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Семинар 14 Перевод сложноподчиненных предложений, эллиптических конструкций

Упражнение 1. State the type of the subordinate clause.

1. I realized that they had fallen in love. (дополнительное)

2. If you are successful, people will forgive you practically everything. (условия)

3. Will you be still using the computer when I come back to the office after lunch? (времени)

4. If you've got the means of getting something done, use it. (условия)

5. This afternoon Martha was late for the lecture because she had had a sleepless night. (причины)

6. It was an absolutely freezing day when we arrived in Moscow. (времени)

7. Although she was extremely surprised she didn't show any sign of it. (уступки)

8. Since he had lost the keys, he had to break down the door. (причины)

9. As he had no alarm clock, he overslept. (причины)

10. Once they had found somewhere to park, they were able to have dinner. (времени)

11. The waiter served the food, which had been cooked by the best chef in Paris. (дополнительное)

12. The police are looking for the woman, who had kidnapped the child. (дополнительное)

13. They ran to the spot where they had hidden the money. (дополнительное)

14. Watch your every step lest you should get into trouble. (цели)

15. They were so poor that they couldn't make both ends meet. (дополнительное)

16. Sophia behaves as if the world were at her feet. (образа действия)

17. Should you change your mind, let us know. (условия)

18. I woke to find rain streaming down the windows. (определительное)

19. He had come so close that he and Frank were almost nose to nose. (образа действия)

20. It seemed as if he had been wanting to say all this for years. (образа действия)

Упражнение 2. Use whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, whichever, however.

1. Use whichever of the three alternatives is appropriate. 2. We'd drive wherever I wanted to go. 3. Whatever you do, don't take a trip to the Arctic. 4. Come to see me however you feel you have to talk. 5. However, it was not to be. 6. You can do it whatever you want. 7. He came into our lives, or we came into his, whichever way you care to look at it. 8. — Let's go away. — Wherever to? 9. I have to bring my family back whatever happens. 10. Whoever you are, my heart will go on beating for you. 11. Whatever strong the temptation, don't stay at any job too long. 12. Then they have their lunch, have a chat, have a sleep, wherever they like, up in the lounge. 13. Wherever have you been? 14. Whichever the reason, we were glad she had come back. 15. I avoided physical conflict whenever I could. 16. Whatever you think about it, keep it to yourself. 17. Whenever I remember her face, it is smiling or laughing. 18. However hard she tried, she couldn't remember the first time they had met. 19. Whenever I go on holiday, I always seem to be unlucky with the weather. 20. Whoever you are, you are not to order people about. 21. Come out, wherever you are!

Упражнение 3. Choose the conjunction which fits the meaning of the sentence. In some cases more than one will fit.

1. (As (поскольку), As though, As soon as) it is getting late, I suggest we break off now. 2. Nobody is to leave (until (пока), unless (если только я не), since) I say so. 3. He arrived (just as (в тот же момент когда), as long as, as far as) I was leaving. 4. She cried out (although, as though, as if (как будто)) she had been stung by a wasp. 5. Call in and say hello (whenever (когда), however, wherever) you are in town. 6. (Since (поскольку), Seeing that, In case) nobody else seems to want these sandwiches, I'll eat them. 7. (As soon as (как только), Since, Now that) you leave school, you'll be able to get a good job. 8. (As far as (как), So that, Once) I can see, he has no intention of paying the bill. 9. Stay in your flat (as far as, until (пока), since) somebody sends for you. 10. (Once (когда), Whenever, After?) you have driven a Porsche, you will never want to drive any other car. 11. You will never make friends (if, when, unless (если ты не)) you go out and meet people. 12. We'll invite Chris and Mary, (considering, supposing, assuming) that they are interested. 13. (As (раз уж), When, If (если)) you think it is necessary, send him some more money. 14. Please don t talk (while, whenever, now that) the concert has begun 15.1 do not trust him (as though, even though, although) I do business with him. 16. What were you doing (while (пока), as, after) I was travelling around Europe? 17. What will you do (after, once, now that (раз уж; теперь, когда)) the course is nearly over?

Упражнение 4. Translate into English.

1. По вечерам мы обсуждаем события, которые произошли с нами за день.

In evenings, we discuss the events happened to us during the day.

2. Никто не знает людей, которые приезжали сюда вчера.

Nobody knows those people who came here yesterday.

3. Брак, который не основан на взаимопонимании, длится недолго.

Marriage, which is not based on mutual understanding, does not last long.

4. В Старой Руссе мы посетили дом, в котором жил Ф. Достоевский.

In Staraya Russa we visited the house, in which F. Dostoyevsky had been living.

5. Родители, чьи дети только что закончили школу, были счастливы.

Parents, whose children had just finished school, were happy.

6. Самое лучшее, что ты можешь сделать, — это хорошо выспаться.

The best thing you can do is to have a good sleep.

7. Я получил удовольствие от книги, которая учит нас воспринимать мир философски.

I have enjoyed the book, which teaches us to perceive the world in a philosophical way.

8. Мальчик, который сбежал из дома неделю назад, вчера благополучно вернулся домой.

The boy, who had run away from his house a week ago, safely came home yesterday.

9. Вот дом, в котором я родился.

That’s the house I have been born in.

10. Мой брат, которому всего лишь восемнадцать лет, собирается жениться.

My brother, who is only 18 years old, is going to get married.

11. Есть очень много обычаев и традиций, которые восходят к древним временам.

There are a lot of customs and traditions, which date back to the ancient times.

12. В Лондоне мы отправились осматривать достопримечательности, о которых так много читали.

In London we went to see the places of interests we had been reading a lot about.

13. Отец Линды, который работает в нефтяном бизнесе, хочет, чтобы она стала его правой рукой.

Linda’s father who is in oil business wants her to become his second self.

14. Дж. Роулинг — английская писательница, чьи романы стали национальными бестселлерами в 1997 и 1998.

J. Rowling is an English writer whose novels became the national best-sellers in 1997 and 1998.

15. Трудно сказать, что он может предпринять.

It’s hard to say what he can undertake.

16. Люди, с которыми я работаю, очень доброжелательны.

People whom I work with are very kind.