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I. Learn the following words, groups of words and sen­tences. Translate the sentences.

1. as a matter of fact — действительно, на самом деле. As a matter of fact there is a relation between elec­tricity and magnetism.

2. at least — по крайней мере. Electrical devices were invented at least 100 years ago.

3. to come into contact — соприкасаться. It is danger­ous to come into contact with high voltage.

4. due to — благодаря, вследствие, из-за. We can watch TV due to electricity.

5. famous — известный. Famous scientists work at our institute.

6. to generate — производить, вырабатывать, генериро­вать. The first nuclear power plant generated current in 1954.

7. in spite of — несмотря на. We burn coal in spite of its being a source of chemical products.

8. knowledge — знания. Students get knowledge at the institute.

9. to mean — значить, означать. The words 'atmospher­ic electricity' and 'lightning' mean one and the same thing.

10. more or less — более или менее. All metals have more or less similar properties.

11. needless to say — нечего и говорить. Needless to say, we need more and more electrical energy.

12. research — исследование. Russian scientists contribute greatly to scientific research.

13. to take time — занимать время. Learning English words takes much time.

14. that is to say — то есть, иными словами. Nuclear fu­el, that is to say, uranium is used in reactors.

15. to turn one's attention to— обращать внимание. Gal­ileo turned his attention to the properties of mag­netic materials.

16. various — различный. Gilbert made various experi­ments on electricity and magnetism.

17. under consideration — рассматриваемый, обсуждае­мый. The instructions under consideration were written for the new installation.

II. Learn to recognize the following international words.

strange, history, to start, effect, shock, period, philos­opher, object, systematic

III. Translate the following groups of words.

famous mathematician, to generate electric energy, due to various applications, in spite of difficulties, the example under consideration

несмотря на большие достижения, известные наблю­дения, благодаря громоотводу, различные установки, на самом деле, по крайней мере, в лаборатории

IV. For the word combinations given in (a) find the English equivalents in (b).

a) 1. пока что; 2. несмотря на; 3. на самом деле; 4. благодаря; 5. то есть; 6. между прочим; 7. в резуль­тате; 8. по крайней мере; 9. вместо; 10. более или менее; 11. в свою очередь; 12. рассматриваемый

b) 1. at least; 2. as a matter of fact; 3. that is to say; 4. in one's turn; 5. in question; 6. so far; 7. instead of; 8. more or less; 9. in spite of; 10. thanks to; 11. as a result; 12. by the way

V. Fill in the blanks with the following words and expressions.

in the form of, because, because of, to be interested in, to put into operation, as for, to be named after, in question, to turn one's attention to

1. The discovery ... was made by a well-known Russian scientist. 2. Moscow University ... M.V. Lomonosov. 3. Frank­lin ... making experiments with atmospheric electricity. 4. ... the electric current, it is used both in industry and in our homes. 5. The first atomic power plant in the world ... in the USSR in June 1954. 6. Professor Rihman was killed by a stroke of lightning ... he did not think of possi­ble danger. 7. Atom finds a wide application ... its ability of producing heat and energy. 8. The scientists of Russia ... the use of nuclear power for peaceful purposes.

VI. 1) For the names of the countries given in (a) find the names of the nations given in (b).

a) 1. England; 2. France; 3. Russia; 4. Greece; 5. Italy; 6. Germany; 7. America

b) 1. The Italians; 2. The Greeks; 3. The Russians; 4. The Englishmen; 5. The Frenchmen; 6. The Germans; 7. The Americans

VII. Give short answers to the following questions.

1. Is magnetism and electricity one and the same thing? 2. Do magnets possess the property of attracting iron? 3. Do you know who discovered magnetism? 4. Was the phe­nomenon of electricity known to people in the past? 5. Did Gilbert work in the field of electricity? 6. Do you carry out experiments on lightning? 7. Is lightning a strong spark of electricity? 8. Can atomic energy be used for the good of mankind? 9. Do you know the history of electricity? 10. Was Phales a German philosopher? 11. Did you study the history of electricity? 12. Have you ever come into contact with an electric fish? 13. Can you do without electricity?

VIII. Define the following terms.

lightning, lightning conductor, magnetism, refrigera­tor, generator, motor, turbine

IX. Speak on:

1. Three electrical phenomena known to the people of the past.

2. Everyday use of electricity.

X. Make up the annotation of the text and retell it.