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Тесты англ

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NB: In American English, “must” often sounds old-fashioned and/or bossy - it’s more natural in most cases to say “have to” as in “You have to be at the airport at 9” not “You must be at the airport at 9”.


She looks pretty sick. I think she ________ go to see a doctor.

a) should

b) can


You’ve been driving all day. You ________ be exhausted!

a) should

b) must


You ________ smoke so much. It’s bad for your health.

a) can’t

b) shouldn’t


Hey I’m lost. ________ you help me?

a) Can

b) Should


You have such a beautiful voice. You ________ sing for us!

a) should

b) could


I know he speaks five languages, but ________ he speak Arabic?

a) should

b) can


That looks very expensive. It ________ cost a fortune!

a) should

b) must


I ________ believe that you failed your test!

a) can’t

b) shouldn’t


I’m on my way. I ________ be there in about 10 minutes.

a) should

b) should not

10. I ________ afford that.

a) can’t

b) shouldn’t

Test 24. Basic Modals (2)

Task: For each sentence, choose the modal (should, can, must) that is most appropriate.

1. This ________ be dangerous if you don’t have the right equipment.

a) should b) must



You ________ yell at your parents. It’s not nice.

a) shouldn’t

b) can’t


I ________ have seen that movie eight times.

a) must

b) can


I can’t allow you to hang around here. You ________ hang around here.

a) can’t

b) shouldn’t

5. P1: Isn’t that Charlie’s umbrella? P2: Yes, he ________ have left it here yester-




a) should

b) must



________ I borrow your pen for a minute?


a) Can

b) Should



P1: ________ you speak Japanese?

P2: No, I can’t.

a) Can

b) Must



It’s late.

I ________ get going.


a) can

b) should



I saw that pen this morning. It ________ be around here somewhere.

a) must

b) can


10. I ________ understand what he’s saying.


a) shouldn’t

b) can’t


Test 25. Mixed Modals (3) Can, Should, Must

Task: Choose the correct, most natural sounding option:

1. Why ________ I care about your problems?

a) can b) should

2. Tom and Rebecca give their daughter a lot of presents. They ________ really love her.

a) can b) must

3. We ________ go out to that new Italian restaurant tonight.

a) can b) must


4. Everyone who crosses the border ________ show his/her passport.

a) must

b) should


5. P1: When is Tom coming?

P2: He's on his way. He ________ be here any




a) must

b) should


6. P1: ________

my friend sleep over? P2: Yes, but he'll have to get permission

from his parents.


a) Can

b) Should


7. ________ you always be so mean to everyone?

a) Can

b) Must

8. ________ you please try to be nicer to your brother?

a) Must

b) Can

9. I ________ get here earlier because of the traffic on the freeway.

a) shouldn't

b) couldn't

10. P1: Which language ________ I learn - French or Italian? P2: I think you

________ learn French.

a) should

b) must

Test 26. Passive Voice (1)

Task: Each of the sentences below is in the PASSIVE VOICE. Write the correct form of each verb in brackets:

1.Tom was ______________ many times to stop screaming in class. (tell)

2.He was ______________ by the movie. (disappoint)

3.He was ______________ by his brother to go to the beach. (convince)

4.The present was ______________ to her by her co-worker. (give)

5.The thief was ______________ by the police. (catch)

6.This book is being ______________ by all the students. (read)

7."Jitterbug Perfume" was ______________ by Tom Robbins. (write)

8.A new shopping mall is going to be ______________ in Pasadena. (build)


9.Many mistakes were ______________ by the students. (make)

10.The meeting was ______________ in the conference room. (hold)

Test 27. Passive Voice (2): Passive Voice

Sentences in the Simple Present

Task: Everyone in the house has a task that he or she normally does. Describe what everyone does, changing each active voice sentence into a passive voice sentence: EX: John buys the food. --> The food is bought by John.

1.Thomas washes the dishes. --> The dishes __________________________ by Thomas.

2.Frank feeds the dogs. --> The dogs __________________________ by Frank.

3.Maria prepares the meals. --> The meals__________________________ by Maria.

4.David cleans the kitchen. --> The kitchen __________________________ by David.

5.My father pays the bills. --> The bills __________________________ by my father.

6.The gardener trims the bushes. --> The bushes __________________________

by the gardener.

7.Helen sets the table. --> The table __________________________ by Helen.

8.My mother waters the plants. --> The plants __________________________ by my mother.

9.Arthur does the laundry. --> The laundry __________________________ by Arthur.

10.My uncle drives us to school. --> We __________________________ to school by my uncle.

Test 28. Passive Voice (3): Passive Voice Sentences in the Simple Past

Task: Fill in the blanks to change each active voice sentence into a passive voice sentence (EX: Henry Miller wrote that book. --> That book was written by Henry Miller).


1.The president gave John an award. --> John ___________________ an award by the president.

2.Everyone saw them. --> They ___________________ by everyone.

3.The police brought him here. --> He ___________________ here by the police.

4.The firefighters saved the women. --> The women ___________________ by the firefighters.

5.All the students understood the explanation. --> The explanation

___________________ by all the students.

6.Mrs. Richardson filed two complaints. --> Two complaints _________________

by Mrs. Richardson.

7.That man stole my wallet. --> My wallet ___________________ by that man.

8.Everyone knew them. --> They ___________________ by everyone.

9.A snake bit him. --> He ___________________ by a snake.

10.Thomas and his brother built that house. --> That house __________________

by Thomas and his brother.

Test 29. Passive Voice (4)

Task: The first sentence is in the ACTIVE VOICE. Choose the most correct way of saying the same thing in the PASSIVE VOICE:

1. They were interviewing her for the job. She ________________ for the job. a) was being interviewed b) was interviewed c) has been interviewed

2. Tom is writing the letter. The letter ________________ by Tom.

a) was written b) is being written c) has been written

3. Everyone understands English. English ________________ by everyone. a) is understood b) has been understood c) was understood

4. The employees brought up this issue during the meeting. This issue

________________ by the employees during the meeting. a) has been brought up b) is brought up c) was brought up

5. The professor told him not to use this data. He ________________ by the professor not to use this data.


a) has been told b) was told c) was being told

6. They say that women are smarter than men. Women ________________ to be smarter than men.

a) were being said

b) were said

c) are said


The fire has destroyed the house. The house ________________ by the fire.

a) has been destroyed b) was being destroyed c) is destroyed


She would have told you. You ________________ by her.

a) would have been told

b) would be told

c) were being told


She would reject the offer. The offer ________________ by her.

a) will have been rejected

b) would be rejected

c) will be rejected

10. This surprises me. I ________________ by this.


a) would have been surprised b) will be surprised

c) am surprised


Test 30. Conjunctions (1)

Task: Choose the conjunction which fits best.


I haven't really studied for this exam, ________ I feel a little nervous.


a) so

b) unless

c) but


I told him not to come, ________ he came anyway.


a) since

b) unless

c) but


Do not do anything ________ you hear from him first.


a) unless

b) since

c) therefore


________ I was really tired, I took a nap for 15 minutes.


a) Although

b) Since

c) Unless


I went to sleep ________I was watching television.


a) While

b) Because

c) Since


6. ________ it was really hot outside, I was wearing shorts.

a) Although b) Since c) Unless

7. He has always done well on exams. This time, ________, he failed.

a) however b) accordingly c) moreover

8. I won't be able to borrow any more money ________ I pay off some of my previous debts.

a) but b) until c) although

9. ________ he wasn't a good player, he had a great game.

a) Since b) Because c) Although

10. The students looked bored________ professor was giving a lecture.

a)while b) therefore c) until

Test 31. Conjunctions ( 2)

Task: Choose the correct conjunction for each sentence:


I will go to the concert, but ________ you go as well.

a) only if

b) unless


I brought along a sandwich, ________ I get hungry.

a) therefore

b) in case


________ she calls me, I feel very happy.

a) So that

b) Whenever


Take this photo, ________ you can remember me.

a) while

b) so that


I will not talk to him ________ he apologizes for what he did.

a) until

b) because


I'll find you ________the class starts.


b) wherever


She spoke ________ she knew what she was talking about, but she didn't.

a) although

b) as if


8. Think carefully ________answering the question.

a) Until b) before

9. I couldn't figure out ________ he said what he said.

a) why b) once

10. I bought you a birthday card ________ I wanted to congratulate you.

a) because b) why


Test 32. Opposites (1)

Task: Write the opposite of each word – EX. "He wasn't happy; he was sad."

1.Don't talk so loudly - Talk more _________________ .

2.I love my new car. I sold my ________________ one.

3.One of his best friends is very rich, but he used to be ________________.

4.Do you like big cars or________________ ones?

5.This towel is wet. Give me a ________________ one.

6.Q: Is that the right answer. A: No, it's ________________.

7.I felt bad in the morning, but now I feel ________________.

8.This towel is dirty. Give me a ________________ shirt.

9.I don't want to spend more time with him. I want to spend ________________

time with him.

10.Q: Do you feel better? A: No, I feel ________________!

Test 33. Opposites (2)

Task: Write the opposite of each word - EX. "He wasn't happy; he was sad."


He's never early; he's always _____________.


Q: Was she wearing a bright dress?

A: No, the _____________ one.



Q: Is your friend tall?


A: No, he's pretty_____________.


P1: The test was really hard!


P2: Really? I thought it




5.This is an ugly building. That one is _____.


Q: Is this his best book?

A: No, it's his _____________ one.


P1: My soup is too cold.

P2: Well, mine is too _____________ !


P1: What an interesting movie!

P2: Hmm, I thought it was

_____________ .




Q: Is the store open?

A: No, I think it's _____________.

10. I thought he lived close, but he lives really _____________!

Test 34. Opposites (3)

Task: Write the opposite of each word - EX. "He wasn't happy; he was sad."

1.North Korea is not a safe country to visit. It is very ________________.

2.This cave is not wide; it is ________________.

3.We thought the water in the river was shallow, but it was very ______________.

4. Q: Was your laptop cheap?

A: No, it was ________________.

5.She used to have long hair, but now her hair is ________________.

6.This paper is too thick. Do you have any ________________ paper?

7.I don't like to wear tight clothes. I like ________________ clothes.


Q: Would you like to eat inside?

A: No, let's eat ________________.


She thought her cup was full, but it was ________________.

10. Q: Is this elevator going up?

A: No, it's going ________________.



Test 35. Correct Word Order (1)

Task: Answer each question, choosing the response which has the correct word order:

1. Q: Who knows about this?

A: ____________ knows about this. It's a se-







a) Really no one


b) No one really




Q: How many times did you tell him?

A: _______________ told him once.

a) I only


b) Only I





Q: How much do you eat?


A: _______________.

a) A lot I eat.


b) I eat a lot.




Q: Are you going to try hard?

A: I _______________ to do my best.

a) try always


b) always try




Q: Did you call me?



A: Yes, I _______________.

a) called you many times


b) many times called you


Q: How many times have you been there?

A: I have been _____________ .


twice there


b) there twice




Q: What is that girl name?

A: I'm not going to ______________.


tell you again


b) again tell you



8. Q: What do you think of Tom?

A: I think he's _______________.

a) very smart

b) a very smart





Q: Have you


cooked this



A: No, I've never tried

_______________ before.




a) this to make

b)to make this




10. Q: Who lives in that house? A: I think George



live b) lives