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12. The English-speaking country. Great Britain

The British isles lie north-west of Europe, between the Atlantic ocean sand the North Sea. They are separated from Europe by the English channel (La Manche). Great Britain is really the name of the largest of these islands. And the official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Except Great Britain, the country has a lot of other islands: the Isle of Man, the Isle of White, the Channel Islands, the Shetlands and the Hebrides.

The United Kingdom, often called just the UK, consists of 4 parts: England (with the capital London), Scotland (the capital is Edinburgh), Wales (the capital is Cardiff) and Northern Ireland (the capital is Belfast). The country has mild and rainy climate, which is influenced by the warm sea-current of Gulf Stream. British weather is changeable and unpredictable.

The United Kingdom is a well-developed industrial country, rich in iron and coal. The main industries are: mining, textile, chemical and engineering industries (that is, building of vehicles, aircraft, ships). Also large quantity of natural gas was discovered in the North Sea. The main agricultural products are: wheat (пшеница), oats (овес), potatoes, sugar beet, milk and meat. The highest mountain ranges of Great Britain are the Welsh Mountain, the Scottish Highlands, and the Pennines (called the backbone of Great Britain).

England – is the largest part of the country. It occupies the southern part of the Isle of Great Britain. There are mainly lowlands, plains and moors. English hills aren't high. The country is divided into 39 counties – Kent, Essex, Sussex, Durham, Yorkshire, Hampshire. England is the most industrial part of Great Britain. The main industrial centers are: Birmingham (engineering), Manchester and Leeds (textile), Sheffield (iron mining) and Newcastle (coal mining). England has a very famous architecture. Many churches and cathedrals were built between the years 1100 – 1500.English countryside is beautiful because of nice houses, well-kept gardens, evergreen meadows. England has long sea-coast, which is a recreation area. The Cornwall Peninsula is an area of tourism. Another part, which is suitable for holidays and has beautiful natural scenery is the Lake District with its numerous lakes (north-west of England).

Scotland – is a hilly country, the highest mountain range is called the Highlands. The Scottish Highlands are visited by many tourists. There are many lakes, which are called ''lochs'' , including the famous Loch Ness. Most of Scots speak English nowadays, but part of them still speaks Gaelic – the language of ancient Celts. They are very proud of their traditions, culture and heritage (kilt, bag-pipes, Scotch whisky, haggis…). There are 4 large cities: Edinburgh – the capital, famous for the International Festival of Music and Drama. Glasgow is known for ship-building and heavy industry. Aberdeen is the oldest city in Scotland, Dundee is very old too. Fishing is also one of the main industries of Scotland.

Wales – is a country with many hills, rivers and lakes. The highest mount is Snowdon (about 1100 meters high) and the territory around it is called Snowdonia. There are 2 official languages – English and Welsh. The Welsh are very fond of music and poetry (the famous Festival of Choral Singing is held every year). The Welsh National Opera and the Welsh Theatre Company use both English and Welsh language. The capital city is Cardiff.

Northern Ireland – is a part of Ireland. The Irish Republic (or the Republic of Eire) is independent. Northern Ireland has a population of 1.5 million and 1/3 of it lives in the capital city – Belfast. This is the shopping, educational and commercial centre. The chief export articles of the country are: ships, airplanes, textiles, pork, milk, eggs, potatoes and cereals. This country has religious and economic problems. The old fight between Protestants and Catholics is still alive. Bomb explosions and terrorist actions of IRA (the Irish Republican Army) are aimed especially at London.

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