:

1. Introduction. (State the problem)

2. Express your opinion and give reasons for it.

3. Give other people’s arguments and explain why they are wrong.

4. Make a conclusion.

Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss.


There are four seasons in the year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Every season is beautiful in its own way.

Spring is a wonderful season. Nature awakens from its winter’s sleep. The days become longer and the nights grow shorter. The ground is covered with fresh green grass and snowdrops, the first spring flowers. Then trees cover with new leaves and begin to blossom. The birds begin to sing and build their nests. The air is fresh and the sun shines brightly in the sky. The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy. In May downpours and thunderstorms are quite frequent.

Summer comes in June. It is the hottest season of the year. The trees are green and the gardens are full of flowers. I don’t like when it is boiling hot and stuffy in the summer. But I like summer showers when the air becomes fresh and humid.

Some people prefer autumn to summer. It is still warm in September but leaves change color. It is the best time to go to the suburbs of Saint Petersburg, for example to Pavlovsk. October brings nasty and gloomy weather. It is getting colder and colder. It often pours or drizzles. Fogs are often in the morning too. In November the first snow appears but melts quite quickly and causes a lot of sleet in the streets. The days become shorter.

Winter comes suddenly with frosts and blizzards. It snows a lot and freezes hard so it’s easy to fall down and get hurt. On the other hand winter is a beautiful season when the snow covers the ground, the sun appears and the air is crisp and fresh.

Unfortunately the problem of the global warming and the greenhouse effect causes a great climate changing. The weather is becoming quite unpredictable. It has become a common situation that instead of snowing hard it is raining heavily on the New Year’s Eve. The weather forecasts are very popular. In St. Petersburg the weather has become a typical topic for conversations and discussions as in the UK.


Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “Seasons and weather”.

Remember to say about

• Four seasons

• What weather each season is characterized by

• What climate changes we face today

Answer the question:

What is your favorite season and why?


You have 40 minutes to do this task.

Some people say that there is no bad weather there are bad clothes. Others claim that the best place to live is the part of the world where there is no winter and autumn like in Australia or Africa.

Do you think whether we are lucky or not to have four seasons which change one another during the year?

Write 200-250 words.

Follow the plan:

1. Introduction. (State the problem)

2. Express your opinion and give reasons for it.

3. Give other people’s arguments and explain why they are wrong.

4. Сonclusion.

Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss


Can you think of a day without music? Music has always been a vital part of our life. It forms people’s internal world, helps correctly understand occurring events and bring up taste. There is music everywhere: at home, in a concert hall, in cafes and restaurants, in every car. People can’t live without music. They listen to music, they dance to music, and they learn to play musical instruments. Professionals say that music isn’t just the combination of pleasant sounds only. It is an art that reflects life. Music reflects people’s ideas and emotions. For many people music is the way to relax and have fun.

When speaking of different forms of music, first of all it is necessary to mention classical music. Classical music is always a complex of emotions; it contains the powerful appeal to listeners. It addresses both to our senses and intellect. There is no doubt that the appreciation and understanding of classical music comes in time and very much depends on the person’s education and intelligence. It is necessary gradually to prepare yourself for acquaintance to serious music. Also it is good to learn and find out some information about the composer, about his time. However, anyone would appreciate the masterpieces of Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Tchaikovsky.

Many young people today are gravitating towards the new rhythms probably as a result of changing times. Pop has always been popular: rock’n’roll, jazz, blues, rock and hard rock, disco, R’n’B, rock, house music, rap, drum-and-bass and other genres find many admirers. Pop is easy to listen and understand. Such simple and thoughtless music is necessary to the man now- it lifts mood, helps to forget about the problems and relax. Modern music unites people all over the world and makes them feel a part of a global family. Such music is a kind of a global language for them. It cuts across all the barriers — age, color, class, sex, religion and brings people together. Some types of modern music have a great influence on teenagers’ appearance and behavior.

As for me, I’m into….

Read the information about classical music. Translate and speak about your attitude to it.


