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chapter 01.ppt
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(1)geographical direction of foreign trade

Geographical direction of foreign trade, also known as the geographical distribution or country structure of foreign trade, it refers to the share of all countries / regions in a country / region’s foreign trade in given time, usually it is expressed by the their proportion in the country’s total trade amount, or total imports or total exports, especially.


(2) geographical direction of international trade

Geographical direction of international trade, also known as the geographical distribution of international trade, it shows all continents’, countries’ or regional groups’ position in international trade in the world.


(3)commodity composition of foreign trade

It means in a given period a country / region’s import and export commodity composition, customarily it is divided into two parts: commodity composition of export and that of import.


(4)commodity composition of international trade

It refers to in a given period

all major





composition in international trade, that is to say, the composition between export / import amount of major commodities / a commodity and the world’s export / import amount.


3 balance of foreign trade


(1) balance of foreign trade;

(2) trade balance;

(3) favorable balance of foreign trade;

(4) unfavorable balance of foreign trade.


3 balance of foreign trade

(1) balance of foreign trade

It refers to a country / region’s difference between export amount and import amount during a given period.

(2) trade balance

It means that a country / region’s export amount is equal to import amount during a given period.


3 balance of foreign trade

(3) favorable balance of foreign trade:

It means a country / region’s total amount of export is greater than that of import during a given period. Also known as export surplus.

(4) unfavorable balance of foreign trade: It means a country / region’s total amount of

import is greater than that of export during a given period. Also known as import surplus .


4 dependence on foreign trade


It is also known as the coefficient of foreign trade, refers to a country / region’s dependence degree on trade, it is indicated by the proportion of foreign trade volume in its gross national product (GNP) or gross domestic product (GDP) during the same period.


(2) formula:

dependence on foreign trade =

(foreign trade volume / GDP) × 100%


5 terms of trade

Terms of trade , relationship between the prices at which a country sells its exports and the prices paid for its imports. If the prices of a country’s exports rise relatively to the prices of its imports, the country’s terms of trade have moved in a favorable direction, because, in effect, it now receives more imports for each unit of goods exported.


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