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, Beumont & Touyz, 1995; Fairburn, Marcus & Wilson, 1993; Laessle, Beumont, Butow et al., 1991; Rosen, 1995; Tuschen & Bents, 1995; Tuschen & Florin, ).







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(Fairburn 1993; Fairburn, Jones, Peveler et al., 1991, 1993; Fairburn, Norman, Welch et al., 1995).

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( , D'Zurilla, 1986; Feldhege & Krauthan, 1978; Meichenbaum, 1985),


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. , , (Fairburn, Marcus & Wilson, 1993)

( , Beck & Emery, 1981; Beck, Rush, Shaw & Emery, 1981) ( . . 33.3.2).


( , « , »).

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(Tuschen & Florin, )

(Fiegenbaum & Tuschen, 1996; Tuschen & Fiegenbaum, 1996).

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(Fairburn, 1993).

, (Klerman, Weissman, Rounsaville & Chevron, 1984).


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, (copingskills) « » (Wilson & Fairburn, 1993; Wilson, Fairburn & Agras, ).

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(Fairburn et al., 1993).



Binge-Eating» (Wifley, Agras, Telch et al., 1993). , -

« ».


. , , 57%


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82 54%, « » — 76 75% (Jacobi, Dahme & Rustenbach, ).

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(Fettes & Peters, 1992).

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«Binge-Eating» ,


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( . Fichter, 1993; Jacobi, 1994; Michell & de Zwaan, 1993).

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, — Imipramin, — Desipramin, — Amitriptylin),

( , — Phenelzine), —

( , — Fluoxetin).

, ( . Fichter, 1993; Jacobi, 1994). (Jacobi, Dahme & Rustenbach, )

« » 60 73%,

— 47 56%. « »

23-39%. 39 45%.

(Jacobi, Dahme & Rustenbach, 1994; Laessle, Zoettl & Pirke, 1987).


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(Agras, Rossiter, Arnow et al., 1992; Fichter, Leibl, Rief et al., 1991; Mitchell, Pyle, Eckert et al., 1990).




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