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Английский, том 2.doc
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Unit V art of shipbuilding

Ex. 1. Read and translate the words. Include them into your vocabulary:

Provision, garbage, hull, engine, rudder, machinery, regulation, keel, rib, shape, compart­ment, boiler, bow, stern, wire, pipe, framework, shipway, valve, superstructure, pier, trial, bulkhead, roughness, squall, floatation, non-sweep, careen, rolling, pitching, ridge, evasion, crest, helmsman, abyss, contour, dugout, liburne, consequence, bulb, quarterdeck, sternpost, submission, slamming, shipyard, circumstance, welding, buffer store, building berth, assembling, section, block, prefabrication, template, building dock, lofting, fitting out, marking off, adjustment, butt, advisability;

To adjust, to prefabricate, to assemble, to weld, to christen, to slide, to dispose, perceive, immerse, trim, to overlap, envisage;

Complicated, enor­mous, watertight, temperate, concave, clinker-built, conciliatory, bulbous, three-dimensional, arduous, circumferential;

Gently, astern, aft

Ex. 2. Insert the right word:

Astern, temperate, clinker-built, template, overlap, immersed, dugouts, circumstances, consequences, rim, conciliatory

1. … were the first boats constructed by men. 2. In the case when the planks of the ship … one another, we say that the ship is … . 3. The captain commanded full speed … to stop the ship. 4. I can’t work under such … . 5. Look at the … and try to do the same. 6. The … of the disaster may be serious. 7. This country is situated in a … zone. 8. The ship hit the rock and … into water. 9. To provide better stability you must … the cargo. 10. In this conflict he takes a … position.

Ex. 3. Change the words of italic type with their synonyms from your active vocabulary:

1. Bulky equipment was stored on deck. 2. The shape of this yacht resembles a flying bird. 3. The circulation of goods accomplished through this port is really huge. 4. For better maneuvering a ship hull must have a bent contour. 5. All parts of the structure were perfectly balanced. 6. Canoes cut out from tree trunks were probably the first boats designed by men. 7. The curved bow of this boat looks funny. 8. The essence of voting is subjecting of the minority to the majority. 9. This document has an arbitration character. 10. The economic profit of using a particular technology for constructing a ship depends on the number of ships in the series. 11. The hard working conditions associated with hot-forming have been largely eliminated. 12. Lofting operations and making of hull parts are done with aid of electronics. 13. The method of mounting the ship on the building berth must be decided upon in advance.

Ex. 4. Define in one word:

  1. form or contours of an object;

  2. a plate or screen preventing the passage of liquid or gas;

c) one of a horizontal surfaces dividing the ship’s hull;

d) a rule, law or order;

  1. a large flat piece of metal or wood that steers a ship;

  2. a sudden unexpected increasing of wind strength;

  3. smth very deep, having no bottom;

  4. a high stern part of the top deck;

  5. a hit over a coming wave

  6. Method of jointing by which two plates (sheets) of metals can be connected together.

Ex. 5. Translate into Russian:

a floating city

fuel and provisions

to meet special needs

safety regulations

to weld the metal plates

to form the middle section

piece-by-piece manner

prefabricated units

to launch a ship

the squall heavy wind

taking into account

capable of sea travel

hard iron tools

closely resembled

a key development

the keel's solid construction

the perfection in the design

the result of slight changes

overlapping planks

aft superstructure

stability in a movement

the conciliatory proposals

stabilization of the hull

reduction of wave resistance

prevention of slamming

reduction of pitching

Ex. 6. Read and translate the text: