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Innocenzo Manzetti considered the idea of a telephone as early as 1844, and may have made one in 1864, as an enhancement to an automaton built by him in 1849. He is considered by many Italians as the inventor of the telephone.

In 1854 Charles Bourseul, a French telegrapher, published a plan for conveying sounds and even speech by electricity in the magazine L'Illustration (Paris). Bourseul's ideas were also published in Didaskalia (Frankfurt am Main) on September 28, 1854: "Suppose", he explained, “that a man speaks near a movable disc sufficiently flexible to lose none of the vibrations of the voice; that this disc alternately makes and breaks the currents from a battery: you may have at a distance another disc which will simultaneously execute the same vibrations.... It is certain that, in a more or less distant future, speech will be transmitted by electricity. I have made experiments in this direction; they are delicate and demand time and patience,

but the approximations obtained promise a favorable result."



This make-or-break signaling was able to transmit tones and someАГНИvowels, but

since it did not follow the analog shape of the sound wave (the contact was pure






digital, on or off) it could not transmit consonants, or complex sounds. Bourseul's







phrase "make and break the current" was inaccurately applied to later work by

Philipp Reis who successfully transmitted faint voice sounds with unbroken current.


In 1860 Johann Philipp Reis was the first who produced a functioning

electromagnetic device that could transmit musicalоnotes, indistinct speech, and

occasionally distinct speech by means of electricиsignals. Reis also introduced the

term "telephon" for his device. The first sentence spoken on it was "Das Pferd frisst

keinen Gurkensalat" (the horse doesn't eat cucumber salad). In the Reis transmitter, a







diaphragm was attached to a needle thatблpressed against a metal contact. This

resembled the make-or-break designиof Bourseul, although Reis used the term

"molecular motion" (molekulare Bewegung) to describe the contact points of his







transmitter. The Reis transmitter was very difficult to operate, since the relative

position of the needle and the contact were critical to the device's operation. This can







be called a "telephone", since it did transmit voice sounds over distance, but was

hardly a commercially practical telephone in the modern sense, as it failed to reliably

transmit a good copy of any supplied sound.









Thomas Edison tested the Reis equipment and found that "single words, uttered

as in reading, speaking and the like, were perceptible indistinctly; notwithstanding






here also the inflections of the voice, the modulations of interrogation, wonder,

command, etc., attained distinct expression."









Prior to 1947, the Reis device was tested by the British company Standard

Telephones and Cables (STC). The results also confirmed it could faintly transmit







and receive speech. At the time STC was bidding for a contract with Alexander

лGraham Bell's American Telephone and Telegraph Company, and the results were

covered up by STC's chairman Sir Frank Gill to maintain Bell's reputation.


2. Выпишите из текста определения, выраженные существительным, прилагательным и числительным.

Задания к самостоятельной работе студентов 1. Прочтите текст об изобретателе телефона и расскажите о нем.

Telephone Pioneers (2)

An early voice communicating device was invented around 1854 by Antonio Meucci, who called it a telettrofono. In 1871 Meucci filed a caveat at the US Patent Office. His caveat describes his invention, but does not mention a diaphragm, electromagnet, and conversion of sound into electrical waves, conversion of electrical waves into sound, or other essential features of an electromagnetic telephone.

The first American demonstration of Meucci's invention took place in Staten

Island, New York in 1854. In 1860, a description of it was reportedly published in an



Italian-language New York newspaper, although no known copy of thatАГНИnewspaper

issue or article survived to the present day. Meucci claimed to have invented a paired


electro-magnetic transmitter and receiver, where the motion of a diaphragm



modulated a signal in a coil by moving an electromagnet, although this was not

mentioned in his 1871 U.S. patent caveat. A further discrepancy observed was that

the device described in the 1871 caveat employed only a single conduction wire, with

the telephone's transmitter-receivers being insulated fromоa 'ground return' path.



In the 1880s Meucci was credited with theиearly invention of inductive loading

of telephone wires to increase long-distance signals. Unfortunately, serious burns

from an accident, a lack of English, and poor business abilities resulted in Meucci

failing to develop his inventions commerciallyблin America. Meucci demonstrated

some sort of instrument in 1849 in Havana,и Cuba, but the evidence is clear that this

was not

an electromagnetic telephone and may have been a variant of a string







telephone that used wire. Meucci has been further credited with invention of an anti-

sidetone circuit. However, examination showed that his solution to sidetone was to

maintain two separate telephone circuits, and thus use twice as many transmission







wires. The anti-sidetone circuit later introduced by Bell Telephone instead cancelled

sidetone through a feedback process.



Meucci was recognized for his pioneering work on the telephone by the United







States House of Representatives in 2002. The resolution stated that "if Meucci had

been able to pay the $10 fee to maintain the caveat after 1874, no patent could have







been issued to Bell." No such patent could have issued to Bell in March 1876. If

Meucci had renewed his caveat, he would have been given an opportunity to prove to






the examiner that the device described in his caveat was the electromagnetic






telephone described in Bell's patent application.


2. Упражнения для самостоятельной работы, см. учебные пособия:




Полякова Т.Ю., Синявская Е.В., Тынкова О.И., Улановская Э.С.

Английский язык для инженеров: Учебник. – М.: Высшая школа, 2007 – с.4259.

б) Шевелева С.А. English on Economics: Учебное пособие для вузов. – М.: ЮНИТИ, 2001 - с.85-100.


Вопросы для самоконтроля

1.Определение, выраженное существительным, прилагательным и числительным.

2.Сообщение по теме «Великие изобретатели и их изобретения: сотовой телефон».

Практическое занятие 16. Мой родной край. Альметьевск





Тренировать лексический минимум по теме, формировать навыки устной

речи (монолог-описание об Альметьевске: местоположение, предприятия,

достопримечательности); ознакомить с грамматической темой: определение,

способы выражения придаточным предложением.






Учебный материал
















1. Расскажите об Альметьевске, отвечая на вопросы:



How old is Almetyevsk?








Where is it situated?















What places of interest are there?













What is Almetyevsk famous for?








Is it different from other cities of Tatarstan?







What is your favorite place of interest? Why?и






Do you know the outstanding people of Almetyevsk?













Are there cultural and sport centers?








Where do people like walking?








What standard of living is there in Almetyevsk?
















There are many enterprises, aren’tбthere? Name some of them.



2. Определите, чем выражено определение (см. Учебник английского

языка. И.В. Орловск я, стр. 303-305).








Eating habits, their continued popularity, existing musical genres; Zulya

Kamalova, who currently resides in Australia; fruits and vegetables that were











previously regarded as exotic; popular songs to sing in English, Russian and Tatar.



Задания к самостоятельнойнн

работе студентов





1. Напишите сочинение об Альметьевске, его местоположении,










предприя иях и достопримечательностях.
















Вопросы для самоконтроля








1. Определение, выраженное придаточным предложением.

2. Сообщение по теме «Мой родной край, Альметьевск».













Практическое занятие 17. Татарстан: культура, традиции и обычаи Цель:

Тренировать лексический минимум по теме, формировать навыки устной речи (диалог-обсуждение); ознакомить с грамматической темой: определение,


выражения причастием, герундием и инфинитивом; практиковать

чтение с пониманием основной и запрашиваемой информации.



Учебный материал






1. Прочтите текст о Татарстане и обсудите его в парах.






Tatarstan (1)





The education system in Tatarstan is secular. The literacy rate for the total

population is about 100%. Elementary and secondary education is compulsory

(grades 1–11). Students must pass graduation exams at the end of the 11th grade in

order to continue their education in colleges and universities. Most schoolsАГНИare public

along with a small number of parochial schools run by churches or mosques. The

school year begins in September. Kazan State University is one of the major centers









of higher education in Russia. There are several colleges, institutes, and technical

schools in Kazan and other cities of the republic.













The Tatar cuisine, while preserving the national traditions, has undergone

substantial changes. Economic and cultural changesоhave introduced many new

dishes, enriching the traditional cuisine. More fruitsиand vegetables are now used than

traditionally, fish has become more popular, mushrooms, tomatoes, and pickles are in

common use. The opening up of international trade has given access to fruits and









vegetables that were previously regardedблas exotic, i.e., bananas, kiwi, mango,

eggplant, etc. National cuisines of иother peoples of the former Soviet Union,

especially the Russian cuisine, have influenced the modern eating habits of the Tatar.









On the other hand, the uniqueness of the national Tatar dishes ensures their continued

popularity among other nations. Names of Tatar dishes areayran, belesh, bekken,









bavyrsak, burek, chakchak, chiburekki, gubadia, echpochmak, (ochpochmak),

peremech, pilmen, kystybyi, shulpa, tokmach, tutyrgan tavyk, tutyrma.



Major libraries include the Science Library of Kazan State University and the









National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan. There are two museums of republican

significance, as well as 90 museums of local importance. In the past several years








new museums appeared throughout the Republic.





2. Выпишите новые слова из текста и выучите.










Задания к самостоятельной работе студентов



Прочтите о культурной и научной жизни Татарстана и кратко









There are 16 professional and dozens of amateur theaters in Tatarstan performing plays in Tatar, Russian and other local languages.

