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The present perfect tense

HAVE (HAS) + V (Participle II)

Exercise 1. Put the adverbs of indefinite time in the proper place.

Model: 1. I have been to Paris.(never)

I have never been to Paris.

1. I have seen him.(never) 2. Have you spoken to her about it.(ever) 3. He has been a good student.(always) 4. Have you lived in Moscow?(always) 5. I have watched an interesting programme on TV. (recently) 6. It’s nearly 10 o’clock. Has Andrew woken up?(yet) 7. I haven’t worn my new coat.(yet) 8. It’s quite early. Has Jack gone to bed?(already) 9. I’ve cleaned the windows.(already) 10. Is Sally in? - No, she has gone out.(just) 11. We have been there before.(never) 12. Mary and Edward have left.(just)

Exercise 2. Say that somebody has already done something.

Model: 1) Don’t forget to answer the letters.

I’ve already answered them.

2) Tell John to bring the dictionary.

He’s already brought it.

1. Don’t forget to buy the tickets. 2. Tell John to sign the papers. 3. Don’t forget to write to Mr. Smith. 4. Remember to phone Mr. Ray. 5. Tell Peter to post the letter. 6. Tell Bill to shave. 7. Don’t forget to pay the bill. 8. Tell Syd to leave the money on the table. 9. Remember to pack our things. 10. Tell Roger to buy a present for Mary. 11. Don’t forget to clean your shoes. 12. Tell Helen to buy some bread. 13. Don’t forget to pack your umbrella. 14. Remember to look through the new catalogue.

Exercise 3. Make the following sentences a) negative and b) interrogative.

Model: She has read all the books in her library.

a) She has not read all the books in her library.

b) Has she read all the books in her library?

1. Mr. Jones has found his pen. 2. Helen’s father has been an engineer for twenty years. 3. Robert has gone to Brazil. 4. The children have come back from school. 5. Mrs. Glenn has made coffee. 6. The boy has fallen alsleep. 7. I am afraid I have caught cold. 8. Sheila has bought a new coat. 9. She has turned off the radio. 10. The train has already arrived. 11. Paul has failed his exam again. 12. They have sold their car. 13. He has broken his umbrella.

Execise 4. Put general questions to the following statements.

1. I have just had my lunch. 2. Alice has gone to the shop to get a newspaper. 3. My friend has found a good job. 4. I’ve met a lot of people in the last few days. 5. She’s made this mistake before. 6. Jane has typed a lot of letters today. 7. We have just heard the news. 8. I have never met anyone like him before. 9. The train has just left. 10. Bill has had an accident this morning.

Exercise 5. Make alternative questions from the following sentences. Use the words given in brackets.

Model: Arthur has given Helen his address.(telephone number)

Has Arthur given Helen his address or his telephone number?

1. She has left a message for you. (for Peter) 2. Our friends have bought a summer cottage near a river. (rent) 3. I have never been to Central Asia. (Africa) 4. Mrs. Peters has gone to New York. (Boston) 5. The boys have played the record twice. (three times) 6. Sue has sent him a letter. (a telegramme) 7. George has called on Ann today. (to telephone) 8. You have had two French lessons this week. (four) 9. I have lent Daniel some books on art. (on travelling) 10. Bill has invited his sister to the picnic. (his girlfriend). 11. Barbara has met George only once this week. (many times)

Exercise 6. Add tag questions to the following sentences.

1. We have eaten in that restaurant many times. 2. He has made good progress in English. 3. They have studied Italian for a long time. 4. Victor has gone away on business. 5. The boss hasn’t phoned yet. 6. We have booked seats on a night flight to New York. 7. My father has worked for the company for ten years. 8. Alan has bought a new Volkswagen recently. 9. You have met Professor Rock on your way to the university. 1O. Frank hasn’t taken his final examinations yet. 11. She hasn’t changed her mind. 12. You have worked hard today.

Exercise 7. Write questions to which the following statements are the answers. Begin with the given interrogative word.

Model: The Whites have bought a new minibus recently.(what)

What have the Whites bought recently?

  1. All the passengers have left the plane because of the fire in the engine. (why) 2. They have already finished the test. (what) 3. The Wests have sold their house. (who) 4. My parents have never been abroad. (where) 5. Jane has decided to become an economist. (what) 6. I haven’t heard from Steve yet. (who) 7. I know Sue has lent you some money. (how much) 8. Mr. Heath has run the company for about 2O years. (how long) 9. My colleagues have recently been on a tour in Greece. (where) 1O. The plant has begun to produce a new model of computer. (what) 11. Dick hasn’t helped me with the problem. (why) 12. Robert has just come home for holidays. (who)

Exercise 8. Put in since or for .

1. I’ve lived in this town ... the last six months. 2. It’s been raining ... lunchtime. 3. Tom’s father has been a policeman ... 20 years. 4. The house is very dirty. We haven’t cleaned it ... ages. 5. ... Christmas, the weather has been quite good. 6. I haven’t had a good meal ... last Tuesday. 7. Clive and Tina have known each other ... two years. 8. I haven’t had a holiday ... five years. 9. That’s a very old car. I’ve had it ... ages. 10. He has worked in Greece ... three years now. 11. Mr. Morgan has been away ... a week. 12. I’m going to buy a suit. I haven’t bought a new suit ... two years.

Exercise 9. Give two answers to the following questions.

Model: How long have you lived here?

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