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Unit 1. My future profession


Finishing up school young people face the choice of their lives, what career to pursue. If a young person wants to be a good doctor it is important to have certain qualities: emotional stability, a desire to help others, high intelligence, good health, and self-discipline. The physician should be able to communicate with people all day. He must continue to study new developments in medicine throughout his career.

The job of a general physician is very respectable. Today medical universities provide the best medical education and research. Every university trains highly qualified specialists who successfully work in Russia and abroad. Physician specialties include anesthesiologist, dermatologist, gerontologist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, surgeon, OB/GYNs, etc.

Thus, to become a good specialist one must be ready for a long and demanding run. General physician is a doctor who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of common health problems or disorders, ranging from cold, cough, and nausea to chronic diseases such as jaundice, cholera, etc. He provides treatment in many forms including medication, procedures, surgery, or therapy. Besides he interprets diagnostic tests.

Many qualified physicians work in hospitals or in outpatient clinics, private offices or clinics or healthcare organizations. They work long and irregular hours. An average day involves seeing patients for a wide variety of reasons, anything from a general physical exam to treatment of a specific disease. Surgeons typically work in the hospital operating room performing surgeries.

In Russia all doctors must complete a six year course of study in the medical university. The training includes lectures, practical classes, laboratory studies and clinical training. During the first 2 years students study fundamental disciplines, which are necessary for further training in clinics. These are biology, chemistry, physics, human anatomy, histology, Latin, foreign languages and others. In later years students take courses such as surgery, pathology, pharmacology, etc.

They attend clinics where they have bedside teaching. A clinical teacher and a group of learners see a patient, listen to the history (from patient or learner) and discuss diagnosis, diagnostic or therapeutic options. Bedside teaching improves students’ history taking, examination skills and knowledge of clinical ethics. Students are trained in various fields of medicine such as internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, surgery.

After completion of the 6 year course and passing state examinations the graduates receive their diplomas. After graduation from the medical university students are trained in the internship or residency. They can also take the postgraduate course in different fields of medicine. They get specialization, improve their knowledge and skills and work on their theses.

New Vocabulary:

  1. to face the choice – встречаться лицом к лицу с выбором

  2. what career to pursue – с какой профессией связать свой жизненный путь

  3. a desire to help others – желание помогать другим

  4. to communicate with people – общаться с людьми

  5. to study new developments in medicine – изучать новые достижения в медицине

  6. OB/GYN (obstetrician/gynecologist) – акушер-гинеколог

  7. thus – таким образом

  8. to be ready for a long and demanding run – быть готовым к долгому и трудному пути

  9. to deal with the diagnosis and treatment – иметь дело с диагностикой и лечением

  10. common disorders, diseases – распространенные нарушения, заболевания

  11. cold, cough, nausea, jaundice, cholera – простуда, кашель, тошнота, желтуха, холера

  12. to interpret diagnostic tests – расшифровывать диагностические исследования

  13. outpatient clinics, private offices, healthcare organizations – поликлиники, частные кабинеты, организации здравоохранения

  14. an average day involves – обычный день включает

  15. a general physical exam – общий физикальный осмотр

  16. to perform surgeries – выполнять операции

  17. to complete the course – закончить курс (изучение предмета) to take courses – изучать курсы (предметы)

  18. to attend clinics – посещать клиники

  19. bedside teaching – процесс обучения, который проходит в небольших группах у постели больного

  20. to improve history taking – совершенствовать (улучшать) сбор анамнеза

  21. examination skills - навыки осмотра больного

  22. the graduates – выпускники

  23. to receive the diploma – получать диплом

  24. internship, residency – интернатура, ординатура

  25. to take the postgraduate course – обучаться в аспирантуре

  26. to work on thesis – работать над диссертацией

Answer the questions to the text:

  1. What qualities must a good doctor have?

  2. Is the job of a general physician very respectable?

  3. What physician specialties do you know?

  4. What does a general physician deal with?

  5. In what forms does he provide treatment?

  6. Where can qualified physicians work?

  7. What are the responsibilities of a physician during his working day?

  8. How long does a course of study in the medical university last?

  9. What disciplines do students study during the first 2 years?

  10. What courses do students take in later years?

  11. Why do students attend clinics?

  12. How does bedside teaching help the learners?

  13. When do the graduates receive their diplomas?

  14. Do students continue their education after graduation from the medical university?

  15. When and why did you begin to consider medicine as a career?

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