The Galiaskar Kamal Tatar Academic Theatre (Russian: Татарский Академический Театр имени Галиаскара Камала) is the leading Tatar theater in


Kazan, Russia named after the playwright Galiaskar Kamal, it was founded on December 22, 1906.

The first known Tatar theatrical efforts were during the 19th century when Tatar amateur theater groups emerged in some cities and towns of Russia with sizable Tatar populations. The first published Tatar-language play was "Unhappy Girl" (1886) by Gabdrakhman Ilyasi (1856–1895). In the middle of the 19th century, Tatar amateur theater groups staged free performances in private houses and wereАГНИattended by very few people. Their repertoire usually included the plays of Russian and foreign playwrights. The first public performance of a Tatar play in modern times took place in 1906 and was organized by the group "Sayar" (The Traveler). "Sayar" eventually became the leading Tatar professional theater company. In 1939 it was renamed after the playwright Galiaskar Kamal. In 1987, the company moved to its current building on the shore of the lakes Qaban.

The theater's current repertoire consists mostly of plays written by Tatar playwrights but includes many plays of Russian and foreign playwrights as well. The

theater provides special translation devices


audience members who do not

understand Tatar.














One of the peculiar

features of Tatar


culture during Soviet times was that









Tatarstan, being an "autonomous republic" rather than a "union republic" within the

USSR, was not allowed by Moscow to have its own filmоstudio (whereas each "union

republic" was entitled to one). As a result, most Tatarиactors, producers and directors

could develop their talents only within the realm of theater. All artistic talent in those

fields of self-expression was

concentrated exclusively in theater rather than both









theater and film. This fact might explain theблextraordinary commercial success of the

Tatar Theater and the remarkably highиquality of its productions, as well as the

enormous popularity of theater as a genre among Tatars.





выраженным причастием,

2. Ознакомьтесь



герундием и инфинитивом в учебнике И.В. Орловской на стр. 303-305 и выпишите определе ия из текста.



Вопросы для самоконтроля



1. Определе ие, выраженное причастием, герундием, инфинитивом.







2. Сообщениеннпо теме «Татарстан: культура, традиции и обычаи».















Практическое занятие 18. Татарстан: культура, традиции и обычаи Цель:

Тренировать лексический минимум по теме, формировать навыки письменной речи: составление неформального электронного письма с информацией по лексической теме.

Учебный материал

1. Прочтите текст о Татарстане и обсудите его в парах.

Tatarstan (2)

Тraditional (folk) Tatar music is based on the pentatonic scale. The first

Tatar opera was staged in 1925. It was composed by Sultan Gabyashi in collaboration

with Vasili Vinogradov. Farit Yarullin was the creator of the first Tatar ballet, known

as Surale. Modern Tatar music includes practically all existing musical genres.



The largest center of Tatar national music is the Jalil Opera and BalletАГНИTheatre

named after Musa Jalil. The first Tatar opera, Saniya, was staged in 1925. It was

composed by Soltan Gabashi in collaboration with Vasili Vinogradov. Farit Yarullin










was the creator of the first Tatar ballet, Şurale. Modern Tatar music includes

practically all existing basic musical genres.














Modern, non-traditional music includes pop, rock, hip-hop music etc. One of

the most remarkable artists, who obtained her ownоniche in Tatar music is in

collaboration with and composer Zulya Kamalova,иwho currently resides in Australia.

One of the most outstanding examples of contemporary Tatar music is the rock opera

The Wanderer in Bulgar – an amalgamation of Tatar Folk Music, the Tatar Opera










tradition and western rock music arrangementsблwith Russian rock prints. Tatar pop

singers Alsu (who sings in English,иRussian and Tatar) and Zemfira (who sings

mostly in Russian) are currently among the most popular musical performers in










Russia. The National Tatarstan Orchestra is the major symphony orchestra in









2. Переведите слова и выражения:





secular, literacy rate, parochial schools, mosques, to undergo substantial

changes, local importance, traditional cuisine, pentatonic scale, in collaboration with,










musical genres, outstanding, amalgamation, rock music arrangements, remarkable









3. Напишите электронное письмо другу о своем родном городе.



Задания к самостоятельной работе студентов











1. Прочтите о культурной и научной жизни Татарстана и кратко

п рескажите.





















In Tatarstan religion and the state are separate from each other, although as in the rest of Russia, religious authorities are subordinated to the state. The most common faiths are Sunni Islam and Russian Orthodoxy. As of 2004, there were 1,208 buildings used for religious purposes in Tatarstan; 1,014 of which were Islamic, and 176—Russian Orthodox.



