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1 lesson 1 Microbiology………………………………………………….………..5

2 lesson 2 Viruses………………………………………………………………...13

3 lesson 3 Bacteria………………………………………………………………..19

4 lesson 4 Microbiology in Industry……………………………………………...25

5 Microbiological Reader ...……………………………………………………...34

6 Check yourself ....................................................................................................56

Список использованных источников ………………………………………….60


Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов второго курса специальности “Микробиология”. Целями пособия являются расширение лексического запаса студентов, развитие навыков и умений чтения и перевода литературы по специальности. Пособие включает 4 раздела, каждый из которых состоит из основного текста, предтекстовых и послетекстовых заданий, способствующих развитию навыков говорения по данной специальности. Также в пособие входят подборка текстов для дополнительного чтения и контрольный срез по изученному материалу. Пособие предназначено для использования на практических занятиях и для самостоятельной работы.

1 Lesson 1 Microbiology

Ex. 1.1 Words and word-combinations to the text

microbiology – микробиология

microorganism – микроорганизм

bacterium – бактерия ( pl bacteria )

virus – вирус ( pl viruses )

alga – морская водоросль ( pl algae )

fungus – гриб ( pl fungi )

protozoa – протозоа, простейшие одноклеточные животные организмы

common cold – простуда

to baffle – ставить в тупик, тщетно бороться

immunodeficiency – иммунодефицит

innumerable – бесчисленный

research – исследование

to carry out – проводить

to insolate – выделять

gene – ген

genetics – генетика

responsible – ответственный

ailment – нездоровье

cure – лекарство

acquired – приобретенный

taxonomy – таксономия

occurrence – распространение

variation – изменение, разновидность

heredity – наследственность

to exploit – использовать

benefit – польза

harmful – вредный

to affect – влиять

growth – рост

specialization – специализация

to deal with – рассматривать, изучать

cause – причина

distribution – распределение

disease – болезнь

pathogenic – патогенный

prokaryotes – прокариоты

viral – вирусный

Ex. 1.2 Translate the following word-combinations

microbial universe –

ever-so-tiny organisms –

contentious issue –

human cloning –

pure microbiology –

applied microbiology –

medical science / medicine –

the branch of medicine –

metabolic pathways –

food, dairy, petroleum and brewing industries –

Ex. 1.3 Read and translate the text


Microbiology is the study of all aspects of microorganisms, which include bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi and protozoa. Microbiology can simply be termed as the scientific in-depth study of the microbial universe. These ever-so-tiny living organisms (though many debate whether they are a part of the living world at all) are an integral part of our lives, without us knowing much about them. Right from the common cold (which has baffled scientists till date) to complex viruses like human immunodeficiency virus or HIV.

Microbiology is vast field, replete with opportunities, though it had a head start in the early 17th century with Antony van Leeuwenhoek, referred as the father of microbiology. Across the globe, innumerable researches are being carried out at this very moment in different disciplines of microbiology. From isolating genes responsible for various ailments, to finding a cure for AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) or even the contentious issue of human cloning. Microbiology is one of today’s most exciting and rapidly developing sciences. It includes major components of genetics and molecular biology, is in touch with the environment, and many aspects are important in medical science, food and biotechnology.

The study of microbiology is channeled in two major directions. Pure microbiology studies a particular group of microorganisms in order to learn about their morphology, physiology, taxonomy, occurrence, variation, heredity and evolution; it wants to understand the nature of microbes. Applied microbiology, on the other hand, is motivated by the desire: 1) to exploit the effects of microorganisms than are of benefit to man and 2) to control the activities of those that are harmful.

Like medicine, microbiology isn’t a single subject, but rather an umbrella, which offers a range of specializations. There are a lot of specialized fields that one can follow in Microbiology, for example:

Immunobiology: The study of the immune factors that affect the growth, development, and health of biological organisms.

Epidemiology: The branch of medicine that deals with the study of the causes, distribution, and control of disease in populations.

Environmental Microbiology: The study of the composition and physiology of microbial communities in the environment.

General Mycology: The study on the fungi; their morphology, taxonomy, life cycles, and identification of representative organisms.

Microbial Metabolism: The comparative study of metabolic pathways of the prokaryotes with emphasis on anabolic metabolism, nutrient assimilation, and energy generation.

Pathogenic Bacteriology: The study of various disease-causing bacteria, including group characteristics, pathogenic mechanisms, and public health significance.

Microbial Genetics: Consideration of the physical, chemical, and functional nature of genetic processes in microorganisms.

Virology: The study of viruses and viral diseases.

Microbiology graduates are in great demand and are employed in many different industries: public health and hospital laboratories, with pharmaceutical companies, water and river authorities, in the food industry, and in the dairy, petroleum and brewing industries. In addition, some graduates remain in education or research institutes to continue their research studies leading to higher degrees.

Ex. 1.4 Decide if each statement below is true or false according to the reading. If the statement is false, tell why

  1. The class of microorganisms includes bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi and protozoa.

  2. All scientists consider microorganisms to be a part of the living world.

  3. There are many opportunities for research in the field of microbiology.

  4. Microbiological science includes pure and applied microbiology.

  5. Like medicine, microbiology isn’t a single subject.

  6. A study of the fungi is called virology.

  7. Microbial genetics deals with the genetic processes in microorganisms.

  8. Viral diseases is one of the aspects of microbial metabolism.

  9. Microbiologists can work in many industries.

  10. Microbiology graduates can continue their studies in post-graduate course.

Ex. 1.5 Read and translate the text. Answer the question: “How are microorganisms classified?”