1. Classical music gives the listeners a keen sensual delight and pleasure.

2. Classical music has a deep intellectual appeal.

3. Classical music has a strong ethical effect: it ennobles the listeners.

4. Classical music supports the ideas of good.

5. Classical music creates a special spiritual world for the listener which enriches his inner world and makes him happy.


1. Classical music is a complicated art: it’s difficult to find one’s way into it.

2. It’s an exclusive art: it’s not a popular art and many people don’t like or understand it.

3. The length of most classical music pieces can send any listener to sleep.

4. Most people want the kind of music to which they can dance or just talk to friends.


Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “Music”.

Remember to say:

• The role of music in our life

• The understanding of classical music

• The types of modern music

• The kind of music you prefer and why


Read the following text and fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.

Primary schools in London are trying out an ambitious plan through which young children get an _____________ (introduce) to serious music. The idea comes from a group of famous ______________ (music) who are concerned about the _____________ (survive) of certain types of classical music. They see the plan as one possible _____________ (solve) to the problem of declining audiences at classical concerts.

Their ______________ (argue) is that an interest in classical music should be developed in early __________________ (child). They reject the idea that children are ______________ (interesting) in serious music or necessarily find it boring. The group goes into a school and gives a live ____________ (perform) or a short classical piece and then this is followed by an _____________ (explain) of how the instruments work. These sessions have proved so _________________ that they have now become a regular feature in some schools.

Read the following text and fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.

The most _____________ (success) pop group in history was the Beatles and the most__________ (excite) bands of the 1960s and 1970s were male bands. The Spice Girls were____________ (usual) when they became____________ (fame) in the 1990s, but now female pop groups are not only common but quite___________ (interest) from a__________ (music) point of view as well. But what happens when a schoolgirl suddenly becomes very_____________ (wealth) and well known? She leaves behind the____________ (bore) life other girl lead, earns a lot of money and buys____________ (expense) clothes. She gets___________ (invite) to trendy parties. Will she forget all her old school friends?

Talent (Longman синий)

My ___________ (favour) composer is Chopin and I am fortunate enough to have a friend who is also a very gifted ___________ (piano). As a _______________ (profession) musician, she believes strongly that ___________ (music) ability is mostly something you learn, not a ______________ (character) that you are born with. She thinks that ___________ (industry) students can improve their ability enormously. I feel really __________ (envy) when I hear my friend perform and the ecstatic ____________ (respond) that she gets from her audiences at the end of a ___________ (perform). Both the public and ______________ (criticize) agree that she is one of the country’s most talented _____________ (art). The huge amount of money she earns gives her the ___________(free) to do almost anything that she likes, which I. as a humble _________ (poem), cannot compete with.

C1 Personal Letter

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

This is a part of a letter from Sean, your English pen friend.

I’m thinking of starting music lessons. Do you play any instruments? Have you ever had lessons? I’m not really sure what instrument to choose. What do you suggest? I want to be able to play pop music, I think..

Write back to Sean answering all his questions.

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


You have 40 minutes to do this task.

Millions of people all over the world are into different types of pop music; however a great number of people claim that listening to modern pop music shows the lack of taste and intelligence.

What can you say for and against pop music?

Write 200-250 words.

Use the following plan

1. Introduction (State the problem).

2. Arguments “for”.

3. Arguments “against”.

4. Conclusion.

For and against pop music


1. Young people search for new rhythms and new styles.

2. The words of the songs deal with the younger people’s world: their hopes, dreams, disappointments and joys.

3. The new rhythms are full of vigor and force: just what appeals to young children. The tunes are easily caught.

4. It is an experimental kind of music. Different groups are looking for new rhythms and sometimes achieve really.

5. The popularity of the genre of pop music speaks in its favor. It attracts great masses of young people. Why should we deprive them of the joy they obviously get from this music?


1. The rhythms are new but they lack variety, it’s the same monotonous rhythm again and again.

2. The tunes are mostly primitive as easily forgotten as caught.

3. The words of some songs are absolutely senseless. The songs often contain…

4. Medical research has proved beyond doubt that the volume of sound produced by powerful music at some pop concerts does great damage both to senses of hearing and to the nervous system. Cases of mass hysteria are not unusual at pop concerts.

Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss


In the life of every man is the time when he is to decide what he is going to be. It is important to choose the right occupation but it is not easy to do. And it is always rather regrettable when a man begins to doubt the use of his activities and realizes in the long run that he has made a mistake. Some people go on living the way they are used to, reluctant or being afraid to change anything, their lives become boring and dissatisfied. Others make a fresh start and get engaged in the work they are cut out for.

Every job has its ups and downs. Besides, there are some popular professions but some are not. From my point of view, the professions of a dustman, a builder or a miner are not prestigious, but nevertheless we still can not do without them. That is why the problem of prestige is subjective. I think the future profession should be interesting and meet the demands of people. Besides, it is impossible to forget about the material aspect of the profession. It is common knowledge that a good salary must give opportunity to satisfy all needs and requirements of a person. It is interesting to notice that for some people job satisfaction is more important than high salary.

Today the most popular professions are lawyers, economists, engineers and computer operators. To be a designer is attractive too. These professions are undoubtedly prestigious. Most of them are closely connected with the knowledge of foreign languages, especially English.

To get a prestigious job nowadays is not as easy as it may seem and you have to pass several stages, the first of which is leaving school with good results. Then you have to go to University and get a degree. The properly written CV and a letter of application are very important steps in looking for a job. They are a bridge for an interview. If you want to do your best try not to be late, dress formally and try to find about the company as much as possible before the interview not after. You should also be polite, sociable and self-assured. Never ask questions if you are not suggested to. But try to answer all possible questions of an interviewer to show you are the person they need.

Finally, when you are given the job of your dreams try to remember everything you know, be punctual, hard-working and do your best.

Translate and use in your own sentences:

1. Frankly speaking ….

2. To be well-grounded in the many subjects

3. To cut a long story short, I’d like to specialize in the sphere of ……..

4. To have work experience

People look for jobs at different places. One can:

• be employed by the government or a company

• work/be freelance

We often speak of:

• full-time jobs

• part-time jobs

• regular jobs

• odd jobs

Jobs can offer some prospects:

• promotion

• financial reward

• perks and bonuses

• good job opportunities

Jobs can be attractive and unattractive. These are some qualities that make them such.

Attractive jobs Unattractive jobs

creative backbreaking

challenging boring

exciting dangerous

fulfilling exhausting

interesting messy

pleasant monotonous

popular not respected

prestigious tiring




well paid

Different jobs can require:

• special knowledge

• accuracy

• courage

• a good imagination

• a lot of (little) experience

• meeting people

• physical strength

• special training

• working from home/ traveling a lot

• working late (long) hours

• working night shifts

Are these jobs popular? Describe them and explain why you consider them popular?

Accountant, airhostess, architect, (auto) mechanic, carpenter, chef, chemist, computer operator, designer, surgeon, dentist, interpreter/translator, interior decorator, journalist, lawyer, librarian, model, musician, nurse, photographer, police officer, programmer, editor, electrician, engineer, estate agent, fashion designer, fireman, hairdresser, receptionist, secretary, social worker, sport instructor, teacher, travel agent, vet, pharmacist, plumber, tailor, mason

Do you know that ……?

CV (Curriculum Vitae) – personal information, information about your education, qualifications, skills and experience.

Letter of application – description of your personal qualities, qualifications and skills required to a particular job, written in a form of a formal letter.

Here is a list of points which you might find important when you are looking for a job. Which are the 3 most important and the 3 least important for you? Give your reasons.

• top wages

• opportunity to use your own ideas

• on-the-job training when you begin

• further training

• chance to help other people

• opportunity to become well-known

• outdoor work

• no special qualification needed

• regular working hours

• flexible working hours

• work in a team with friendly people

• opportunity to become self-employed


Give a 2-2.5 minute talk about your future profession

Remember to say:

• What important things you should keep in mind choosing a future job

• What role school plays in the choice of profession

• What job you are going to choose

Answer the question: “What steps are needed to be taken while looking for a job?”