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Unit 3. Children’s polyclinic

The basic principle of the polyclinic is accessible and free specialized medical services. Large cities commonly have separate polyclinics for children and adults, as well as clinics with specializations such as women’s health care or dental diseases.

Children’s polyclinic is a place where a wide range of health care services can be obtained without the need for an overnight stay. Parents usually visit polyclinics with their sick children to get treatment, prescription and medical advice. In severe cases they will ring up the local children’s polyclinic and call in a doctor.

A team of experienced healthcare providers works with sick children from birth to 16 years old. These are pediatricians, neurologists, gastroenterologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, ENTs, ophthalmologists, surgeons, dentists, radiologists and laboratory diagnosticians. The team treats children with a wide range of conditions such as allergies, asthma, cancer, diabetes, ear-nose and throat conditions, etc.

In the polyclinic a parent first of all meets a receptionist. The receptionist asks clarifying questions and makes an appointment with a specialist.

The polyclinic is staffed with qualified children’s nurses. A nurse is a multiskilled person who assists the pediatrician or specialist. Her duties typically include preparing treatment and examination room, assisting with minor procedures, giving injections, performing electrocardiogram. Besides she applies dressings, performs routine vaccinations and blood pressure checks.

During the appointment the pediatrician asks the child about his complaints and his health in general. Your child will undergo a detailed physical examination. The main organ systems are investigated by inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. The pediatrician must recognize the symptoms of a disorder. After a thorough health evaluation he makes a diagnosis and decides what type of therapy is the most suitable for the case. To confirm the diagnosis he needs the findings of laboratory tests, chest x-rays, CT or ultrasound scans, ECGs and others. If it is necessary he directs the patient to a specialist.

In addition to treatment planning, the specialist offers long-term follow-up and routine monitoring of important health indicators. The pediatrician or the nurse provide a nursing service to patients at home. The nurse carries out doctor’s administrations: blood pressure checks, administration of injections and care of the ill child.

New vocabulary:

  1. accessible services –доступные услуги

  2. to obtain a wide range – получить широкий спектр

  3. to call in a doctor – вызвать врача

  4. a team of experienced healthcare providers – команда опытных медиков

  5. ENT – ear, nose, throat specialist - оториноларинголог

  6. a receptionist - регистратор

  7. to ask clarifying questions – задавать уточняющие вопросы

  8. to make an appointment – записать на прием

  9. a nurse - медсестра

  10. to assist with minor procedures – ассистировать во время «малых» операций

  11. to give injections – поставить инъекции

  12. to apply dressings – наложить повязку

  13. blood pressure check – проверка кровяного давления

  14. to ask a child about complaints – спрашивать ребенка на что он жалуется

  15. to undergo a detailed physical examination – пройти детальное физикальное обследование

  16. inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation – осмотр, пальпация, перкуссия, аускультация

  17. to decide what type of therapy is the most suitable – решить какое лечение самое подходящее

  18. to confirm the diagnosis - подтвердить диагноз

  19. the findings of laboratory tests, chest x-rays – результаты анализов, рентгеновского исследования

  20. CT or ultrasound scans, ECG - компьютерная томография (КТ), УЗИ, ЭКГ

  21. in addition – кроме, в дополнение к

  22. to offer long-term follow-up – предлагать длительное последующее наблюдение

  23. to carry out doctor’s administrations – выполнять назначения врача

Answer the questions:

        1. Is a polyclinic a medical institution where health care services can be obtained without the need for an overnight stay?

        2. What kind of polyclinics do large cities commonly have?

        3. What is the basic principle of the polyclinic?

        4. What specialists work in a children’s polyclinic? Did you consult them?

        5. Why do children and their parents visit polyclinic?

        6. Who made an appointment when you visited polyclinic?

        7. What are the duties of a receptionist?

        8. What and who helps the healthcare provider?

        9. What does any healthcare provider do during the appointment?

        10. What are the main investigations?

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