The Republic of Tatarstan has powerful scientific potential; the competence of Kazan scientists in the fields of mathematics, mechanics, chemistry, physics, linguistics, medicine, biology is recognized all over the world. In Kazan the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences and Kazan Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences are located, uniting numerous academic institutions of national significance. More than 60 branches of scientific and research institutes operate in the Republic. The large-scale scientific research works are also performed in the institutions of higher education.

The following are the basic fields of fundamental and applied studies: physics and techniques of magnetic phenomena, medicine and medical techniques, optical and microelectronics, the theory of oil extraction, organic and physical chemistry,

development of technology for composite materials, etc. The subjects of studies are










traditionally associated with the industrial profile of the Republic. ThereАГНИexist many

investment-promising projects.






2. Упражнения для самостоятельной работы, см. уч бные пособия:











а) Полякова Т.Ю., Синявская Е.В., Тынкова О.И., Улановская Э.С.

Английский язык для инженеров: Учебник. – М.: Высшая школа, 2007 – с.62-


б) Шевелева С.А. English on Economics: Учебноеопособие для вузов. – М.:

ЮНИТИ, 2001 - с.101-104.







Вопросы для самоконтроля





1. Составление неформального электронного письма с информацией по

лексической теме.








2. Сообщение по теме «Татарстани: культура, традиции, обычаи».










Практическое зан тие 19. Экономика России и англоговорящих

стран: Россия















Тренировать лексический минимум по теме, формировать навыки устной

речи (монолог-рассуждение); ознакомить с грамматической темой: времена









группы Perfect Active: Present Perfect Active.




Учебный материал















1. П очтите текст и расскажите его.







Economy of Russia









The economy of Russia is the ninth largest economy in the world by nominal

value and the sixth largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). Russian economy is

лtoday considered by IMF and World Bank a developing one. Russia has an

abundance of natural gas, oil, coal, and precious metals. Russia has undergone

significant changes since the collapse of the Soviet Union, moving from a centrally

planned economy to a more

market-based and globally integrated economy.

Economic reforms in the 1990s privatized many sectors of the industry and agriculture, with notable exceptions in the energy and defense-related sectors.


Nonetheless, the rapid privatization process, including a much criticized "loans-for-shares" scheme that turned over major state-owned firms to politically connected "oligarchs", has left equity ownership highly concentrated. As of 2011, Russia's capital, Moscow, now has the highest billionaire population of any city in the world. The economy has not been as seriously affected by the global financial crisis, largely because of the integration of short-term macroeconomic policies that helped the economy survive. The Russian Government predicts stable growth rates

for future years of around 3.5% of GDP.







2. Выпишите из текста 2 предложения в Present Perfect Active и

задайте к ним все типы вопросов.







3. Выучите лексические единицы (А) и типы юридических лиц в

России (В):












А) purchasing power parity (PPP) – паритет покупательской способности,













abundance – избыток, изобилие, undergo – испытать, перенести, preciousАГНИmetals –

драгоценные металлы, defense-related sectors – сектора, связ нные с обороной,












notable exceptions – особые исключения, stable growth rate – норма стабильного






















B) Types of legal entities in Russia







IP (Индивидуальный предприниматель) – "Individual












OOO (Общество с ограниченнойиответственностью, ООО) –


"Limited liability company"









ZAO (Закрытое акционерное о щество, ЗАО) – "Private joint-


stock company"









OAO (Открытое акционерноеи

общество, ОАО) –"Public joint-


stock company"










ANO (Автономная некоммерческая организация, АНО) –


"Autonomous non-profit organization"


















GP or GUP (Государственное унитарное предприятие, ГП или


ГУП) – "Unitary state enterprise"








Фо д – “Fund”



















PK (Производственный кооператив, ПK) – "Production













PP (Политические партии, ПП) – "Political party"




4. Прочтите текст и

составьте монолог-рассуждение об













информационной технологии в России.










Information technology



л The IT market is one of the most dynamic sectors of the Russian economy.

Russian software exports have risen from just $120 million in 2000 to $3.3 billion in 2010. Since the year 2000 the IT market has demonstrated growth rates of 30–40 percent a year, growing by 54% in 2006 alone. The biggest sector in terms of revenue is system and network integration, which accounts for 28.3% of the total market revenues. Meanwhile the fastest growing segment of the IT market is offshore programming.


