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Active Voice.DOC
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Past indefinite (Simple ) tense

V+ed , V (Participle I)

Exercise 1. There was a robbery in London at 10 o’clock last night. A police inspecter is interviewing Eddie Cooper about the robbery.

Complete the conversation. Use “ was” and “were” .

Inspector: ... you in London last night, Cooper?

Cooper: Yes, I ... .

Inspector: Where ... you at 10 o’clock last night?

Cooper: At 10 o’clock? I ... in a pub called The Bell.

Inspector: And what about your friends Jack Callaghan and Frankie Dobbs? ... they in the pub with you?

Cooper: No, they ... not, Inspector.

Inspector: Where .. they, then?

Cooper: I don’t know where they ... , but they ... not with me.

Inspector: ... you on your own in The Bell?

Cooper: No, I ... not. My girlfriend Diana ... with me.

Inspector: And ... she with you all evening?

Cooper: Yes, she ... .

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the verb “ to be “ in the correct form: present or past, possitive ot negative.

1. ... Steven Spielberg a film maker? - Yes, he ... . 2. ... Dallas in Arizona? - No, it ... . It ... in Texas. 3. ... John at school yesterday? - No, he ... . He ... ill. 4. ... Madonna English? - No, she ... American. 5. Where ... you and Lois last night? I called you but you ... at home. - We ... at the theatre. 6. The Rocky Mountains .. in Mexico. They ... in the United States and Canada. 7. When we ... young, we ... energetic. Now we ... always tired. 8. Where ... the first Olympic Games? - They ... in Greece. 9. Louise ... always afraid to be alone in the house. 10. Helen called her friend Patty, but Patty ... home. She ... at the movies. 11. ... Richard on time for the plane? - No, he ... . He ... late. 12. ... Barbara married or single? 13. This car ... fantastic and ... not very expensive.

Exercise 3. Make the following sentences a) negative and b) interrogative.

Model: 1. We began to work early yesterday.

a) We did not begin to work early yesterday.

b) Did we begin to work early yesterday?

2. Mrs. Green was happy to see her neighbour.

a) Mrs. Green was not happy to see her neighbour.

b) Was Mrs. Green happy to see her neighbour?

1. After classes the students played volley-ball. 2. I was very tired after the lesson. 3. The boss went away on business on Monday. 4. Helen lost her umbrella yesterday. 5. Fortunately I caught the 6 o’clock train. 6. We were at home yesterday evening. 7. I heard a very sweet melody yesterday. 8. Tom made a lot of mistakes in his dictation. 9. Mary and Steve were late for work on Tuesday. 10. Peter did well at maths at school. 11. I read a lot during my holidays.

Exercise 4. Turn the follwing sentences from affirmative to negative and from negative to affirmative.

1. Helen bought a beautiful ring some days ago. 2. I did my home-

work in the morning. 3. She didn’t come in time for dinner. 4. We had breakfast at 9 today. 5. Mike didn’t stay late at work on Friday. 6. I didn’t tell Peter the news yesterday. 7. We sold our car a month ago. 8. They didn’t invite Mary to the party. 11. John didn’t wait for his friend. 12. The sercretary typed only two letters yesterday.

Exercise 5. Add tag questions to the following sentences.

1. John began to work at 6. 2. Bernard Shaw was born in 1856. 3. Pete didn’t go to the library yesterday. 4. The hotel wasn’t very expensive. 5. Hugh didn’t receive a master’s degree last year. 6. Jean spent two weeks in Florida. 7. Lucy received an invitation to a party. 8. It didn’t rain much last autumn.

Exercise 6. Make alternative questions from the following sentences. Use the words in brackets.

Model: You listened to music.(play the piano)

Did you listen to music or play the piano?

1. We began to work early.(late) 2. Shiela went to the movies.(to a dance) 3. You borrowed some money from Alice.(lend her money)

4. Mary was late for her classes again.(her work) 5. She spoke French at the reception. (English) 6. They got there by bus.(car) 7. Jane bought a ready-made dress. (made a dress herself) 8. Frank drover a taxi.(a truck) 9. I forgot Mary’s address.(telephone number) 10. The Franklins went to Belgium.(Holland).

Exercise 7. Ask questions to the following sentences. Use the interrogative words given in brackets.

1. They met during the mid-day meal.(when) 2. It took him half an hour to get to the University when he lived in the centre.(how long) 3. Most of the time he lived in the counntry.(where) 4. Mrs. Brown taught foreign languages at the university.(what foreign languages) 5. He came home late at night. (when) 6. I paid a lot for this computer.(how much) 6. They arrived at the airport an hour ago.(where) 7. Barbara rewrote her composition.(what)

Exercise 8. Translate into Russian.

1. Две недели назад мы были в театре. Спектакль нам очень понравился. 2. В воскресенье мы не ездили на дачу. Мы навестили своих родителей. 3. В каком году вы окончили университет? 5. Вчера мы не обедали дома, мы ходили в ресторан. 4. Билл научился говорить по-французски в детстве, когда он жил с родителями во Франции. 5.В прошлом году мы сдавали экзамены в июне. 6. Сколько вам понадобилось времени, чтобы написать курсовую работу? 7. Когда он уехал в командировку? 8. Ты был дома в понедельник утром, не так ли? - Нет, я был на работе. 9. Ты вчера опоздал на лекцию? - Нет, я пришел вовремя. 10. Какой язык ты изучал в школе? - Немецкий. 11. Вчера я проснулся в 7 часов. Я умылся, позавтракал и пошел в институт. 12. Почему ты мне не позвонил вчера? - Извини, но я вернулся домой очень поздно.

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