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Письмове завдання

1.Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді:

1. As soon as the man saw they were in a police car...

  1. he began to drive faster;

  2. he dropped his bike and ran into the trees;

  3. he stopped and walked for them.

2. When Halls jumped on Coke from behind Coke...

  1. threw him over his back;

  2. hit him on the chin;

  3. seized him.

3 Coke could get into the car because...

  1. the headlights were on;

  2. the door was open;

  3. he had the key.

4. The policemen let Coke pass because...

  1. they recognized him;

  2. they thought it was the police officer in the car;

  3. he signalled to them.

2. Дайте відповіді на запитання:

  1. Where did Halls and Baxter see Coke?

  2. What did Coke do as soon as he saw the police car?

  3. What helped Coke to escape this time?

  4. What did Halls feel?

  5. What did Coke see on the road?

  6. What did the policemen think about the car coming towards them?


1.Зеликман А.Я.Английский для юристов

2.Карпышева Н.М., Янушков В.Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка.

“The Man Who Escaped” (episode 9)


1. Прочитати текст “The Man Who Escaped” (episode 9)

2. Виконати письмово завдання після тексту.

При виконанні самостійної роботи та граматичного завдання слід вивчити правила з граматики та звернути увагу на вживання

1. the Gerund ( the verbal noun).

2.Поставте запитання до кожного речення

In his apartment in London, a well-dressed man named Eric Masters turned on the radio and listened. The news was still bad. Coke was still free. Masters looked very frightened. He turned off the radio suddenly and picked up the phone.

The man who escaped

(Episode 9)

  1. “How much farther is it to the nearest village?” Baxter asked. He and Halls were in the middle of the countryside. The night was very dark and there was no traffic on the roads. They couldn't see a house or even a public phone box anywhere. “It must be on the other side of that hill” Halls answered. “I hope so! We've been walking for twenty minutes now! When we started, you said it was only ten minutes away!” Baxter said angrily. He was tired and his jaw hurt.

  2. In his apartment in London, a well-dressed man named Eric Masters turned on the radio and listened. The news was still bad. Coke was still free. Masters looked very frightened. He turned off the radio suddenly and picked up the phone.

  3. Coke turned off the main road. He wanted to get rid of the police car as soon as possible. In a village almost 200 miles away, Coke found what he wanted. “People in villages like this always trust their neighbors. How lucky!” he thought when he saw the motorbike. It was in a garage at the edge of the village. The garage was not even locked and there were a pair of gloves and a helmet. Coke pushed the bike down the road. When he was far enough away from the village he started the engine and raced towards London.

  4. Eric Masters dialed nervously. At first nobody answered at the other end. Finally a sleepy voice answered angrily, “Who is it? What the devil do you want at this hour?” “Is that you, Hugo? This is Eric”, Masters said quickly. “And why are you ringing at this hour? I've been in bed for an hour!” “But haven't you heard the news, Hugo? Coke's still free! I can't sleep. I've been thinking about Coke all evening!” “Perhaps you'd better take a sleeping pill!” Masters almost screamed the next question into the phone. “What are you going to do, Hugo?” The man at the other end answered just as coldly and as calmly as before, “Do? We're going to kill Coke! That's what we're going to do. That is, if he is stupid enough to come to London!”

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