Microorganisms were once regarded as being members of the plant kingdom, apart from protozoa which were classed as animals. It became obvious that this arbitrary classification resulted in confusion, even absurdities. A virus infecting an animal cannot, by any criterion, be termed a plant. There became almost as many systems of classification as there were microbiologists.

In order to clarify the nature of microorganisms, we may distinguish between those, like fungi and some algae, which have a cell structure similar to higher organisms and those, like the bacteria and the blue-green algae, which have a comparatively simple structure.

We will refer to the former as “higher protists” and to the latter as “lower protists”. Both these groups are placed in the kingdom Protista.

The viruses and the recently described subviral agents cannot at present be adequately classified, so we shall place them in a group of their own.

Ex.1.6 Translate from Russian into English

  1. Микробиология – наука о микроорганизмах.

  2. Впервые микроорганизмы (бактерии) наблюдал и описал А. Левенгук в 1683 году, но как наука микробиология сформировалась во 2-ой половине 19в., главным образом под влиянием Л. Пастера.

  3. Идеи Л. Пастера о роли микроорганизмов в природе были развиты основоположниками общей микробиологии – С.Н. Виноградским и M. Бейеринком.

  4. Современная микробиология распадается на ряд самостоятельных дисциплин.

  5. Общая микробиология изучает морфологию, биохимию, физиологию, генетику, систематику микроорганизмов, их роль в природе.

  6. Изучением вирусов занимается вирусология.

  7. Методы микробиологии широко применяются для изучения грибов и других низших организмов, для культивирования клеток высших организмов.

  8. Современная микробиология использует достижения и методы физико-химической биологии, генетики, цитологии и других наук.

  9. Микробиологические объекты и процессы широко применяются в области биотехнологий.

  10. Микробиологи востребованы в отрасли экспериментальной и прикладной биотехнологии.

Ex. 1.7 Answer the following questions

  1. What is microbiology?

  2. Who is considered to be the father of microbiology?

  3. What researches are being carried out in the field of microbiology?

  4. What sciences are in touch with microbiology?

  5. What are the two major directions of microbiology development?

  6. What does pure microbiology study?

  7. What are the goals of applied microbiology?

  8. What specialized fields of microbiology can you name?

  9. What discipline studies various disease-causing bacteria?

  10. What job opportunities do microbiology graduates have

Ex. 1.8 Retell the text «Microbiology»

Supplementary Tasks

Ex. 1.9 Read and translate the extract from Kent Prospectus for undergraduates. Compare given information with the microbiological study at our university. Make up topic “My Speciality”. Begin with “I’m a second-year student of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, the Department of Microbiology. My future speciality is. . .”

The Department of Biosciences at the University of Kent is regarded as one of the top biology departments in the United Kingdom and its Research School of Biosciences is among the five best funded in the country. You can choose from three main degree (Bch) programmes: Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular and Cellular Biology. Microbiology deals with the microorganisms. They occupy a central position in the life of our planet. A study of these fascinating life forms allows a greater understanding of how the ecosystems of the planet function and how microbially-based diseases can have such devastating effects on human, animal and plant populations. It is possible to pick options that concentrate on the fundamental processes involved in the growth and survival of microorganisms, the way microorganisms cause disease and how such problems can be controlled, or the way microbial cells may be exploited to solve commercial, medical and environmental problems.

Degree programmes are constructed from course units and in each of the three years students take eight units. Of these, six will be core requirements, two further units can be selected by students. Typical units available in the first two years are Enzymes and Introduction to Metabolism, Fundamental Human Biology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Introduction to Biochemistry, Catabolic and Biosynthetic Processes of Life, Gene Expression and its Control, Infection and Immunity, Biochemistry and Physiology of Microbial Growth and Survival, Neuropsyhology, Development Biology, Microbial World and Microbes in Action.

The third year of the degree programme contains specialist units in the area selected by the student. Microbiologists will study Pathogenes and Pathogenicity, Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, and Microbial Biotechnology. In addition, students will be able to select from a wide range of units given by University staff and acknowledged outside experts. The internationally-recognized research activities of the Department also mean you will have regular opportunities to meet and listen to top scientists from the United Kingdom and the rest of the world. All students will be given extensive practical fraining conducting experiments in the laboratory as a major part of the degree programmes. You will take units which will help you to develop the necessary extra skills required of a well-trained scientist. These include communication, data processing and report compilation, and techniques involving computer software packages. In the final year each student makes extensive use of such skills when undertaking original research in the form of a 10-week project.

The range of job opportunities for microbiologists is as varied as the organisms they examine under their microscope. Some of the career opportunities are as follows:

- Laboratory Technician (a Diploma in Applied Science is usually required).

- Research Assistant (to be a Research Assistant one requires at least a Bachelor of Science with Honours, and job experience).

- Researcher (to be a Researcher one requires at least a Master of Science or a Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology; experience is a must).

Ex. 1.10 Read and translate the text. What other famous microbiologists do you know?

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