Currently Russia controls 3% of the offshore software development market and is the third leading country (after India and China) among software exporters. Such growth of software outsourcing in Russia is caused by a number of factors. One of them is the supporting role of the Russian Government. The government has launched a program promoting construction of IT-oriented technology parks (Technoparks) – special zones that have an established infrastructure and enjoy a favorable tax and customs regime, in seven different places around the country: Moscow, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaluga, Tyumen, Republic of Tatarstan and St. Petersburg Regions.

Another factor stimulating the IT sector growth in Russia is the presence of global technology corporations such as Intel, Google, Motorola, Sun Microsystems, Boeing, Nortel, Hewlett-Packard, SAP AG, and others, which have intensified their

software development activities and opened their R&D centers in Russia.


5. Переведите выражения:







in terms of revenue, network

integration, offshore







software outsourcing, favorable tax, customs regime,


















Задания к самостоятельной работе студент в





1. Прочтите текст, переведите и напишите 10 вопросов.






Natural recoursesиin Russia




The mineral-packed Ural Mountains and the vast oil, gas, coal, and timber

reserves of Siberia and the Russian Far East make Russia rich in natural resources.










However, most such resources are locatedблin remote and climatically unfavorable

areas that are difficult to develop and farиfrom Russian ports.




Natural resources, especially oil and gas, dominate Russian exports. Oil and










gas exports continue to be the main source of hard currency. The petroleum industry

in Russia is one of the largest in the world. Russia has the largest reserves, and is the










largest exporter, of natural gas. It has the second largest coal reserves, the eighth

largest oil reserves, and is the largest exporter of oil in the world in absolute numbers.


Per capita oil production in Russia, though, is not that high. As of 2007, Russia









was producing 69.603 bbl/day per 1,000 people, much less than Canada (102.575

bbl/day), Saudi Arabia (371.363 bbl/day), or Norway (554.244 bbl/day), but more









than two times more than the USA (28.083 bbl/day), or the UK (27.807

bbl/day).Russia is also a leading producer and exporter of minerals and gold. 90% of










Russian exports to the United States are minerals or other raw materials.



Expecting the area to become more accessible as climate change melts Arctic

ice, and believing the area contains large reserves of untapped oil and natural gas, on

л2 August 2007, Russian explorers, in submersibles, planted the Russian flag on the

Arctic seabed, staking a claim to energy sources right up to the North Pole. Reaction to the event was mixed: President Vladimir Putin congratulated the explorers for "the outstanding scientific project", while Canadian officials stated the expedition was just a public show.

Under the Federal Law "On Continental Shelf Development" upon proposal from the federal agency managing the state fund of mineral resources or its territorial


offices the Russian government approves the list of some sections of the mineral resources that are passed for development without any contests and auctions, some sections of federal importance of the Russian continental shelf, some sections of the mineral resources of federal importance that are situated in Russia and stretch out on its continental shelf, some gas deposits of federal importance that are handed over for prospecting and developing mineral resources under a joint license. The Russian government is also empowered to decide on the handover of the foresaidАГНИsections of the mineral resources for development without any contests and auctions. The Russian fishing industry is the world's fourth-largest, behind Japan, the United States, and China.

Russia has more than a fifth of the world's forests, which makes it the largest forest country in the world. However, according to a 2012 study by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Government of the Russian Federation, the considerable potential of Russian forests is underutilized and Russia's share of the global trade in forest products is less than four percent.

Вопросы для самопроверки












1. Времена группы Perfect Active, Present Perfect Passive.







2. Сообщение по теме «Экономика России и англоговорящих стран:























Практическое занятие 20. Экономика России и англоговорящих

стран: Великобритания













Тренировать лексический минимуми по теме, формировать навыки устной

речи (монолог-описание по теме); ознакомить с грамматической темой: времена








группы Perfect Active: Past и Future Perfect Active.





Учебный матери л


1. Прочтите текст, обсудите его и напишите 7 вопросов.










Economy of the United Kingdom


The economy of the United Kingdom is the sixth-largest national economy in






the world measured by nominal GDP and eighth-largest measured by purchasing

power parity (PPP), and the third-largest in Europe measured by nominal GDP (after






Germany and France) and second-largest measured by PPP (after Germany). The

UK's GDP per capita is the 22nd highest in the world in nominal terms and the 22nd





highest measured by PPP. The British economy encompasses (in descending order of






size) the economies of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

л The UK has one of the world's most globalised economies. London is the

world's largest financial centre alongside New York and has the largest city GDP in






Europe. As of December 2010 the UK had the third-largest stock of both inward and outward foreign direct investment (in each case after the United States and France).

The aerospace industry of the UK is the secondor third-largest national aerospace industry, depending upon the method of measurement. The pharmaceutical industry plays an important role in the UK economy and the country has the third-highest